pyro2927 / GKLParallaxPictures

Parallax ViewController made specifically for showcasing multiple images
MIT License
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Pull to full screen view #2

Open BhaveshDhaduk opened 11 years ago

BhaveshDhaduk commented 11 years ago


You have done the great job. I am facing one problem to do with this control. I want to do the if the user pull down the image view comes to full screen and if user swipe up to normal screen. this idea I am getting from Expedia iPhone app please look on this the Hotel full screen mode do the exactly what I am trying to explain.

Thanks in advance.

jimitpf commented 11 years ago

Not sure this is the right approach to comment but I have forked pyto2927's project and added the full screen view. I'll soon be updating the forked project to have the exact fade in animation.

haoxu1989 commented 10 years ago

Hi, I also encountered this problem, want to do the same control,like Expedia iPhone app, do you have any solutions? Thanks in advance.