pypa / manylinux

Python wheels that work on any linux (almost)
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Add GraalPy #1520

Closed mayeut closed 2 months ago

mayeut commented 1 year ago

In order to install GraalPy in the image, one must call manylinux-interpreters ensure graalpy310-graalpy230_310_native.

closes #1509

mayeut commented 1 year ago

@timfel, I tried to backport most of the comments from #1518 in this PR. We'll able to move forward once the "skip the simple project build on graalpy" is dropped.

timfel commented 11 months ago

@mayeut we have released graalpy 23.1, this should now produce the correct wheel tags and pass the tests. Can we update this PR?

mayeut commented 11 months ago

@timfel, I updated the PR but the tests are not passing. pip 23.3 should fix the issue.

timfel commented 11 months ago

@timfel, I updated the PR but the tests are not passing. pip 23.3 should fix the issue.

Ah yes :( We backported the fix into pip 22.2 whl that we ship, but of course on manylinux we use the latest pip

timfel commented 11 months ago

@timfel, I updated the PR but the tests are not passing. pip 23.3 should fix the issue.

23.3 is out, should we rerun the ci?

mayeut commented 11 months ago

The update of packaging has been moved to 24.1 by the pip team.

timfel commented 4 months ago

Thank you for the update Matthieu 🙏 Let me know if there's anything I need to help with from the GraalPy side 🙂

mayeut commented 4 months ago


It seems the latest beta of pip now works properly with GraalPy so this will most likely be ready in a couple weeks.

Let me know if there's anything I need to help with from the GraalPy side

If you can have a look at how to get automated updates in tools/, it would be nice to have it. Thanks.

henryiii commented 2 months ago

pip 24.1 is out!

msimacek commented 2 months ago

Hi @mayeut, Here's the changes for tools/

index 094653e..ce28e25 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from __future__ import annotations

 import argparse
 import json
+import re
 import subprocess
 from hashlib import sha256
 from pathlib import Path
@@ -82,6 +83,69 @@ def update_pypy_versions(versions, updates):

+def update_graalpy_version(releases, graalpy_spec, tag, arch, version_dict, updates):
+    graalpy_arch = {"x86_64": "amd64"}.get(arch, arch)
+    current_version = None
+    if "version" in version_dict:
+        current_version = Version(version_dict["version"])
+    for r in releases:
+        version = Version(r['tag_name'].split('-')[1])
+        if current_version is not None and current_version >= version:
+            continue
+        if not graalpy_spec.contains(version):
+            continue
+        message = f"updating {tag} {arch} to {version}"
+        print(message)
+        for asset in r['assets']:
+            if asset['name'] == f'graalpy-{version}-linux-{graalpy_arch}.tar.gz':
+                break
+        response = requests.get(asset["browser_download_url"], stream=True)
+        response.raise_for_status()
+        sha256sum = sha256()
+        for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024 * 4):
+            sha256sum.update(chunk)
+        version_dict["version"] = str(version)
+        version_dict["download_url"] = asset["browser_download_url"]
+        version_dict["sha256"] = sha256sum.hexdigest()
+        updates.append(message)
+        break
+def get_next_page_link(response):
+    link = response.headers.get('link')
+    if link:
+        for part in re.split(r'\s*,\s*', link):
+            split = re.split(r'\s*;\s*', part)
+            url = split[0][1:-1]
+            for param in split[1:]:
+                if re.match(r'rel="?next"?', param):
+                    return url
+def update_graalpy_versions(versions, updates):
+    releases = []
+    url = ""
+    while url:
+        response = requests.get(url)
+        response.raise_for_status()
+        releases += response.json()
+        url = get_next_page_link(response)
+    for tag in versions:
+        if not tag.startswith("graalpy"):
+            continue
+        _, abi_tag = tag.split("-")
+        graalpy_ver, _, _ = abi_tag.split("_")
+        assert graalpy_ver.startswith("graalpy")
+        graalpy_ver = graalpy_ver[len("graalpy"):]
+        graalpy_major = int(graalpy_ver[:2])
+        graalpy_minor = int(graalpy_ver[2:])
+        graalpy_spec = Specifier(f"=={graalpy_major}.{graalpy_minor}.*")
+        for arch in versions[tag]:
+            update_graalpy_version(
+                releases, graalpy_spec, tag, arch, versions[tag][arch], updates
+            )
 def main():
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
     parser.add_argument("--dry-run", dest="dry_run", action="store_true", help="dry run")
@@ -89,6 +153,7 @@ def main():
     versions = json.loads(PYTHON_VERSIONS.read_text())
     updates = []
     update_pypy_versions(versions, updates)
+    update_graalpy_versions(versions, updates)
     if not args.dry_run:
         PYTHON_VERSIONS.write_text(json.dumps(versions, indent=2))
         if updates:
mayeut commented 2 months ago

This is now good to merge ! Thanks everyone.