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Publishing a package is hard. New command 'pip publish'? #60

Open hickford opened 9 years ago

hickford commented 9 years ago

Even after you've written a, publishing a package to PyPI is hard. Certainly I found it confusing the first time.

The sequence of steps is complex and made stressful by all the decisions left to the user:

It would be neat to have a single command pip publish analogous to npm publish that did all of this, correctly.

It would build whichever distributions are deemed fashionable (source + wheel). It you weren't logged in it would automatically run the wizard pip register.

beaugunderson commented 9 years ago

Huge :+1: for this.

Related, there's a pip-init command (analogous to npm init). Would be great to have a similarly easy experience with publishing!

(See this thread for details of why I came looking for this)

daenney commented 9 years ago

One of the super unobvious things that I ran into wrt passwords and .pypirc is that if you have tokens in there like the { and } you need to duplicate them, otherwise it tends to try and think they're string format interpolation tokens and it blows up in interesting ways.

beaugunderson commented 9 years ago

Oh, that is very non-obvious! The thing I was publishing when I was thinking about how hard all of this was actually a tiny wrapper around ConfigParser that disables interpolation and implements some other niceties; I didn't have a good example of how interpolation can blow up unexpectedly so thank you for that @daenney!

glyph commented 9 years ago

Since nobody's said it yet - always, always publish with twine. upload uploads via plain text, exposing all your users to unnecessary risk.

ekohl commented 9 years ago

That's great advice which I didn't know. For the lazy people,

merwok commented 9 years ago

FTR Distutils in Python 2.7.7+ uploads using HTTPS.

dstufft commented 9 years ago

Not verified HTTPS, that requires 2.7.9+ (I think it'll use verified then, though I haven't made sure of it).

dstufft commented 9 years ago

Also 3.4.3+ for Verified TLS on 3.x.

But that doesn't matter a whole lot, because of the design of distutils means that if you want to say, upload wheel files for 2.6, 3.2, or 3.3 then you have to upload with a version of Python that doesn't verify HTTPS.

hickford commented 9 years ago

@dstufft thanks Donald for explaining, I hadn't appreciated why part of the solution was to create a new tool, as well as fix the bug. Cool. I think this is all the more reason for a friendly and reliable pip publish command, that would be useful (and receive security updates) to all Python versions

jacobbridges commented 9 years ago

I'm 100% all for this. Python is such a beautiful language, and its use cases range from simple "proof of concept" scripts to proprietary codebases. Yet it seems to be fading in popularity when compared with the Node community. I believe npm is a primary reason Node is so popular. The numbing simplicity of creating and publishing a Node package to the internet drastically lowers the bar for innovation, allowing more people to express their ideas and contributions.

We need something like this for Python. What can I do to help?

glyph commented 9 years ago

I just realized that the only thing I've said so far on this issue is "use twine". What I should really say is: Yes. pip publish is the right solution to this problem.

Pomax commented 7 years ago

been a while - as someone coming to pip from the Node.js + npm world where npm publish is pretty much all you need (on first run, it asks you to set up creds if there aren't any), is there any chance to revive this effort?

axsaucedo commented 7 years ago


Pomax commented 7 years ago

Also note that coming from the Node world, there is npm init, which generates the metadata file without needing to write it yourself. A pip revision that takes its inspiration from npm and yarn in terms of ease of use would be super great.

pdonorio commented 7 years ago

I have been discovering the "python packaging world" the hard way in the last two months.

Frankly I am quite disappointed as a Python teacher in how releasing your code is confusing and not straight as with all the other Python situations.

