Open kassett opened 7 months ago
Please give me something reproducible
Yes sir! Thanks for the quick response.
dependencies = [
"bokeh>=2.4.3", # For dask diagnostic dashboard
dev = [
dev-mode = true
python = "3.9"
features = [
dev-mode = false
python = "3.9"
path = "~/ivaldi/.venv"
api = "uvicorn ivaldi.server.main:app --host= --port=8080"
hatch -e worker run api
to start the API shows no logs and is seemingly stuck in "Syncing dependencies..."
Can you please give me a full pyproject.toml
and Dockerfile? Normally I would do the extra work but I'm pretty sick this week, sorry!
Yes I can. Give me a second.
requires = ['hatchling']
build-backend = ''
root = 'src'
path = 'src/ivaldi/'
name = 'ivaldi'
description = 'Data ingress manager for HVAC.'
authors = [
{name = 'Will Vega-Brown', email = ''},
{name = 'Robert Lauer', email = ''},
{name = 'Irvin Tang', email = ''},
{name = 'Alex Yee', email = ''},
readme = ''
requires-python = '>=3.9'
dynamic = ['version']
dependencies = [
"bokeh>=2.4.3", # For dask diagnostic dashboard
dev = [
dev-mode = true
python = "3.9"
features = [
dev-mode = false
python = "3.9"
path = "~/ivaldi/.venv"
api = "uvicorn ivaldi.server.main:app --host= --port=8080 --log-config=/ivaldi/logging.conf"
queue-writer = "python src/ivaldi/mqtt/"
saga-writer = "python src/ivaldi/mqtt/"
mock-recommendation-writer = "python src/ivaldi/mqtt/"
recommendation-listener = "python src/ivaldi/mqtt/"
mqtt = "ivaldi.server.main:app"
testpaths = 'test'
packages = ['src/ivaldi']
lint.ignore = [
line-length = 100
lint.extend-select = ['Q', 'RUF100', 'C90', 'UP', 'I']
lint.flake8-quotes = {inline-quotes = 'double', multiline-quotes = 'double'}
lint.mccabe = { max-complexity = 14 }
lint.isort = { known-first-party = ['src/saga3', 'src/tests'] }
target-version = 'py39'
color = true
line-length = 100
target-version = ['py39']
skip-string-normalization = true
release_version = ""
name = "ivaldi"
account = "499303421264"
region = "us-east-1"
repository = "ivaldi-web"
role = "arn:aws:iam::499303421264:role/poweruser"
account = 936436477723
region = "us-east-1"
repository = "ivaldi"
role = "arn:aws:iam::936436477723:role/poweruser"
account = 196960199065
region = "us-gov-east-1"
repository = "ivaldi"
url = ""
cluster_name = "tagup-dev-01"
role = "arn:aws:iam::499303421264:role/ci"
account = "dev"
cluster_name = "stage"
role = "arn:aws:iam::936436477723:role/ci"
account = "com"
cluster_name = "prod"
role = "arn:aws:iam::936436477723:role/ci"
account = "com"
cluster_name = "gov-cluster"
role = "arn:aws-us-gov:iam::196960199065:role/ci"
account = "gov"
overlay = "develop"
cluster = "dev"
registry = "dev"
namespace = "ivaldi"
images = {ivaldi = "server"}
overlay = "stage"
cluster = "stage"
registry = "com"
namespace = "application"
images = {ivaldi = "server"}
overlay = "prod"
cluster = "prod"
registry = "com"
namespace = "application"
images = {ivaldi = "server"}
mount_path = "/ivaldi"
ui_host = ""
registry = "com"
storage_bucket = "tagup-stage-prefect-2"
role_alias = "tagup-com-poweruser"
ui_host = ""
registry = "com"
storage_bucket = "tagup-prod-prefect-orion"
role_alias = "tagup-com-poweruser"
image = "worker"
service_account = "ivaldi"
job_template_path = "deploy/templates/prefect_job.yaml"
file = "src/ivaldi/flows/"
name = "always_fail"
project = "testing"
file = "src/ivaldi/flows/"
name = "cleanup_old_runs"
project = "management"
file = "src/ivaldi/flows/"
name = "transfer_metrics"
project = "management"
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
# base
# ------
FROM python:3.9-slim as base
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/pip pip install hatch setuptools wheel awscli
COPY bin/ /opt/
RUN /opt/ git build-essential ssh libpq-dev curl groff less unzip gpg
RUN apt update ; \
apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl ; \
curl -fsSL$KUBECTL_VERSION/deb/Release.key | gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/kubernetes-apt-keyring.gpg ; \
echo deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/kubernetes-apt-keyring.gpg]$KUBECTL_VERSION/deb/ / | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list ; \
apt-get update ; \
apt-get install -y kubectl
WORKDIR /ivaldi
COPY --chown=tagup:tagup src /ivaldi/src/
COPY --chown=tagup:tagup pyproject.toml /ivaldi/
# Create non-root user
RUN mkdir -p /home/tagup \
&& useradd -s /bin/bash -d /home/tagup tagup \
&& chown -R tagup:tagup /ivaldi \
&& chown tagup:tagup /home/tagup
# dev
# ------
FROM base as dev
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/pip hatch env create dev
USER tagup
ENTRYPOINT ["hatch", "-e", "dev", "run"]
CMD ["python"]
# worker
# ------
FROM base as base
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/pip hatch env create worker
USER tagup
ENTRYPOINT ["hatch", "-e", "worker", "run"]
CMD ["python"]
Docker causes the image to time out on "Syncing dependencies...."
It's possible you have a DNS issue. I've experienced that before with the default DNS service (router) not handling certain lookups (reverse DNS) properly for example.
Try running the container with --dns
(cloudflare DNS). If you need it for image builds you'll need to adjust the /etc/docker/daemon.json
or equivalent config.
I having created several Docker images using Hatch as an entrypoint, and it seems that run
hatch run
inside Docker causes the image to time out on "Syncing dependencies...."