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Quasigeostrophic model in python
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Saving and loading pyqg models #307

Open asross opened 2 years ago

asross commented 2 years ago

Currently, it's pretty difficult to save and load pyqg models. Trying to do it with pickle.dump and pickle.load doesn't work because of Cython issues, and trying to do it with netcdf files is also a bit tricky. This is currently the shortest way I know how to save and load a pyqg.Model:

import json
import pyqg
import numpy as np

# Initialize a model
m1 = pyqg.QGModel(**some_kwargs)

# Save it to disk, along with its parameters
ds = m1.to_dataset() # convert to xarray dataset
ds = ds.assign_attrs(pyqg_kwargs=json.dumps(m1._config)) # save the parameters used to generate the model
ds = ds.drop_vars([k for k,v in ds.variables.items() if np.iscomplexobj(v)]) # netcdf doesn't support complex numbers
ds.to_netcdf('') # finally dump it to netcdf

# Load it
ds = xr.open_dataset('')
m2 = pyqg.QGModel(**json.loads(ds.attrs['pyqg_kwargs']))
m2.q = ds.q.isel(time=-1).data # overwrite its main state variable
m2._invert() # regenerate other variables and fields
for k in m2.diagnostics.keys(): # reset diagnostics
    m2.diagnostics[k]['value'] = ds[k].data
    m2.diagnostics[k]['count'] = 1

# Now m1 and m2 are essentially identical

This is a lot of work, and I would love to be able to just do:

# Initialize a model
m1 = pyqg.QGModel(**some_kwargs)

# Save it'')

# Load it
m2 = pyqg.QGModel.load('')

Would this feature be useful, and is there a better way we can implement it other than the hacky code I just sketched out?

rabernat commented 2 years ago

Yes this is a good idea. We have done similar stuff when we needed to restart a model.

Ideally we could define a netCDF schema that contains:

To implement this, I would write two functions.