So a huge +1 for a pip publish and please tell us how to help!

ihavenonickname commented 6 years ago

I am looking forward to this improvement.

ncoghlan commented 6 years ago

I still think tightly coupling the preferred publishing tool with the preferred package consumption tool again would be a major mistake, as the entire point of much of our work in PyPA has been to break the previous tight coupling of publishing tools and compatible download tools established by distutils and setuptools/easy_install. (Keep in mind that the tight coupling favoured by commercial publishing platform operators doesn't apply to the PSF or PyPA)

While twine itself is mainly a workaround for the limitations of the upload command in setuptools/distutils, there are also projects like @takluyver's flit or @ofek's hatch, which have their own flit publish and hatch release commands, such that introducing a new pip publish command would potentially create confusion around "What's the difference between publishing with pip and publishing with my publishing tool's publishing command?".

pip is an installer, let's keep it as an installer, and not try to morph it into an ever growing "all that and the kitchen sink" project manager. We've already seen in our attempts to incorporate virtual environment management into the tutorials that doing so can significantly increase the learning curve for folks using Python for ad hoc personal scripting, and publishing capabilities fall into a similar category where they're only useful to folks writing software for publication, and completely irrelevant to folks that are only interested in local personal automation.

njsmith commented 6 years ago

I think there's a big difference between putting virtualenv into tutorials, and putting uploading into pip. With virtualenv, you're adding a new tool and set of cognitive complexity to the first workflow people read about. With pip publish, we wouldn't mention it in the intro tutorial at all, and when people do get around to reading the tutorial on publishing their own packages, it would let us remove a tool and its associated cognitive complexity. "Oh, I just use pip, I already know pip."

It's really important that we've separated installing+uploading from building. It's not clear to me what the value is in separating installing from uploading. (Besides "we've always done it that way.") What's the value add in having an ecosystem of competing upload tools? Can't we have one obvious way to upload a wheel? Is there any reason flit publish exists, except to let people skip having to learn about and install yet another tool just for this? (These are genuine questions. I guess @takluyver is the one who can answer the last.)

takluyver commented 6 years ago

Is there any reason flit publish exists, except to let people skip having to learn about and install yet another tool just for this?

That's definitely part of it. If someone has prepared a package using flit, I don't want to make them learn about twine to get it published.

There's also a difference in approach, though. I think that integrating build+upload into one command reduces the risk of mistakes where you upload the wrong files - for instance, if you make a last-minute change to the code and forget to rebuild the distributions. Other people would rather separate the steps so they can test the built distributions before uploading those precise files.

pip is an installer, let's keep it as an installer, and not try to morph it into an ever growing "all that and the kitchen sink" project manager.

I guess that the push for features like this and pip init are inspired by tools like cargo, which is one tool that can do ~everything you need to manage a typical rust project - from starting a new project to running tests to publishing a crate.

I admire how this helps make rust approachable, and I think we should keep 'tool overload' in mind when designing packaging tools and documentation for Python (*). But standardising and unifying a collection of different tools which people already use is a much bigger task than designing a unified tool on a blank canvas. I don't want to say it's impossible, and give up on a potentially valuable endeavour before it is begun, but I would expect it to take many years of wrangling with people who, if they aren't happy, can easily walk away and keep using existing tools.

(* It is of course a bit hypocritical for me to talk about tool overload after adding a new tool which serves the same purpose as existing tools.)

pfmoore commented 6 years ago

The fact that pip wheel exists makes this a grey area - in the sense that if there were no pip wheel, it would be obvious (to me, at least) that we shouldn't have pip publish. But pip wheel is (IMO) targeted at allowing users to ensure that they can build the same wheel that pip uses, rather than being particularly targeted at a developer workflow (although it's obviously an option in that case - but questions like reusing build artifacts have very different answers depending on whether pip wheel is for an end user workflow or a developer workflow).

Personally, I do not think pip should try to cover the development workflow. Specifically, I'm against adding pip publish.

As well as pip wheel, we currently have some "convenience" features that support the development workflow (notably editable installs). But editable installs cause a lot of support issues, because they sit somewhat uncomfortably with pip's other functionality. To be honest, if we wanted to make an even clearer split between end user and developer toolsets, I'd be OK with moving editable installs out of core pip as well (but that's a completely separate discussion, and not one I think needs raising at the moment).

(I've just seen @takluyver's comment - basically I agree with pretty much everything he said).

njsmith commented 6 years ago

Oh, pip definitely shouldn't try to cover the development workflow: that would require implementing the functionality of tox, pipenv, flake8, pytest, flit, setuptools, and probably a bunch more I'm forgetting :-). Development is a complex activity that of course will require a wide variety of tools.

