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flag to force use of --find-links and ignore later PyPI versions #2090

Closed blink1073 closed 9 years ago

blink1073 commented 9 years ago

Presumably, if the user specifies --find-links, they would prefer to install packages from that directory versus PyPI. For example, if I have a wheelhouse with matplotlib, and I specify pip install -f $WHEELHOUSE matplotlib, it should install from there. However, it will default to install from PyPI unless I ALSO specify --no-index.
You might say that this is the desired behaviour. However, what if I have a requirements.txt file and some of the packages are hosted in my wheelhouse and the others are available on PyPI? There is no pip command that will allow me to install my packages using the requirements.txt file, unless I am missing something.

pfmoore commented 9 years ago

Can you give a specific example? I believe the case you mentioned works as expected - any distributions available via PyPI and --find-links are taken together and the newest version that satisfies the requirements is selected. Does PyPI have a later version of matplotlib than your wheelhouse? If so, then PyPI will be preferred for that reason. You will need to specify the version if you want to avoid getting newer versions from PyPI.

If the issue is that you need a binary wheel and the PyPI distribution is source-only, then #2084 may be relevant to you. At present, there's no way to say to pip "only consider wheels", so a newer source-only distribution on PyPI will be preferred to an older wheel.

blink1073 commented 9 years ago

For example, scikit-image requires matplotlib>=1.1.0. It also supports Py3.2, but matplotlib no longer supports Py3.2 as of 1.4.0. If I have a wheel in my wheelhouse that satisfies the requirement, I'd prefer to use that over the PyPI version.
Perhaps we need another command line option that does what we'd like?

blink1073 commented 9 years ago

Otherwise, we need to make sure ALL of the required dependencies are hosted on that site, even if they can just as easily be gotten from PyPI (e.g. tifffile).

blink1073 commented 9 years ago

How about --preferred-link?

piotr-dobrogost commented 9 years ago

There is no pip command that will allow me to install my packages using the requirements.txt file, unless I am missing something.

I'm afraid you're not missing anything :/ The problem is there's no way to specify per requirement pip options besides --editable in requirements file. If there were such an option then you could specify --no-index and --find-links for packages that you want to be installed from your wheelhouse. Btw, documentation on Package Index Options supported in requirements file is unclear; it doesn't say that these options are global to all requirements in requirements file. Also there's no information in the docs on if and how the options from command line are being merged with options given in requirements file.

Presumably, if the user specifies --find-links, they would prefer to install packages from that directory versus PyPI.

This would indeed solve your problem but I have an impression the root problem is what I described above as you are specifically concerned with using requirements file and there is already a combination of pip options – --no-index and --find-links – that would work if it were supported per requirement in requirements file.

You might take a look at which is concerned with adding some options per requirement. There you will find with a link to SO question with workaround (using shell script and invoking pip for every requirement).

msabramo commented 9 years ago

Could you put in your requirements:



Then it would hopefully prefer your local wheel for matplotlib and get the rest from PyPI, no?

blink1073 commented 9 years ago

What I ended up doing is editing the requirements.txt file for that one build to use matplotlib==1.1.0 instead of matplotlib>=1.1.0. We don't want to necessarily put an upper limit on the MPL version.

msabramo commented 9 years ago

So I wonder if a pip change is still desired or if it's not needed since you were able to get things working?

blink1073 commented 9 years ago

I would call what I did a hack, and still advocate for a built in solution.

piotr-dobrogost commented 9 years ago

What I ended up doing is editing the requirements.txt file for that one build to use matplotlib==1.1.0 instead of matplotlib>=1.1.0. We don't want to necessarily put an upper limit on the MPL version.

How does it help?

blink1073 commented 9 years ago

It is working for us. We have a Travis build specifically against minimum dependencies, and we just replace all the >= in our requirements file with ==.

Themanwithoutaplan commented 9 years ago

I need this to be able to point to local Windows binaries (of lxml but it could be anything) that aren't available online. Behaviour would be to check the local folder first and only going online if something was missing from it. This would allow configuration using pip.ini which reduces typos and explaining this to users (an welcome hurdle when working with newbies on Windows).

piotr-dobrogost commented 9 years ago

What I ended up doing is editing the requirements.txt file for that one build to use matplotlib==1.1.0 instead of matplotlib>=1.1.0.

