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A .NET Standard 2.0 library built around the API of the popular solar service
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Combining the data of multiple inverters from the same system #130

Open Jelmerl101 opened 2 years ago

Jelmerl101 commented 2 years ago

Larger systems usually have multiple inverters so it would be nice if there was an option to combine these outputs and thus preventing having to use multiple systems in PVOutput. As not all values can be added up the highest of those should be reported to PVOutput.

CodeCasterNL commented 2 years ago

@Jelmerl101 I've created the issue in my repo:

pyrocumulus commented 2 years ago

It sounds like an interesting concept. I always thought of my library as being a one to one representation of the public facing API that PVOutput itself provides. I never thought of actually adding functionality through my library. But I'm certainly not directly opposed to adding such things.

Do you have an idea of how you'd want to see this implemented? Or do you perhaps already do this yourself by using my library, because that's also quite possible of course.

I agree that not all values can be summed up, some will need the maximum value or be averaged. That's something to consider. For which API entry point (add status, add output, etc.)?

I will have to give it some thought!

CodeCasterNL commented 2 years ago

@pyro I've had some talk with this user about handling their multi-inverter-setup. PVBridge will sync one-on-one, I don't support multiple systems/inverters yet. Ultimately I'd want to support

I think they accidentally created the issue here instead of in my repo, but if you've got ideas on how to tackle this, please chime in! :D

pyrocumulus commented 2 years ago

Ah I see!

Well I use a parent-child aggregate myself on my own system (see below). But with regards to the PVOutput API they aren't really 'supported' in the sense that there aren't any specific endpoints for those things. They just use separate systemid's and that's about it; PVOutput does all the magic behind the scenes.

A bit of info on my setup: In my case I have my inverter upload directly to PVOutput on my 'main' system; the parent. I also use an application called DSMR reader, which uploads the consumption data from my smart energy meter to the parent system on PVOutput.

Additionally, my inverter also sends the same post request to an core proxy on my local NAS. I use that proxy to append more extended data (Amps, Voltage, Temperature) to the request before uploading it to a separate systemid. That second system is set to be the aggregate child of the main. I did it this way to make sure my uploads never fail when there's something wrong with my own proxy. But since that's never happened yet, I'm planning on going back to a single upload stream.

PVOutput aggregation causes some weird glitches in the display of their graphs, depending on what stream uploaded last. In my case the consumption data is often temporarily missing from the graph, if the child aggregation delivered last. It seems to wipe consumption information. This is probably because the child system never receives consumption data to begin with. The options for specifying which info to send from the child to the parent are a bit lacking on the side of PVOutput, so I am unable to prevent that. See also:

Perhaps a bit too much information, but that's all I know about parent-child aggregation for my personal use. Perhaps aggregating on the client side is actually better. The only prerequisite is you need to be able to have all the inverters information available at the same time; you cannot work with separate upload intervals.

I'll leave this issue open for know, to think about how to tackle such a thing :) I'll follow your project as well. It's awesome to see my library being used in other open source software 👍🏻 That's what I always hoped for.