pyros-dev / ros1_template

Template ROS nodes for use with catkin following good practices
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Sticky : PyROS-Dev Introduction #25

Open asmodehn opened 6 years ago

asmodehn commented 6 years ago

Sticky Issue for new comers to Pyros-dev :

1) Python practice : self-project in python (not related with ROS just yet). Reference for release : Otherwise just surf the internet :-)

2) ROS install (on pc) + tutorials there

3) Review this package for different ways to use python in a ROS ecosystem.

4) Go over to get familiar with the low level mix of ROS C++ with python.

5) Check pyzmp for doing communicating multiprocess in pure python. And then you can use it within ROS via the third party release

6) Check pyros and pyros_rosinterface for doing communicating multiprocess between ROS and python. This is doable in ROS environment (using the third party release for pyros or in pure python (using the installed pyros_interfaces_common ROS package)

7) Check rostful to get a python web interface on top of your ROS system. Made for pure python (but also doable in ROS since a third party release is available)

8) Bonus : Go over to, attempt to use it, and finally get rid of the catkin toolkit, even for ROS programs.

XorfacX commented 6 years ago

Install ROS on MS Windows 10 (with help from

  1. Install the Windows Subsystem for Linux

  2. Python2 as default interpreter

    edit ~/.bash_aliases write down alias python=python2 run source ~/.bash_aliases

  3. Install ROS for Ubuntu (Kinetic)

  4. Install VcXsrv (X serveur for MSWindows)