Does anyone know why this helps here?

qwcode commented 9 years ago

Does anyone know why this helps here?

yes, without ==1.1.0, it would find the latest on PyPI (v1.4.3) and use that.

by restricting it to just "1.1.0", it will end up only sorting the v1.1.0 distributions from find-links and pypi, and our algorithm currently sorts find-links distributions first.

pfmoore commented 9 years ago

Personally, what I would like is an "only use versions that have wheels" option. Maybe on a per-requirement basis. That sounds like the actual issue here.

qwcode commented 9 years ago

How about --preferred-link?

well, we do currently prefer --find-links but that preference is after the preference for latest version.

it would need to be something more complicated like --force-link-use, or possibly --sort-links-before-version

an "only use versions that have wheels" option[...] sounds like the actual issue here.

a reasonable idea, but for this case, wheel is secondary I think. the core issue is that he needed an additional version constraint. the flag you described might not have helped since this project has mac wheels on pypi, and he apparently was using mac from his wheelhouse link.

I would call what I did a hack, and still advocate for a built in solution.

from what you described, you needed an additional version constraint, so IMO you should just add a version constraint using the support that pip provides for that, which is requirements files. So, it doesn't seem like a hack to me. As implemented, --find-links is not for this purpose.

I'm changing the description to be clearer, and closing, since I think it's doubtful something like the 2 flags I mentioned above would be implemented.

BUT, if people find their way to this issue and vote it up, then that's another matter.

Ivoz commented 9 years ago

If Py3.2 has correct install_requires specifiers, you should just be able to list that in requirements.txt. An appropriate matplotlib version will be installed automatically as part of dependency resolution.

qwcode commented 9 years ago

If Py3.2 has correct install_requires specifiers

the project is "scikit-image"

the issue is needing matplotlib<1.4.0 on py32

qwcode commented 9 years ago

to respond to what @Ivoz may have been trying to get at... : )

yes, "scikit-image" can have something like "matplotlib>=1.1.0,<1.4.0" in it's install_requires, but from how I read the conversation, the problem is wanting an "override mechanism" I think for just py3.2

qwcode commented 9 years ago

@blink1073 you could vary install_requires in "" based on checking the python version.

blink1073 commented 9 years ago

Yes, @qwcode, that is probably the best option going forward.

Themanwithoutaplan commented 9 years ago

FWIW zc.buildout has two flags which make behaviour explicit. We already have -n as the default for pip


    Run in newest mode.  This is equivalent to the assignment
    buildout:newest=true.  With this setting, which is the default,
    buildout will try to find the newest versions of distributions
    available that satisfy its requirements.


    Run in non-newest mode.  This is equivalent to the assignment
    buildout:newest=false.  With this setting, buildout will not seek
    new distributions if installed distributions satisfy it's
qwcode commented 9 years ago

We already have -n as the default for pip

"--n" is the default for pip upgrades, not for pip installs.

if I "pip install SomeProject" it will accept the locally installed distribution

in any case, "-n" vs "-N" doesn't seem to be relevant here. it's about PyPI vs find-links preference, not new install vs already installed.

the 2 flags you mention don't apply in this case?

Themanwithoutaplan commented 9 years ago

Sure they do when it comes to using a local cache as specified by find-links. This can't be overridden with version pinning so a flag to favour local, cached files over an index is necessary. This is a common requirement for deployments.

qwcode commented 9 years ago

Sure they do when it comes to using a local cache as specified by find-links

again, -n/-N is about using latest vs installed. this issue was about using latest vs find-links not same. that's my point.

This can't be overridden with version pinning

I don't follow. Again, his core issue was needing an additional version constraint for Py32. So, adding an upper bound or pinning (either in a Py32 requirements file or conditionally in install_requires) is the most straightforward solution IMO.

favour local, cached files over an index is necessary. This is a common requirement for deployments.

pip does favor --find-links already, but not to the point of excluding later versions. If that's needed, then, in my IMO, that's where version constraints should come in. your deployment process should be explicit about what is needed, not just have it indirectly work out because you have the right version in a directory.

mboisson commented 7 years ago

I am running into the exact same issue actually. I need a way to tell pip to prefer the local version to the pipy version. Is there no way to do so still 2 years after this issue was opened ?

pfmoore commented 7 years ago

I need a way to tell pip to prefer the local version to the pipy version

Why do you need to do that, and why is specifying the explicit version you have locally not an acceptable solution?

mboisson commented 7 years ago

We build numpy, scipy, locally, binding to MKL, which offers better performance than the wheel version from pipy. We want that if a user types "pip install numpy", then it will install our MKL-bound version, not the one from pipy.

