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Confusing URL in tutorial: #479

Open mgarod opened 6 years ago

mgarod commented 6 years ago

I had a discussion with @brainwane about the confusing nature of the URL in this twine command $ twine upload --repository-url dist/* (

To a beginner like myself, this appears like I'm uploading to the legacy pyPI infrastructure, but Sumana explained that is not the case.

Recommend removing "legacy" from the endpoint.

theacodes commented 6 years ago

This is blocked up the upstream issue over at pypa/warehouse#2285

taiya commented 2 years ago

+1 to this, also simple is mentioned somewhere in the howtos:

Am I supposed to use:

  1. legacy?
  2. simple?
  3. both(legacy for upload, simple for download)?

p.s. by using twine upload ---repository testpypi dist/* at least the ambiguity on what to use for upload is better.

Einenlum commented 1 year ago

According to my tests with poetry, it seems like the /simple only works for download and /legacy only works for uploads.

This is very confusing.