Open heuer opened 4 years ago
I think it absolutely makes sense to maintain this fork and the effort needs to be made to reclaim the original name. Seems like the original developer hasn't made much activity on GitHub for a while.
Thanks for your feedback. Currently I am not in the mood to maintain a lib which nobody uses. The current version of PyQRCode NG is IMO better than PyQRCode but if users continue to rely on the predecessor, I see no reason to maintain this library. I see many advantages over the predecessor, in particular, all pull requests have been incorporated and the processing speed has been improved. Especially for PNG (twice as fast)
Anyway, I have also another QR Code generator, Segno, which is maintained and every minute I spend on this project, I lose for my project.
Maybe Michael comes back and merges the improvements (pull requests and my work) into the PyQRCode project... . Otherwise I see no basis to continue this project, unless it has more users or it is continued under the name pyqrcode
My (biased) opinion: I understand the attraction of PyQRCode, it has a nice name and the API is much better than the popular qrcode lib which requires too much boilerplate code and injects a lot of dependencies (especially PIL/Pillow). But PyQRCode is unmaintained and dead slow. Segno provides also a simple API (IMO) and is faster, standard-compliant, introduces no dependencies and provides more features.
On a sentimental mood, I agreed to continue this project, but after the fork, it found no significant number of users. I am now giving up this project unless more users find it attractive. It steals too much of my time and I'm too attached to my own project.
If someone is interested in maintaining the project, I offer my help, though.
@heuer many thanks for your work on this, I understand you wanting to focus you efforts. I've posted - any objections to approving it? It would make discovery of your (maintained) project easier for people who stumble across this.
It took me a while to discover this when I was looking for a text based qrcode generator (I ended up creating in an attempt to help reduce time for others).
Thanks, @clach04, your patch is already merged
I just found out about this library. pyqrcode is definitely unmaintained.
I see you have segno as well, which has type hints. I'm just looking for QR codes for the terminal at this time. Which of the two do you think I should use?
@sometato really your call. Both are excellent and have stable APIs that work really well.
I have written using both but segno is my preferred one.
While I think that PyQRCodeNG is the better PyQRCode it has not yet achieved great popularity.
Why is it not accepted? Is it worth investing more energy in the project?
Not having received the project name "pyqrcode" is IMO the biggest problem. Should that be tried again, c.f. As soon as Michael replies that he intends to maintain PyQRCode, the request is rejected again, though.
Ideas? Thoughts?