pypa / hatch

Modern, extensible Python project management
MIT License
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Software Bill of Materials (BOM) #1467

Open drewhall opened 1 week ago

drewhall commented 1 week ago

Thank you for Hatch--I love it! Here is an idea for improvement that has been on my mind:

It would be nice to include a command within Hatch to generate SPDX-compatible software bill-of-materials files in JSON or XML format.

You could leverage tools such as those found at SPDX Tools to do most of the heavy lifting.

This would be a nice complement to the SPDX-compatible metadata comments that are automatically inserted into and files by default.

ofek commented 1 week ago

Hey there! I would recommend creating a third-party build hook:

drewhall commented 1 week ago

Thank you--I will try to do that!