pyrochlore / obsidian-tracker

A plugin tracks occurrences and numbers in your notes
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Breaks with new properties in obsidian frontmatter. #248

Open GauravKesarwani opened 8 months ago

GauravKesarwani commented 8 months ago

I had collection of values(array) in yaml inside frontmatter


workout: [0, 1]

The issue is that I am not able to use the new Properties UI with my obsidian tracker plugin.

Previously I was writing yaml inside frontmatter with array value as workout: [1, 0] and it worked. But I like the new properties UI and unable to use it if I choose the property type as list for key “workout” in my frontmatter.

Text type does not work either.

My tracker code:

searchType: frontmatter
searchTarget: workout[0], workout[1]
datasetName: Morning, Evening
folder: Journal/2023/Oct
    color: green
    todayRingColor: orange
dateFormat: YYYY-MM-DD ddd
lazyguru commented 8 months ago

Why do you use an array instead of separate fields? (Eg track morning and evening workouts as their own entries? Then you could use checkbox and the new UI would work nicely)

GauravKesarwani commented 8 months ago

I can update my template for the future. But I used to do that previously. I think obsidian Properties need to be backward compatible as well. It doesn't assign the list property type to array values, and it shows as "?". Moreover, when you try to change it to list, it does not allow you to do that.

lazyguru commented 7 months ago

@GauravKesarwani were you able to get things working here? If not, would you mind providing a couple of example files (You already gave a dataview search block, maybe also a couple of example files with data?) We can build a test case from this to try to see if we can solve the issue

RomanMunar commented 6 months ago

I'm having the same issue. I'm using mine for tracking my mealTimes during the day.