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Project Limit Request: ruff - 40 GB #4270

Closed charliermarsh closed 4 days ago

charliermarsh commented 5 days ago

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About the project

Ruff is a Python linter, formatter, and code transformation tool written in Rust. It's used across the Python ecosystem by projects like FastAPI, Pandas, Apache Airflow, CPython, and more. The first release was in August 2022.

How large is each release?

We publish 16 wheels for each release. Each wheel is around 10 MB (most a bit less than that), and the release as a whole is around 150 MB.

We don't bundle any data or other packages.

We were granted an increase from 10 GB to 20 GB in, about a year and a half ago, but we've now hit that limit.

How frequently do you make a release?

Once a week.

Code of Conduct

cmaureir commented 4 days ago

Hey @charliermarsh :wave: I've set the project limit for ruff to 40 GB on PyPI. Please be mindful of the frequency of releases at that size, and explore options to reduce the amount of wheels by some research on PyO3 and the Python Limited API. Have a nice week 👍

charliermarsh commented 4 days ago

Thank you very much.