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PyPy 3.10 cannot build on Windows #4913

Open TheShermanTanker opened 3 months ago

TheShermanTanker commented 3 months ago

I'm getting a build failure during the annotation process every time I try to build PyPy on my Windows device:

[translation:ERROR] CompilationError: CompilationError(err="""
        LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'c:\users\vertig0\appdata\local\temp\usession-unknown-88\gcctest.exe'

The associated command line for building PyPy was: C:\Users\vertig0\Downloads\pypy-c\pypy-c.exe ../../rpython/bin/rpython --no-translation-jit --opt=mem --withoutmod-pypyjit --withoutmod-_jitlog --withoutmod-cpyext --withoutmod-_hpy_universal --withoutmod-_cppyy

This error is persistent and I cannot seem to figure out why link.exe cannot open the file for whatever operation it needs to carry out