Previously, numpy was not available in wheel format on pipy, so we had setup only-binary = numpy,scipy,matplotlib, etc.

This no longer works.

mboisson commented 7 years ago

Running pip install in verbose mode, I see :

Local files found: /cvmfs/ Using version 1.12.0 (newest of versions: 1.6.0, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.7.0, 1.7.1, 1.7.2, 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.9.0, 1.9.1, 1.9.2, 1.9.3, 1.10.0, 1.10.1, 1.10.2, 1.10.3, 1.10.4, 1.11.0, 1.11.1, 1.11.2, 1.11.3, 1.12.0) "GET /packages/cb/47/19e96945ee6012459e85f87728633f05b1e8791677ae64370d16ac4c849e/numpy-1.12.0-cp27-cp27mu-manylinux1_x86_64.whl HTTP/1.1" 200 16497183 Downloading numpy-1.12.0-cp27-cp27mu-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (16.5MB)

which makes no sense. It finds an acceptable link locally, it is the most recent version and yet retrieve the online version.

xavfernandez commented 7 years ago

Looks like it is related to #3844

mboisson commented 7 years ago

Indeed, it does look related.

pfmoore commented 7 years ago

Agreed, this seems related to #3844. It also sounds like it's related to the discussions that have gone on in the past (sorry, I don't have an issue number) about letting people specify finer-grained custom compatibility flags ("bound to MKL" may be viewed as a binary compatibility restriction, although it's more a preference than a hard requirement).

mboisson commented 7 years ago

In an HPC environment, running the best performing binary is kind of a requirement....

pfmoore commented 7 years ago

Understood, but as I understand it, MKL is specifically a numeric library, so we wouldn't want to reject a binary of lxml (for example) just because it's not tagged "MKL", given that it wouldn't actually link in any of MKL in any case.

mboisson commented 7 years ago

No, indeed. All I'm saying is that if I bother providing a wheelhouse with a find-links, the packages I put there better be used in priority... there's no reason to do this otherwise...

pfmoore commented 7 years ago

Well, the best match algorithm is

  1. Version
  2. Compatibility tag priority (conceded the manylinux1 vs linux issue needs resolving here)

The various sources (--index-url and --find-links) don't affect this ordering. If you're arguing that version and compatibility tag being equal then local taking priority over remote[1] should be added as a rule, then we're still looking for a reason for this (your use case should be covered by compatibility tags, MKL and non-MKL builds aren't compatible after all). If you're suggesting that local vs remote override the above list, then that's a major change in semantics, and I can't imagine it happening.

[1] Any such proposal would need to be explicit about what counts as local, though. Is a local devpi instance accessed via --index-url local or remote? Does the answer change if it's a public wheel hosting service? Is --find-links pointing at a http location local or remote?

dstufft commented 7 years ago

You could also do 1.12.0+mkl or something and that will be newer than 1.12.0 (but older than 1.12.1).

mboisson commented 7 years ago

manylinux1, linux, mkl or not... all of those are compatible with our system. When multiple tags are compatible, there is no reason to select one over the other. If a use bothers specifying alternate locations to the default, they should take precedence given the same version. I'ld even argue that it would be desirable to give the option to always favour find-links rather than index-url if it is available, whatever version is available on pipy.

mboisson commented 7 years ago

How would one add the additional tag ?

On janv. 26, 2017 at 6:06 PM (x-apple-data-detectors://0), <Donald Stufft (> wrote:

You could also do 1.12.0+mkl or something and that will be newer than 1.12.0 (but older than 1.12.1).

