pypa / cibuildwheel

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Issue with file permissions in tests on Linux GHA build #1882

Open larsoner opened 2 weeks ago

larsoner commented 2 weeks ago


In h5py tests, we do:

os.chmod(fname, stat.S_IREAD)  # Make file read-only

where fname comes from tempfile.mktemp(..., dir=None), and then check that trying to append to this file raises a PermissionError. However, on the Linux build on GHA (only) it does not. This was found as part of a migration from Azure over to GHA -- Azure did not seem to have this problem. None of our other non-cibuildwheel CIs have shown this problem.

Is it possible that this is related to the containerized structure where permissions aren't set on temp files properly for some reason? With a debug statement from, though, I can see that at least Python thinks the permissions have changed properly from 33188 to 33024.

We do also use

manylinux-x86_64-image = ""
manylinux-aarch64-image = ""

so maybe we have some issue with our custom images somehow.

So not 100% sure this is a cibuildwheel problem but wanted to open the issue in case it is.

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