pyroclient / pyro

9 stars 4 forks source link


Open shaggyc9 opened 4 years ago

shaggyc9 commented 4 years ago

An autoez module would be great, where pyro automatically sends a custom message after a kill/log/pop(toggleable).

IlNevioIl commented 4 years ago

nah not auto ez autogg is better

Flickz077 commented 4 years ago

haha you just got fucked by PyroClient!

IlNevioIl commented 4 years ago

i would acually mute everyone that would write that in chat. but a simple gg even when u die would be nice

u3o commented 4 years ago

Yeah autochat is good

Papa-Quill commented 3 years ago

Auto ez is cancer and toxic, and some clients block it from even rendering in chat so it wouldn't be good. auto gg though would be a lot better, maybe add an option to make it customizable like how chat suffix is.