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dstufft commented 7 years ago

That's not fine grained enough, what if you have two things specified with --find-links? How do you decide the priority between them. We have to make some choice on which one we install, so we sort all of the available files using a priority of Version, Format, Specificity, and finally Location (mostly by nature of the fact we use a stable sort, and we scan the URLs in order).

It would not be particularly difficult to use the specificity sort to allow you to define a custom platform tag for your platform that takes precedence over all others (but a newer version would still be chosen over an older version). It mostly just takes someone to write the PR for it.

Trying to allow pinning to a specific location or something like that is not likely to happen without a revamp of our configuration and repository support (something I have planned) because it's hard to get fine grained enough with out current setup where we are passing in repository locations via CLI flags and environment variables.

dstufft commented 7 years ago

How would one add the additional tag ?

It's a version number, when you build your wheel you'd just add +whatever onto the end of the version. This is treated as both == to whatever the non +whatever version and newer than it. This means if you pin to ==1.12.0 then it will still select 1.12.0+mkl, and since it considers it newer than 1.12.0, it will always be selected over any other 1.12.0 version.

mboisson commented 7 years ago

Actually, local vs non local does not make a difference. What does is default vs non default. If I specify a URL, online or local, I do expect that those packages are given priority if found. I would even go as far as saying that it should be possible to trump the version and tag priority in favour of location through some configuration. A well optimized build is much more likely to make a difference in performance than v 1.12.0 vs 1.12.1


On janv. 26, 2017 at 6:04 PM (x-apple-data-detectors://0), <Paul Moore (> wrote:

Well, the best match algorithm is


Compatibility tag priority (conceded the manylinux1 vs linux issue needs resolving here)

The various sources (--index-url and --find-links) don't affect this ordering. If you're arguing that version and compatibility tag being equal then local taking priority over remote[1] should be added as a rule, then we're still looking for a reason for this (your use case should be covered by compatibility tags, MKL and non-MKL builds aren't compatible after all). If you're suggesting that local vs remote override the above list, then that's a major change in semantics, and I can't imagine it happening.

[1] Any such proposal would need to be explicit about what counts as local, though. Is a local devpi instance accessed via --index-url local or remote? Does the answer change if it's a public wheel hosting service? Is --find-links pointing at a http location local or remote?

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mboisson commented 7 years ago

So... I usually build with

python bdist_wheel

I would put the +whatever where ?

On janv. 26, 2017 at 6:19 PM (x-apple-data-detectors://0), <Donald Stufft (> wrote:

How would one add the additional tag ?

It's a version number, when you build your wheel you'd just add +whatever onto the end of the version. This is treated as both == to whatever the non +whatever version and newer than it. This means if you pin to ==1.12.0 then it will still select 1.12.0+mkl, and since it considers it newer than 1.12.0, it will always be selected over any other 1.12.0 version.

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mboisson commented 7 years ago

If you have two things specified with find-links, prioritize the first one over the last one.

On janv. 26, 2017 at 6:18 PM (x-apple-data-detectors://0), <Donald Stufft (> wrote:

That's not fine grained enough, what if you have two things specified with --find-links? How do you decide the priority between them. We have to make some choice on which one we install, so we sort all of the available files using a priority of Version, Format, Specificity, and finally Location (mostly by nature of the fact we use a stable sort, and we scan the URLs in order).

It would not be particularly difficult to use the specificity sort to allow you to define a custom platform tag for your platform that takes precedence over all others (but a newer version would still be chosen over an older version). It mostly just takes someone to write the PR for it.

Trying to allow pinning to a specific location or something like that is not likely to happen without a revamp of our configuration and repository support (something I have planned) because it's hard to get fine grained enough with out current setup where we are passing in repository locations via CLI flags and environment variables.

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dstufft commented 7 years ago

You'd likely need to modify the unless it was written with this idea in general.

mboisson commented 7 years ago

You'd likely need to modify the unless it was written with this idea in general.

Well that's rather useless as a general solution....

estan commented 5 years ago

I'm in the same boat. We have a custom built h5py wheel (version 2.9.0, same version as latest PyPI manylinux wheel). We want to always use out custom-built wheel, because it links against the system HDF5 library, instead of using a bundled one like the manylinux wheel does, which is a requirement for us. EDIT: I guess our situation is more related to

lock[bot] commented 5 years ago

This thread has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs.