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Support a Custom Validation Policy for Metadata #732

Open dstufft opened 11 months ago

dstufft commented 11 months ago

I'm working on porting Warehouse over to using packaging.metadata to drive our validation, and as I'm teasing apart the existing code it's become clear to me that our metadata validation in Warehouse falls into two categories:

I'm currently implementing this in Warehouse by basically doing this:

from packaging.metadata import Metadata, InvalidMetadata

def parse_metadata(data: bytes) -> Metadata:
    metadata = Metadata.from_email(data)

    errors: list[InvalidMetadata] = []

    # Additional checks

    if errors:
        raise ExceptionGroup("invalid metadata", errors)

    return metadata

This of course works, but it has a few negatives:

An idea that popped into my mind is allowing passing in a "validation policy" of some sort, that would be used to inform the Metadata class of these additional validation checks, and have them handled inline with all of the other validation.

A policy could look something like:

import readme

class MetadataValidationPolicy:
    # TODO: These returns an InvalidMetadata, mostly to keep it similar to full_validate, however
    #            it's probably more ergonomic/expected to raise it? Maybe even full_vallidate should
    #            raise and when the metadata class calls it, it supports either raising an InvalidMetadata
    #            or a ExceptionGroup containing InvalidMetadata.

    def validate_metadata_version(self, metadata_version: str) -> InvalidMetadata | None:
        # PyPI currently only supports *some* Metadata versions, but not all of them, and even if
        # we did support all current ones, new ones require integration work so we don't want to
        # start accepting them implicitly.
        if metadata_version not in {"1.0", "1.1", "1.2", "2.0", "2.1"}:
            return InvalidMetadata("metadata-version", f"{metadata_version!r} is an unsupported metadata version")

    def validate_version(self, version: Version) -> InvalidMetadata | None:
        if version.local:
            return InvalidMetadata("version", f"The use of local versions in {version!r} is not allowed.")

    def full_validate(self, metadata: Metadata) -> list[InvalidMetadata]:
        errors: list[InvalidMetadata] = []

        # This is sort of a bad example, because we wouldn't put this in here because we wouldn't
        # want to throw away the rendered value, but just as an example.
        if metadata.description:
            description_content_type = metadata.description_content_type or "text/x-rst"
            rendered = readme.render(metadata.description, description_content_type, use_fallback=False)
            if rendered is None:
                errors.append(InvalidMetadata("description", f"Failed to render the description using {description_content_type!r}"))

        return errors

Given a policy, the question then becomes how would we inform the Metadata class about it.

The easiest mechanism for doing so I think would be as an additional keyword parameter to the Metadata.from_* methods, so something like:

metadata = Metadata.from_email(b"...", validation_policy=MetadataValidationPolicy())

We don't currently support creating a Metadata instance dynamically other than through the from_* methods, but you could imagine if we did then we could still use a keyword argument to handle that:

metadata = Metadata(..., validation_policy=MetadataValidationPolicy())

Of course that would mean we can't ever have an core metadata field named validation_policy that we want to set through the constructor, but I think it's unlikely that we ever do (and of course if we are worried about it there are other tricks like using _validation_policy or something.

We could even support subclassing Metadata and setting a subclass wide validation policy, if a project wants that rather than manually passing it in to each invocation, using something like:

from packaging.metadata import Metadata as _Metadata

class Metadata(_Metadata, validation_policy=MetadataValidationPolicy):

Of course, supporting this use case does add a non trivial amount of additional complexity to packaging.metadata, and since these validations are purely additive it is entirely possible to implement this outside of the metadata library with relatively minor downsides, so I think it would be perfectly reasonable to declare this out of scope. I wanted to raise it as an idea though, as it kind of surfaced during my work of integrating packaging.metadata into Warehouse.

brettcannon commented 11 months ago

It's at least out of scope of my free time. 😉 But I don't inherently object to this idea either.