But none of this gives me any sense of why pip publish is a bad idea. Pip is already the tool I use to talk to pypi, to build things, and (once PEP 516 lands) to wrap build backends in a uniform interface. The point of pip publish would be to talk to pypi, and maybe wrap build backends and build things. So it feels very natural that pip might be the tool that covers these features.

Again, how does the pip/twine separation benefit users? Are there so many different ways to upload something to pypi that users benefit from a variety of options?

dstufft commented 6 years ago

Again, how does the pip/twine separation benefit users? Are there so many different ways to upload something to pypi that users benefit from a variety of options?

FTR when I originally wrote twine, I intended to put it into pip at some point, I just wanted to bake it externally first. Although the flip side of that is that something like twine wheel would theoretically only build the current wheel (and likely wouldn't install any dependencies at all, assuming you've already set up the environment) and twine upload would then be the pair for that.

IOW, I can see it going either way really.

pfmoore commented 6 years ago

OK. I guess it depends on how you look at the tools. I interact with pip as an end user. I use it to install, to uninstall/upgrade, sometimes to generate wheels for offline use (and for that I generally don't need to worry about whether that needs a build step or just downloads an existing wheel). I don't see it as a development tool (even though pip wheel is a convenient build interface). My build workflow typically doesn't involve editable installs so I don't have a view on that. And most of my publishing is internal, so I don't use pip (or twine!) there either.

I'd be happy to see a unified "interact with PyPI and build systems" tool for development, as it would make it easier for me to get going when I do need to use a PyPI-based development workflow. But I don't really care if that's pip or not.

Again, how does the pip/twine separation benefit users?

Well, users who aren't publishers don't have to deal with documentation that discusses publishing workflows, credential management, etc. Non-developer users of pip don't have to deal with the additional security risks in an upload code path (note - this is unverified speculation, I have no idea if a publish command would significantly increase the risk of vulnerabilities in pip).

Basically, it benefits non-publisher users by giving them a tool focused to their needs, and separating publisher functionality into another tool they can ignore. There's a cost to publishers from this choice, but we have far more non-publishers using pip than publishers. And publishers can be assumed to be technically more experienced, and hence more able to deal with a slightly more complex set of tools.

Are there so many different ways to upload something to pypi that users benefit from a variety of options?

I'm not suggesting competition or a variety of ways, just that the "one way to publish" doesn't need to be the same as the "one way to install". And it isn't at the moment, so it seems to me that the question is what benefit do users get from merging pip and twine? (Given that Python does not have the history of "one tool to rule them all" that npm and cargo offer to Javascript and Rust developers respectively).

Also, in technical terms, there are things like credential management that would be new for pip. And in practice, the upload interface to PyPI is independent of the download interface. So there's not much synergy there. My instinct is that there wouldn't be much technical gain from publish being a pip command rather than in another tool. Add to that the fact that pip is critically short of manpower anyway, and maybe a separate tool bypasses that problem, too...

Rotonen commented 6 years ago

There is also for the problem scope.

matthew-brett commented 6 years ago

I'm involved in a lot of packaging for compiled packages (numpy, scipy, matplotlib ...). The process generally looks like this:

We generally want to upload the wheels before the source, to make sure that users don't suddenly start getting source installs in the period between uploading source and uploading wheels.

I can't see that process being easy to automate with a single command - pip publish or otherwise. There are too many moving pieces. Echoing Thomas' comment, it is not even desirable, because the wheels may not build correctly, and so the extra step between build and upload is useful for review and fixes.

ncoghlan commented 6 years ago

@pfmoore nicely summarised my view on this as well: right now, pip is a tool for anonymous interaction with PyPI, and it serves that role nicely. You can use it just fine without a PyPI configuration file or any form of credential management, since it never attempts to do anything that requires authentication or authorisation.

For someone making the transition from PyPI user to PyPI publisher, there isn't going to be a big difference in complexity between a tutorial that tells someone to start with pip install flit and then goes through a series of instructions culminating in flit publish and a slight variant that culminates in pip publish instead (if anything, the latter may be slightly more confusing, on the grounds of "Why am I switching back to pip for the last step?").

