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Project Limit Request: `biotite` - 20 GB #4239

Closed padix-key closed 5 days ago

padix-key commented 1 week ago

Project URL

Does this project already exist?

New limit

20 GB

Update issue title

Which indexes


About the project

The project provides a comprehensive set of functionalities for bioinformatics. It exists for ~6.5 years.

How large is each release?

~300 MB. Each distribution bundles a reduced and compressed version of the Chemical Component Dictionary required for a number of functionalities, which increases the wheel size. Furthermore each wheel contains compiled Cython modules.

How frequently do you make a release?

Approximately every 2-3 months.

Code of Conduct

cmaureir commented 5 days ago

Hey @padix-key :wave: I've set the project limit for biotite to 20 GB on PyPI. Have a nice week :tada:

padix-key commented 4 days ago

Thanks a lot!