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The packaging-projects tutorial does not work with hatch #1316

Open LLyaudet opened 11 months ago

LLyaudet commented 11 months ago


I hope this is the right place :) after This tutorial says: "this tutorial uses Hatchling by default, but it will work identically with setuptools, Flit, PDM, and others that support the [project] table for metadata."

But it seems it was converted from a tutorial with setuptools. Hatchling does not seem to work well when the source of the package is in a src/ folder. My repository here demonstrates the problem. I had to switch from hatch to setuptools to have a wheel that is correct. Otherwise code was installed in lib/python3.11/site-packages/src/django-monkey-patches instead of lib/python3.11/site-packages/django_monkey_patches.

Best regards, Laurent Lyaudet

sinoroc commented 11 months ago

@LLyaudet Where is the version of your example that reproduces the issue? In other words where is the version of your example project that uses hatchling as build back-end? The link in your post points to a project with setuptools as build back-end.

LLyaudet commented 11 months ago

@sinoroc Version 1.0.0 was build with hatchling, versions 1.0.1 and 1.1.0 were build with setuptools. Look at the commits history ; there is only 8 commits right now. First dist is here : The previous commit creates file pyproject.toml with hatchling :

LLyaudet commented 11 months ago

git clone and git checkout to this previous commit and you can reproduce the issue :)

LLyaudet commented 11 months ago

or if you only want to check the result of install : pip install django-monkey-patches==1.0.0.

ofek commented 11 months ago

The tutorial works perfectly if you follow it as-is (as recommended). The following line may be misleading:

The directory containing the Python files should match the project name.

The example structure uses proper underscores rather than hyphens for the package directory name which conflicts with that statement. Changing your package directory to underscores fixes your issue.

LLyaudet commented 11 months ago

Thanks for your answer @ofek :). I switched back to hatch and indeed the bug must be only when the name of the directory/module contains hyphens. I still think something may be improved. A warning about hyphens would help. Here is a very verbose warning. Maybe it can be simplified but having a warning of this kind in both the tutorial and in hatch when hatch finds hyphens would be nice :).

""" Make sure to avoid hyphens in your module name. The package name and the python module may differ slightly. For example, your package in pyproject.toml and on pypi may have the name abcd-1234. But a module named abcd-1234 would be cumbersome to import in Python.

import abcd-1234
from abcd-1234 import something

would not work. But having a directory structure with src/abcd_1234/ instead of src/abcd-1234/ has 2 consequences:

LLyaudet commented 11 months ago

Would you be open if I submit a PR to add this warning in the tutorial? I'm also going to ask on hatch repository if they are interested.

henryiii commented 10 months ago

If your package directory has hyphens, it's also not importable by Python.

And I thoroughly tested the tutorial on all four backends, and reported timings for each. ;)

LLyaudet commented 10 months ago

Hello @henryiii Technically you can import them, see for example this link: As I wrote 2 weeks ago > But a module named abcd-1234 would be cumbersome to import in Python. It is cumbersome, but it is possible :P I don't know where you reported timings. I just know that nobody answers my question > Would you be open if I submit a PR to add this warning in the tutorial?

sinoroc commented 10 months ago

Would you be open if I submit a PR to add this warning in the tutorial?

If there is any to add, the warning should be that Python import package names must be valid Python identifiers (or whatever the exact rule is) with a link to the rule. I do not think we need to say that it can not contain hyphens. Because then we also need to say it can not contain a dot . or start with a number (?) and so on.

@LLyaudet If you start a pull request in that sense, I would support it.

LLyaudet commented 10 months ago

Yes exactly @sinoroc, that's how I phrased it in my issue on pypa hatch, regarding valid Python identifier :

Would you be interested in adding a warning when the module under src directory contains hyphens/is not a valid python identifier?

The link is just above @henryiii 's comment.

The emphasis on hyphens is just because it is very common. For example, in our main Django app at my workplace, we have 25 packages like django-something==1.1.1 in our dependencies. But the hyphen is only in the package name for pypi. The module that is imported in the Python code does not contain hyphens. For example, package django-ordered-model is used with from ordered_model.models import OrderedModel I followed exactly this convention with my package django-monkey-patches and from import bar Until I created django-monkey-patches, I thought that there was a regex replace automatically done by building tools to change a package name into a valid identifier. But the truth is that the code is not exactly KISS, but clearly not as sophisticated as I thought. I will look where the rule is written about Python import identifiers.

LLyaudet commented 10 months ago

I could find the following:

import_name: 'import' dotted_as_names

note below: the ('.' | '...') is necessary because '...' is tokenized as ELLIPSIS

import_from: | 'from' ('.' | '...') dotted_name 'import' import_from_targets | 'from' ('.' | '...')+ 'import' import_from_targets import_from_targets: | '(' import_from_as_names [','] ')' | import_from_as_names !',' | '' import_from_as_names: | ','.import_from_as_name+ import_from_as_name: | NAME ['as' NAME ] dotted_as_names: | ','.dotted_as_name+ dotted_as_name: | dotted_name ['as' NAME ] dotted_name: | dotted_name '.' NAME | NAME

I will try to find some time this week-end to look further for the definition of NAME apart from "Upper case names (NAME) denote tokens in the Grammar/Tokens file"
webknjaz commented 10 months ago

@LLyaudet FYI you can use str.isidentifier() to test if a string is a valid Python identifier.

webknjaz commented 10 months ago

I thought that there was a regex replace automatically done by building tools to change a package name into a valid identifier.

The reason this is not happening is that a distribution package that is published to a PyPI project may contain multiple importables with different name. Not just one folder. There may be several importable packages (directories with Python files) and even top-level modules (Python files that end up directly in site-packages/).

Obviously, the rules for the PyPI project name, dist name and the installable content are different. The content is what's going to be imported/loaded in runtime, once the dist is installed. And the dist name (tarball or wheel base name) is what matches the PyPI project, as in what people use in pip install commands. Note that there's normalization that's applied to both PyPI project names and the uploaded distribution package files. So people doing pip install prj-name and pip install prj_name would get the same thing installed. There's also similar redirects on PyPI.

LLyaudet commented 9 months ago

Hello :) Sorry for the delay. I made a PR here : Feel free to edit/improve it :). I wrote it as I thought it would be the most helpful. Best regards, Laurent Lyaudet