We are going to release a version that contains CUDA11, but it's too large to upload, around 2.2GB. It's hard to compress the size, you could refer PyTorch's CUDA11 package, cu110/torch-1.7.0%2Bcu110-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl is about 2GB.
There are 12 files in one version, around 15GB in total.
4 of them are Linux package for 3.6 - 3.8, each one's size is around 1.5GB
4 of them are macOS package for 3.6 - 3.8, each one's size is around 30MB (No CUDA support)
4 of them are Windows package for 3.6 - 3.8, each one's size is around 2GB
Project https://pypi.org/project/MegEngine/
Does this project already exist? Yes
Size of release/project 2500MB / 35GB
Which indexes PyPI and Test PyPI
Reasons for the request
This is a deep learning framework with full support for CUDA. We have already request for 850MB limit in the PyPI index at https://github.com/pypa/pypi-support/issues/289.
We are going to release a version that contains CUDA11, but it's too large to upload, around 2.2GB. It's hard to compress the size, you could refer PyTorch's CUDA11 package,
is about 2GB.There are 12 files in one version, around 15GB in total.