When looking for an inspiration to https://h2-network.streamlit.app/, it looks like pypsa-earth spatial plots could be more meaningful if we do the following:
[ ] adjust appearance of the points;
[ ] add the following parameters:
for generators
[x] optimised installed capacity (along with original);
[x] capacity factor;
[x] curtailment;
[ ] LCOE;
[ ] market value;
[ ] market prices;
[x] used potential; -> (p_nom_opt/p_nom_max)
for demand
[x] electricity load;
for storage
[ ] capacity for different technologies;
[x] restrict shown by generators shown as "Regions" fill by RES generation technologies;
[ ] add conventional generators to be shown as points
When looking for an inspiration to https://h2-network.streamlit.app/, it looks like pypsa-earth spatial plots could be more meaningful if we do the following: