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Project Limit Request: aws-cdk-lib - 50 GiB #4294

Open scanlonp opened 2 days ago

scanlonp commented 2 days ago

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New limit

50 GiB

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About the project

Project on github:

We started releasing aws-cdk-lib weekly since 01/21/2021, and the total size of all published artifacts is just under 20 GiB. The current package size is ~34 MiB, and we expect that to remain the same generally the same.

We have hit the 20 GiB limit with our last release, which is blocking the source distribution upload, so requesting an increase.

How large is each release?

~ 34 MiB A package that bundles all of the JavaScript code that the python source calls through a technology called JSII. This package is essentially the aws-cdk-lib npm package.

We have reduced our package size since our last size limit (#1642) request by almost half by reducing bundled dependencies.

How frequently do you make a release?

Once per week.

Code of Conduct

comcalvi commented 2 days ago

Can we query the PyPI API to get the current package size, as in the number that counts towards the limit? I found this: but it doesn't seem to support getting the current total file size.