For someone that doesn't want to make that transition (at least, not yet), then having pip publish show up in pip --help is an irrelevant distraction at best, and potentially confusing and offputting at worst.

(To answer Paul's question regarding the security implications, having Python available on a system at all is already such a nightmare when it comes to making data exfiltration easier that having pip publish also available probably wouldn't make a lot of difference in practice. That said, maintaining a deliberately smaller attack surface for an installed-by-default component is pretty much never going to be a bad thing)

dstufft commented 6 years ago

I will say one of most common complaints I see amongst people who are new to Python (either new to programming in general, or new to Python but used to other languages) is how fractured our packaging ecosystem is, and how working with it involves interacting with 12 different tools. It's a common point of frustration I see expressed on Twitter and Reddit and the like. With that, I'm still on the fence!

Some random points:

ncoghlan commented 6 years ago

I prefer the term "publishing tool" to "build tool", because builds happen both pre- and post-publication, which means builds are always going to be driven by the standard formats (either the de facto standard, or the documented pyproject.toml build hooks), no matter when those builds happen. There's also quite a bit more that goes into publishing a project than just specifying how to build it.

setuptools(/distutils) is likely to remain the most popular publishing tool for existing projects for a long time, as it's typically much harder to justify the effort of migrating an existing project over to a new publishing toolchain than it is to justify choosing a newer toolchain with more opinionated defaults for a new project.

That popularity and entrenchment is why so much of PyPA's focus has been on decoupling the popularity of specific publishing tools from our recommendations for preferred installation tools: the factors affecting their adoption are very different, and now that we've successfully decoupled them, we can let our recommendations for new users and our recommendations for new publishers evolve independently of each other. (This is in fairly significant contrast to younger ecosystems that are building their user and publisher audiences concurrently, and need a much higher conversion rate from user to publisher in order to help fully establish themselves)

While it's true that when it comes to developing Python projects, pip install setuptools wheel twine certainly isn't the nicest way to start, it isn't the twine part that makes that especially confusing: it's that setuptools requires you to write directly, without providing reasonable defaults.

Commands like flit init and hatch new have learned from that, and provide much better default starting points than setuptools or distutils ever did. (And thanks to PyPA's decoupling work, publishers are free to switch toolchains between setuptools and hatch or flit and hatch without their end users needing to care in the slightest).

As a separate component, twine is useful not only as a more flexible replacement for sdist bdist_wheel upload, but also as a dependency for other publishing tools (e.g. hatch release uses twine to handle the actual uploads to PyPI. I don't know if flit does something similar, or includes its own upload code, but whether it does or not is completely transparent to me as a flit user).

So I'm completely in favour of switching out the publishing tutorial with one that recommends a more modern and comprehensive publishing toolchain (with flit being the current leading contender for that role, since it strikes a sweet spot of being "the simplest thing that could possibly work" for single file pure Python projects - I'm not sure if he's actually started drafting a version of it, but @jonparrott has been considering that possibility for a while now).

I'm also in favour of encouraging publishing tool developers to rely on twine when it makes sense for them to do so.

The only part that doesn't make sense to me is "Let's make pip a publishing tool", since it would be a major increase in scope for pip, and I don't think it would solve any problem that we actually have.

dstufft commented 6 years ago

It isn't the twine part that makes that especially confusing: it's that setuptools requires you to write directly, without providing reasonable defaults.

I don't think that's particularly true. I mean yes it's true that writing sucks, but I think the more tools we add into it make it more complex and feedback from users on Twitter/Reddit/IRC etc mimic that. In other words, the existence of one problem doesn't make the other problem not real.

