pypsa-meets-earth / pypsa-earth

PyPSA-Earth: A flexible Python-based open optimisation model to study energy system futures around the world.
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error in rule build_natura_raster #1214

Open mirjam-ji opened 4 days ago

mirjam-ji commented 4 days ago


I do receive an error in rule build_natura_raster. I think the problem is in th inputs from data/landcover but I don't know how to fix it. ## Describe the Bug

Please provide a description of what the bug is and add a minimal example/command for reproducing the bug.

Error Message

[Thu Nov 28 13:17:50 2024] rule build_natura_raster: input: data/landcover, cutouts/, cutouts/, cutouts/, cutouts/, cutouts/, cutouts/ output: resources/PL_2050_with_nuclear/natura.tiff log: logs/PL_2050_with_nuclear/build_natura_raster.log jobid: 8 benchmark: benchmarks/PL_2050_with_nuclear/build_natura_raster reason: Missing output files: resources/PL_2050_with_nuclear/natura.tiff; Input files updated by another job: cutouts/ resources: tmpdir=/tmp

/home/mirjam-ji/anaconda3/envs/pypsa-earth/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pypsa/ UserWarning: The namespace pypsa.networkclustering is deprecated and will be removed in PyPSA v0.24. Please use pypsa.clustering.spatial instead. warnings.warn( Stage 1/5: Determine cutout boundaries INFO:main:Stage 1/5: Determine cutout boundaries Stage 1/5: Determine cutout boundaries INFO:main:Stage 1/5: Determine cutout boundaries Stage 1/5: Determine cutout boundaries INFO:main:Stage 1/5: Determine cutout boundaries Stage 1/5: Determine cutout boundaries INFO:main:Stage 1/5: Determine cutout boundaries Stage 1/5: Determine cutout boundaries INFO:main:Stage 1/5: Determine cutout boundaries Stage 1/5: Determine cutout boundaries INFO:main:Stage 1/5: Determine cutout boundaries Stage 2/5: Get transform and shape INFO:main:Stage 2/5: Get transform and shape Stage 3/5: Unify protected shape area. INFO:main:Stage 3/5: Unify protected shape area. Stage 3/5: Unify protected shape area. Step 1: Create one geodataframe with all shapes INFO:main:Stage 3/5: Unify protected shape area. Step 1: Create one geodataframe with all shapes [Thu Nov 28 13:25:16 2024] Error in rule build_natura_raster: jobid: 8 input: data/landcover, cutouts/, cutouts/, cutouts/, cutouts/, cutouts/, cutouts/ output: resources/PL_2050_with_nuclear/natura.tiff log: logs/PL_2050_with_nuclear/build_natura_raster.log (check log file(s) for error details)

RuleException: CalledProcessError in file /mnt/c/Users/mirja/OneDrive/Dokumente/pypsa-earth/Snakefile, line 375: Command 'set -euo pipefail; /home/mirjam-ji/anaconda3/envs/pypsa-earth/bin/python3.10 /mnt/c/Users/mirja/OneDrive/Dokumente/Studium/Semester7/Projektarbeit/Repositories/pypsa-earth/.snakemake/scripts/' died with <Signals.SIGKILL: 9>. File "/mnt/c/Users/mirja/OneDrive/Dokumente/pypsa-earth/Snakefile", line 375, in __rule_build_natura_raster File "/home/mirjam-ji/anaconda3/envs/pypsa-earth/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/", line 58, in run Shutting down, this might take some time. Exiting because a job execution failed. Look above for error messageIf applicable, paste any terminal output to help illustrating your problem. In some cases it may also be useful to share your list of installed packages: conda list.

<paste here>
ekatef commented 3 days ago

Hello @mirjam-ji, a likely reason is lack of RAM: there is an indication on Signals.SIGKILL: 9 in the traceback you shared

Note please that a pre-compiled natura.tiff raster exists. To get a feeling on how all the pieces work together, I'd recommend to go trough the Short Tutorial, and Model Customisation in the documentation.