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Some packages not showing up when searching by name #326

Closed ewdurbin closed 8 years ago

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Originally reported by: MattDMo (Bitbucket: MattDMo, GitHub: MattDMo)

Some packages are not showing up in the search results, even though entering the URL directly works. For example:

Search: pandas

Direct: pandas

Search: patsy

Direct: patsy

Search: pytz

Direct: pytz

Search: prettytable

Direct: prettytable

Search: alabaster

Direct: alabaster

Search: blaze

Direct: blaze

Search: bottleneck

Direct: bottleneck

Search: biopython

Direct: biopython

Search: cherrypy

Direct: cherrypy

Search: django

Direct: django

Search: ipython

Direct: ipython

Search: mahotas (redirects to SeedWaterSegmenter)

Direct: mahotas

And there are many more. I can't find any rhyme or reason to what is found and what isn't.

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Jonathan Lee (Bitbucket: jon--lee, GitHub: jon--lee):

I'm facing the same issue with my package. In fact in the last few days someone added a package with a similar name. Now when you search 'neuralpy' it instantly directs to 'neural-python,' which is not my package. It's weird because my other package appears normally in searches.

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by MusiKernel Team (Bitbucket: j3ffhubb, GitHub: j3ffhubb):

I did some more digging around, and discovered that something may be amiss with the "hide versions" functionality. I unchecked the "auto-hide old versions" checkbox and proceeded to make various changes to which version of simplecf are visible, and the changes I make do not persist, or when the page refreshes they are some seemingly random combination of "yes|no" other than what I had specified. None of the changes I made caused any combination of releases to become visible in pip/pypi searches.

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by anatoly techtonik (Bitbucket: techtonik, GitHub: techtonik):

Search: libtcod

Direct: tdl

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Peter Brittain (Bitbucket: peter_brittain, GitHub: Unknown):

Also see

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Patrick Maupin (Bitbucket: pmaupin, GitHub: pmaupin):

Same thing for pdfrw

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Patrick Maupin (Bitbucket: pmaupin, GitHub: pmaupin):

Issue #329 was marked as a duplicate of this issue.

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by taurgal (Bitbucket: taurgal, GitHub: taurgal):

Same here with:

Search: py-apetag; Direct: py-apetag

The command

pip search py-apetag

do not list it either

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Andrej Copar (Bitbucket: acopar, GitHub: acopar):

These packages are also not in the search index:

Search: Orange-Bioinformatics; Direct: Orange-Bioinformatics

Search: Orange3-Prototypes; Direct: Orange3-Prototypes

Search: Orange3-DataFusion; Direct: Orange3-DataFusion

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by MusiKernel Team (Bitbucket: j3ffhubb, GitHub: j3ffhubb):

My package (simplecf) has the same problem others have mentioned. I think the package meta-data such as keywords, etc... may have been modified during the pypi database migration, but manually adding various keywords still doesn't cause it to show up in pypi or pip searches for any of the keywords or package name.

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Brad Miller (Bitbucket: bnmnetp, GitHub: bnmnetp):

My package is listed under "Your packages" when I login, and I can pip install it, but it is not found when searching on the website or through pip.

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Ehsan Keshavarzian (Bitbucket: ehsan-keshavarzian, GitHub: ehsan-keshavarzian):

My package is suffering from the same problem. I also noticed when I download the package it doesn't increase the number of downloads. Also, many popular packages have 0 downloads for last day, even the packages that show up in search results. Search: pythonlangutil Direct: pythonlangutil

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Peter Brittain (Bitbucket: peterbrittain, GitHub: peterbrittain):

I don't know if it helps, but I, too am suffering from this problem with asciimatics. This only has a modest number of downloads, but they have all stopped in the last 48 hours. Direct links still work, but a search returns nothing. Uploading a newer version today seems to have had no effect.

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Richard P (Bitbucket: richard_p_deedasmi, GitHub: Unknown):

I recently submitted my first package and it's also missing from the search index. It showed up for a couple hours, but I haven't been able to search it since the day I submitted it.

MikimotoH commented 7 years ago

My package is searchable by pypi or pip3

I created a package, named furigana . This package page can be browsed by a user not logined to pypi. However, if I search "furigana" in the homepage of pypi, it can not find my package "furigana". I also used pip3 search to search it, and it find nothing.

I ran below commands to create archive and upload it by twine:

python3 test
python3 sdist
twine upload dist/furigana-0.0.7.tar.gz

The output message of twine is:

Uploading distributions to
Uploading furigana-0.0.7.tar.gz

My ~/.pypirc is

index-servers =


My is

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from setuptools import setup
from os import path

here = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))

# Get the long description from the relevant file
with open(path.join(here, 'README.rst'), encoding='utf-8') as f:
    long_description =

        description='''convert Kanji in Japanese into Kanji attached with Hiragana (Furigana(振り仮名))
        For example, "澱んだ街角" => "澱(よど)んだ街角(まちかど)" ''',
        long_description = long_description,
            # How mature is this project? Common values are
            #   3 - Alpha
            #   4 - Beta
            #   5 - Production/Stable
            'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha',
            'Environment :: Console',
            'Intended Audience :: Developers',
            'Intended Audience :: Science/Research',
            'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License',
            'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
            'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules',
            'Topic :: Text Processing :: Linguistic',
        keywords='Japanese Language Processing',