pypa / setuptools-scm

the blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags
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rename semver* version schemes to semver-pep440-* to prevent confusion #679

Open sschwarzer opened 2 years ago

sschwarzer commented 2 years ago

The README of setuptools_scm mentions appending .devN for Semver version numbers, but according to Semver the minor version number may only be followed by a - or a +.

You can also check the constructed version numbers with the regular expressions on the site (further down in the FAQ).

RonnyPfannschmidt commented 2 years ago

Python version standards don't quit match general semver

sschwarzer commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I should have been more explicit. I meant that version schema names that have "semver" in the name, like "python-simplified-semver" and "release-branch-semver", should conform to semver. At least that's what I'd expect and probably many others.

RonnyPfannschmidt commented 2 years ago

As currently nobody has defined a correct mapping of semver to the python standards, that's not sanely possible

Any suggestions for a solution there?

sschwarzer commented 2 years ago

After having checked a few Python projects, I'm skeptical that there even is a "Python standard" or "Python standards."

From the projects I checked,

My impression is that version numbers/names among Python projects vary quite a bit.

My suggestion therefore is to change the version scheme name "python-simplified-semver" to "simplified-semver" and use a hyphen instead of the dot after the patch version (to conform to Similarly, change the version scheme "release-branch-semver" to use a hyphen instead of a dot. If you still want a version scheme that uses a dot instead of a hyphen, give it a name that doesn't include "semver", to avoid confusion.

In my opinion, we should try to have fewer rather than more "standards" (if at all reasonable). This xkcd comic comes to mind. :-)

RonnyPfannschmidt commented 2 years ago

sschwarzer commented 2 years ago

That's very interesting, thank you! That's sufficiently "standardy" for me. ;-)

I plan to send an updated suggestion for the version schemes today or tomorrow.

sschwarzer commented 2 years ago

So here's an updated suggestion for the version schemes:

Generally, I think it would be good to prefix the names with the version schemes to show the used standard behind them.

If you use Semver with a post (or dev suffix), you could use concrete versions like 1.2.3-post4, so the suffix (apart from the hyphen instead of a dot) would be consistent with the PEP 440 scheme (1.2.3.post4). An alternative for Semver might be 1.2.3-post.4 since Semver defines the sort order for versions in this case so that numeric-only dot-separated parts after the hyphen are sorted numerically, so 1.2.3-post.2 would be sorted before 1.2.3-post.10 (see point 11.4.1 of the Semver spec). But I have no idea if users will want to sort these versions. Maybe that's too subtle, I don't know. It just occurred to me, so I wanted to mention it. :-)

RonnyPfannschmidt commented 2 years ago


i shall consider renaming the existing methods (and leaving aliases in place)

i will not implement anything matching the semver standard in detail, as i do not use it personally, and the finer details seem absolutely and harrowing error prone

i will take a while to get back at figuring a good name for the semver-ish ness

RonnyPfannschmidt commented 1 year ago

there wil lbe a rename to semver-pep440 to better indicate the anesm

i wont implement additional schemes