pypa / pip

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Pip uninstall doesn't find installed editable package that pip show knows about #6895

Closed maphew closed 4 years ago

maphew commented 5 years ago



pip uninstall <pkg> says there's nothing to uninstall while pip show <pkg> gives full details and the entry points script is in path and (trys to) work. Using sudo gives same results.

Expected behavior I expect to be able to uninstall anything pip show knows about.

How to Reproduce

I'm not sure how to reproduce, but it involves some combination of pip install leo (from pypi) and pip install --editable path/to/leo-editor (from local code). This is a laptop I've been using for a few years and I've been working on this project in a few different ways in that time.

Output The leo script show at end is installed by entry_points. Included in the output to demonstrate that it's not simply that pip show is mistaken, the package actually is installed.

matt@dell-xps ~/code/leo-editor $ which pip
matt@dell-xps ~/code/leo-editor $ `which pip` --version
pip 19.2.2 from /home/matt/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip (python 3.5)
matt@dell-xps ~/code/leo-editor $ pip show leo
Name: leo
Version: 6.1-dev-dev32
Summary: An IDE, PIM and Outliner
Author: Edward K. Ream
License: MIT License
Location: /home/matt/code/leo-editor
Requires: PyQtWebEngine, docutils, meta, nbformat, pylint, pyflakes, setupext-janitor, shortcutter, sphinx, future, six, flexx
matt@dell-xps ~/code/leo-editor $ pip uninstall leo
Can't uninstall 'leo'. No files were found to uninstall.
matt@dell-xps ~/code/leo-editor $ which leo
matt@dell-xps ~/code/leo-editor $ leo --version

    Leo requires Python 3.6 or higher.
    You may download Python from

Traceback (most recent call last):
{...snip... this error not related to this bug report}
chrahunt commented 5 years ago

Hello! Can you re-run pip uninstall with the -v flag and provide the output? That should help rule out some possibilities.

maphew commented 5 years ago
matt@dell-xps ~/code/leo-editor $ pip uninstall -v leo
Not sure how to uninstall: leo 6.1-dev-dev37 - Check: /home/matt/code/leo-editor
Can't uninstall 'leo'. No files were found to uninstall.
matt@dell-xps ~/code/leo-editor $ pip show leo
Name: leo
Version: 6.1-dev-dev37
Summary: An IDE, PIM and Outliner
Author: Edward K. Ream
License: MIT License
Location: /home/matt/code/leo-editor
Requires: PyQtWebEngine, docutils, meta, nbformat, pylint, pyflakes, setupext-janitor, pip, sphinx, future, six, flexx
matt@dell-xps ~/code/leo-editor $ pip list
Package                       Version                Location                  
----------------------------- ---------------------- --------------------------
alabaster                     0.7.12                 
apt-clone                     0.2.1                  
apt-xapian-index              0.47                   
apturl                        0.5.2                  
astroid                       2.2.5                  
attrs                         19.1.0                 
Babel                         2.7.0                  
blinker                       1.3                    
Brlapi                        0.6.4                  
catfish                       1.4.2                  
chardet                       2.3.0                  
command-not-found             0.3                    
configobj                     5.0.6                  
cryptography                  1.2.3                  
Cython                        0.21                   
decorator                     4.4.0                  
defer                         1.0.6                  
dialite                       0.5.2                  
dirspec                       13.10                  
docutils                      0.15.2                 
flexx                         0.8.0                  
future                        0.17.1                 
httplib2                      0.9.1                  
idna                          2.0                    
imagesize                     1.1.0                  
indicator-cpufreq             0.2.2                  
ipython-genutils              0.2.0                  
isort                         4.3.21                 
Jinja2                        2.10.1                 
jsonschema                    3.0.2                  
jupyter-core                  4.5.0                  
keyring                       7.3                    
lazy-object-proxy             1.4.1                  
leo                           6.1-dev-dev37          /home/matt/code/leo-editor
louis                         2.6.4                  
lxml                          3.5.0                  
MarkupSafe                    1.1.1                  
mccabe                        0.6.1                  
menulibre                     2.1.3                  
meta                          1.0.2                  
mugshot                       0.3.1                  
nbformat                      4.4.0                  
oauthlib                      1.0.3                  
oneconf                       0.3.9                  
packaging                     19.1                   
pexpect                       4.0.1                  
Pillow                        3.1.2                  
pip                           19.2.2                 
piston-mini-client            0.7.5                  
pscript                       0.7.1                  
psutil                        3.4.2                  
ptyprocess                    0.5                    
pyasn1                        0.1.9                  
pycrypto                      2.6.1                  
pycups                        1.9.73                 
pycurl                        7.43.0                 
pyflakes                      2.1.1                  
Pygments                      2.4.2                  
pygobject                     3.20.0                 
PyICU                         1.9.2                  
PyJWT                         1.3.0                  
pylint                        2.3.1                  
pyparsing                     2.4.2                  
PyQt5                         5.13.0                 
PyQt5-sip                     4.19.18                
PyQtWebEngine                 5.13.0                 
pyrsistent                    0.15.4                 
python-apt                    1.1.0b1+ubuntu0.16.4.5 
python-debian                 0.1.27                 
python-xapp                   1.0.0                  
pytz                          2019.2                 
pyxdg                         0.25                   
reportlab                     3.3.0                  
requests                      2.9.1                  
screen-resolution-extra       0.0.0                  
sessioninstaller              0.0.0                  
setproctitle                  1.1.8                  
setupext-janitor              1.1.1                  
setuptools                    20.7.0                 
six                           1.12.0                 
snowballstemmer               1.9.0                  
Sphinx                        2.1.2                  
sphinxcontrib-applehelp       1.0.1                  
sphinxcontrib-devhelp         1.0.1                  
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp        1.0.2                  
sphinxcontrib-jsmath          1.0.1                  
sphinxcontrib-qthelp          1.0.2                  
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.3                  
system-service                0.3                    
thin-client-config-agent      0.8                    
tornado                       6.0.3                  
traitlets                     4.3.2                  
typed-ast                     1.4.0                  
ubuntu-drivers-common         0.0.0                  
ufw                           0.35                   
unattended-upgrades           0.1                    
urllib3                       1.13.1                 
virtkey                       0.63.0                 
webruntime                    0.5.6                  
wrapt                         1.11.2                 
xkit                          0.0.0                  
zope.interface                4.1.3                  
WARNING: You are using pip version 19.2.2, however version 19.3.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
chrahunt commented 4 years ago

Thanks. Can you try running the uninstall command from a different directory? I think we're hitting #6558 here, which is confusing the situation.

maphew commented 4 years ago

I'm not seeing the problem anymore, either within the code repo directory or without. Pip version is the same, 19.2.2, but python is now 3.6 whereas it was 3.5 when I first posted.

I looked at ~/.bash_history to try and reconstruct what might have changed but it's too noisy to make conclusions from. (hmmm, datestamped shell history would be nice sometimes...) Aptitude was run so something likely happened there.

Closing as can no longer reproduce. Thank you for the time and attention you devoted to investigating!