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Feedback: "Managing Application Dependencies" and "Packaging Python Projects" Tutorials Are Incompatible #1562

Open rmartine-ias opened 2 weeks ago

rmartine-ias commented 2 weeks ago

Hi! Thank you for writing all of this documentation so clearly, it has been extremely helpful.

"Managing Application Dependencies" suggests Pipenv. "Packaging Python Projects" defaults to hatchling. I assumed that you could follow the two tutorials, in-order, and end up with a working python project, but I had to write a shim to teach hatchling to read a Pipfile.lock. Pipenv doesn't seem to interact with pyproject.toml, and Hatch seems to only read dependencies from there.

I don't know enough about python packaging to suggest a solution. I think you should be able to follow the tutorials as-written and have them be compatible.

`Pipenv.lock` hook `pyproject.toml`: ```toml [build-system] requires = ["hatchling"] build-backend = "" [tool.hatch.metadata.hooks.custom] path = ".ci/" ``` `.ci/`: ```python """Dynamically update the dependencies metadata based on the Pipfile.lock file.""" # noqa: INP001 import json from typing import Any from hatchling.metadata.plugin.interface import MetadataHookInterface class PipfileLockedDependencies(MetadataHookInterface): def update(self, metadata: dict[Any, Any]) -> None: with open("Pipfile.lock") as f: pipfile_lock_data = json.load(f) metadata["dependencies"] = [ f"{pkg}{data['version']}" for pkg, data in pipfile_lock_data["default"].items() ] ```

I feel somewhat bad about suggesting new projects all include this, but at my organization we really want to make locking dependencies the norm. I hope I am missing something obvious.

willingc commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the feedback @rmartine-ias. You have found a legitimate discrepancy that we should address.

I think a good next action would be to determine if the Pipenv recommendation is still the best option (pip-compile and uv would be other options) to recommend in "Managing Application Dependencies".

As for working with Hatch and hatchling, their docs mention third party tools to create the lockfiles.