At some level this is unavoidable given the scope of what we have for packaging (e.g. a singular build tool isn't going to work for everyone, at least not well) but some of it can be mitigated to reduce the complexity. For instance, the wheel package really should be rolled into setuptools itself, and potentially treating the recommended approach to have tools like flit etc be primarily providers of an API with another tool (twine? pip?) that offers things like publish, build, etc. Given that, it's also a good idea to think about whether it makes sense to bundle that tool with pip, since (A) a lot of the same things are going to hve to be done in both and (B) it further reduces the complexity of having 12 different tools in the toolchain.

pfmoore commented 6 years ago

I will say one of most common complaints I see amongst people who are new to Python (either new to programming in general, or new to Python but used to other languages) is how fractured our packaging ecosystem is, and how working with it involves interacting with 12 different tools.

This I agree with 100%. However, it's not the publishing side of it that bothers me here, it's the other end of the process. Creating a project template, how do I write docs, where do I put tests, how does tox fit in, what do I need to do to integrate CI (Travis? Appveyor? Both? Something else?). By the time I have something to publish, pip install twine; twine upload is near-trivial.

So if we want to emulate that "one tool to rule them all" environment, we should be starting with the "create a new project" end of the process, not the uploading end. Tidy up the upload end later, once we've got the big stuff covered. (And no, I don't think that's something we should be doing - our current approach of guides recommending current best of breed solutions is better suited to the Python ecosystem IMO, even if we do occasionally look enviously at cargo and npm...)

ncoghlan commented 6 years ago

The only things I don't want to sacrifice to the goal of making publishing easier are making pip harder to use (as a non-publisher), and making pip harder to maintain (we already went through the entirety of 2017 without a pip release, so a non-trivial scope increase for the project is one of the last ideas we should be contemplating at this point).

While it's not without it's trade-offs, changing the recommended publishing tool over to a simpler, pure-Python-centric, alternative like flit provides an opportunity to make it easier for folks to get started publishing their own projects, without introducing any new complexity into pip itself.

Keeping PyPI authentication separate from pip also means that as backend support for new authentication methods is added to Warehouse, any new client-side dependencies can be managed as regular dependencies of twine, rather than needing to be bundled with pip itself.

ncoghlan commented 6 years ago

Yeah, for full-fledged "I want to generate a project skeleton with all the trimmings", hatch new my-app is the kind of thing folks may want (it uses cookiecutter under the hood for hatch new, but also offers other opinionated subcommands like hatch test, automated version bumping, etc).

That full skeleton is intimidating for casual personal projects though, hence why flit init seems like a more appropriate starting point to be recommending by default to folks that are still relatively new to programming in general and publishing their first package.

dstufft commented 6 years ago

Flit isn't a replacement for a hypothetical pip publish so I'm not sure why it's even relevant unless you think every single tool like flit should reimplement and provide their own command to upload to PyPI.

dstufft commented 6 years ago

(For the record, I also think that pip init is a good idea).

ofek commented 6 years ago

@ncoghlan Just a minor correction, hatch's new/init is implemented from scratch. cookiecutter seemed bloated to me.

ncoghlan commented 6 years ago

@dstufft As I noted above, with twine as an independent component, other publishing tools are free to re-use its upload capabilities the same way hatch release already does. That's the beauty of requiring publishing tools be pip-installable: they can declare dependencies normally, without having to worry about the complexities of bootstrapping the way that pip does. Avoiding dependency bloat in pip matters, because it becomes dependency bloat in CPython, even with pip being independently upgradeable post-install.

And no, pip init doesn't currently make sense, because pip doesn't define a human facing UX for metadata specification. pip only consumes machine generated metadata in order to execute builds and install components onto a target system.

For an init command to make sense, you need a defined human facing UX, plus a mechanism to translate those instructions into a build process. pipenv defines such a UX for app deployment and test execution environments (via Pipfile), while setuptools/flit/hatch/etc each define one for library publication.

If we try to define such a UX at the pip level, we run into problems, because we can't get by with only pyproject.toml (since that deliberately leaves the build process underspecified), and we can't get by with only Pipfile either (since that only defines how to set up an execution environment for a project or a project's test suite, not how to prepare a project for publication via an index server).

And that's fine: it's reasonable to ask people to choose a tool based on whether they're defining an application execution environment (pipenv), a test suite execution environment (also pipenv) or a new PyPI project (flit et al), and then have an underlying lower level tooling layer that those higher level tools can build on that's also suitable for ad hoc use by people (most notably pip & twine, but also distlib, packaging, etc).

pirate commented 6 years ago

For anyone still following this issue who wants an opinionated python package manager that uses the same CLI interface as npm, and abstracts away all the publishing work, check out :

poetry init
poetry add numpy
poetry version patch
poetry publish

Twine has also gotten better over the last year, and pipenv is great too. If you haven't seen it recently, also check out the new (called Warehouse) which borrows some great UI/UX inspirations from The python packaging ecosystem is definitely moving in a good direction 😀

ncoghlan commented 6 years ago

Alas, poetry's designer has made the decision to perpetuate the poor industry default of silently exposing novice programmers to

Defaults in programming tools should be designed to be safe for novices to rely on, and provide mechanisms for experts to say "I'm dealing with that problem in a different way, so please don't try to handle it implicitly for me".

The write-up of poetry's design goals in the README also makes it clear that the author hasn't grasped (or has chosen not to grasp) the distinction between library dependencies and application dependencies described in

Folks are of course still free to use it if it fits their personal expectations, but I doubt we'll ever be actively recommending it.

cjerdonek commented 6 years ago

On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 3:09 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

Alas, poetry's designer has made the decision to perpetuate the poor industry default of silently exposing novice programmers to Components_with_Known_Vulnerabilities

Out of curiosity, can you elaborate on what the decision was, specifically?


Defaults in programming tools should be designed to be safe for novices to rely on, and provide mechanisms for experts to say "I'm dealing with that problem in a different way, so please don't try to handle it implicitly for me".

The write-up of poetry's design goals in the README also makes it clear that the author hasn't grasped (or has chosen not to grasp) the distinction between library dependencies and application dependencies described in

Folks are of course still free to use it if it fits their personal expectations, but I doubt we'll ever be actively recommending it.

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ncoghlan commented 6 years ago

pipenv requires you to pass --keep-outdated or --selective-upgrade to commands to let it know that you actually want to keep old versions of your dependencies pinned, rather than opportunistically upgrading them when the lock file gets regenerated.

That's a deliberate choice to help combat OWASP A9, not an accidental oversight.

pirate commented 6 years ago

@ncoghlan unless I misunderstood the poetry docs, it looks like poetry intends for users to commit the lockfile, so that packages don't get opportunistically upgraded unless the user explicitly runs poetry update and commits the new lockfile, just as they would with npm. Looks like old versions of dependencies can be pinned too.

ncoghlan commented 6 years ago

I'm referring specifically to the second paragraph in, where the author is disagreeing with our decision to make pipenv install --selective-upgrade explicitly opt-in. By default, pipenv takes the safer path of updating all your dependencies to their latest version whenever you ask it to modify the lock file for any reason.

We know that choice of default is the path less travelled, but the well travelled path is what brought us a world where running versions of dependencies with known vulnerabilities is one of the top 10 most common issues with networked services.

cjerdonek commented 6 years ago

By default, pipenv takes the safer path of updating all your dependencies to their latest version whenever you ask it to modify the lock file for any reason.

Like @pirate is saying, it seems poetry does do this too because its way of having "you ask it to modify the lock file" is to run poetry update:

In order to get the latest versions of the dependencies and to update the pyproject.lock file, you should use the update command.

So it seems the essential difference between the two is that pipenv by default takes install as an opportunity to update its lock file (so it behaves in fact as an update-and-install operation), whereas poetry takes install to be a read-only operation (requiring update to be used to make modifications). So the commands have different semantics in the two projects.

So it seems the debate is over what the semantics of install should be in the presence of a lock file rather than what the behavior should be on a request to update.

I'm not taking sides here -- just pointing out what I see. (Caveat: I've never used either command.)

Pomax commented 6 years ago

This issue is going pretty far off track - a lot of people are still coming here because they want a "pip publish" that just works, can tangents and different feature thoughts be moved to their own issue?

Cloudmersive commented 6 years ago

Is this ever going to happen? First of all, it's a no-brainer and will help grow the python community. Second of all, it's 2018. Come on guys!

ncoghlan commented 6 years ago

Note: comments that add nothing constructive to the discussion will be hidden as spam (since that's the closest we have to an "Irrelevant" option). If you just want to indicate "I personally like this idea and would like to see it implemented", use the emoji reactions on the top post.

sirosen commented 6 years ago

pip should do this because it makes it a more complete tool for answering the question "How do I interact with"

There's been some chatter about pip wheel being the odd man out among pip subcommands, but what about pip search?

I've long wondered why twine needed to exist at all and why it wasn't just part of pip. pip can handle all of my interactions with PyPI except for one.

with twine as an independent component, other publishing tools are free to re-use its upload capabilities the same way hatch release already does

These tools would be free to['pip', 'publish']). It sounded like you were getting at some more subtle point about how being able to depend on twine is nice in a way that being able to depend on pip>=X would not be. Could you elaborate/clarify?

hatch and flit and poetry and anyone else who wants to put sugar on top of pip upload could vendor pip, as pipenv does. It's a pretty niche use-case (and I am okay with marginalizing it further, if it's to the benefit of the other 99% of developers).

I don't think a hypothetical pip publish would work differently than twine does now. It wouldn't be building wheels or anything like that, it'd just take built wheels and sdists and upload them.

💯 twine doesn't do this, and it's scope creep relative to the more essential question: does twine still need to exist at all? Does it serve a useful purpose as a tool distinct from pip?

it's not the publishing side of it that bothers me here, it's the other end of the process. Creating a project template, how do I write docs, where do I put tests, how does tox fit in, what do I need to do to integrate CI (Travis? Appveyor? Both? Something else?). By the time I have something to publish, pip install twine; twine upload is near-trivial.

Agree and disagree.

pip install twine; twine upload is trivial once you know to do it. Having more distinct tools than necessary contributes to the feeling of being overwhelmed you face as a newcomer to the ecosystem. Every item like twine which can be eliminated from a new developer's checklist makes room for them to think about things like testing and docs.

Unlike other issues around simplifying the new developer workflow, pip publish is very clear and concrete, and limited in scope. Those issues matter, but this seems like the more tractable problem.

Also, having a Makefile with pip install twine in all of my projects is annoying. Maybe not very convincing as an argument, but it's true.

markolofsen commented 5 years ago

It's really easy if are you using special tool for publications. It's works in your browser, without any special dependencies.

Try this library for that

Pomax commented 5 years ago

"Adding new tools" does not simplify the process of publishing to PyPi. It's a cool tool, and some people might really like what you've done there @markolofsen, but as an incidental Python dev who has to publish libraries incidentally for work, I don't want more tools: I just want the official recommended tool, pip, to do what anyone who comes to Python from other ecosystems expects it to do: pip publish and it takes care of the rest, without having to install yet more things and having to read more readmes and having to spend more time not publishing a package, taking away that time so I can't spend it doing meaningful things (publishing a package is of course entirely meaningful, but spending an hour or two installing the tools and running into gotchas using them, having to stackoverflow my way to success, is quite the opposite).

takluyver commented 5 years ago

If I might attempt to summarise, I think this thread has mixed two related but different desires:

  1. Some people want pip to specifically include upload functionality so that they don't need to use twine.
  2. Others are frustrated with 'tool bloat' and want a single, standard interface to lots of different development tasks, like cargo or npm offer for their respective languages.

Taking 2 first: pip is not going to be that single interface, as far as I can see. It's big enough and complicated enough already, and I can't imagine that the people who maintain it are interested in increasing its scope dramatically. Someone could make a new tool to be the single interface, and there are tools (like pipenv) which aim to be that. But people have different ideas about how they should work, and nothing has emerged as a clear winner yet. It's much harder to standardise and unify tools people already use than to design standardised tooling on a clean slate.

Back to 1. It would probably be feasible for pip to include upload functionality, but it's still extra complexity that has to be added to pip, and it's not clear that it belongs there. Someone suggested that pip should be the one tool for interacting with PyPI, which may make sense. But it also makes sense that pip is a tool for consuming packages (the name stands for Pip Installs Packages), and that uploading should be part of a 'package production' tool instead.