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Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 42 #146

Closed pyup-bot closed 5 years ago

pyup-bot commented 5 years ago

Update pytest from 3.5.0 to 3.9.1.

Changelog ### 3.8.2 ``` ========================= Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - `4036 <>`_: The ``item`` parameter of ``pytest_warning_captured`` hook is now documented as deprecated. We realized only after the ``3.8`` release that this parameter is incompatible with ``pytest-xdist``. Our policy is to not deprecate features during bugfix releases, but in this case we believe it makes sense as we are only documenting it as deprecated, without issuing warnings which might potentially break test suites. This will get the word out that hook implementers should not use this parameter at all. In a future release ``item`` will always be ``None`` and will emit a proper warning when a hook implementation makes use of it. Bug Fixes --------- - `3539 <>`_: Fix reload on assertion rewritten modules. - `4034 <>`_: The ``.user_properties`` attribute of ``TestReport`` objects is a list of (name, value) tuples, but could sometimes be instantiated as a tuple of tuples. It is now always a list. - `4039 <>`_: No longer issue warnings about using ``pytest_plugins`` in non-top-level directories when using ``--pyargs``: the current ``--pyargs`` mechanism is not reliable and might give false negatives. - `4040 <>`_: Exclude empty reports for passed tests when ``-rP`` option is used. - `4051 <>`_: Improve error message when an invalid Python expression is passed to the ``-m`` option. - `4056 <>`_: ``MonkeyPatch.setenv`` and ``MonkeyPatch.delenv`` issue a warning if the environment variable name is not ``str`` on Python 2. In Python 2, adding ``unicode`` keys to ``os.environ`` causes problems with ``subprocess`` (and possible other modules), making this a subtle bug specially susceptible when used with ``from __future__ import unicode_literals``. Improved Documentation ---------------------- - `3928 <>`_: Add possible values for fixture scope to docs. ``` ### 3.8.1 ``` ========================= Bug Fixes --------- - `3286 <>`_: ``.pytest_cache`` directory is now automatically ignored by Git. Users who would like to contribute a solution for other SCMs please consult/comment on this issue. - `3749 <>`_: Fix the following error during collection of tests inside packages:: TypeError: object of type 'Package' has no len() - `3941 <>`_: Fix bug where indirect parametrization would consider the scope of all fixtures used by the test function to determine the parametrization scope, and not only the scope of the fixtures being parametrized. - `3973 <>`_: Fix crash of the assertion rewriter if a test changed the current working directory without restoring it afterwards. - `3998 <>`_: Fix issue that prevented some caplog properties (for example ``record_tuples``) from being available when entering the debugger with ``--pdb``. - `3999 <>`_: Fix ``UnicodeDecodeError`` in python2.x when a class returns a non-ascii binary ``__repr__`` in an assertion which also contains non-ascii text. Improved Documentation ---------------------- - `3996 <>`_: New `Deprecations and Removals <>`_ page shows all currently deprecated features, the rationale to do so, and alternatives to update your code. It also list features removed from pytest in past major releases to help those with ancient pytest versions to upgrade. Trivial/Internal Changes ------------------------ - `3955 <>`_: Improve pre-commit detection for changelog filenames - `3975 <>`_: Remove legacy code around im_func as that was python2 only ``` ### 3.8.0 ``` ========================= Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - `2452 <>`_: ``Config.warn`` and ``Node.warn`` have been deprecated, see `<>`_ for rationale and examples. - `3936 <>`_: ``pytest.mark.filterwarnings`` second parameter is no longer regex-escaped, making it possible to actually use regular expressions to check the warning message. **Note**: regex-escaping the match string was an implementation oversight that might break test suites which depend on the old behavior. Features -------- - `2452 <>`_: Internal pytest warnings are now issued using the standard ``warnings`` module, making it possible to use the standard warnings filters to manage those warnings. This introduces ``PytestWarning``, ``PytestDeprecationWarning`` and ``RemovedInPytest4Warning`` warning types as part of the public API. Consult `the documentation <>`_ for more info. - `2908 <>`_: ``DeprecationWarning`` and ``PendingDeprecationWarning`` are now shown by default if no other warning filter is configured. This makes pytest more compliant with `PEP-0506 <>`_. See `the docs <>`_ for more info. - `3251 <>`_: Warnings are now captured and displayed during test collection. - `3784 <>`_: ``PYTEST_DISABLE_PLUGIN_AUTOLOAD`` environment variable disables plugin auto-loading when set. - `3829 <>`_: Added the ``count`` option to ``console_output_style`` to enable displaying the progress as a count instead of a percentage. - `3837 <>`_: Added support for 'xfailed' and 'xpassed' outcomes to the ``pytester.RunResult.assert_outcomes`` signature. Bug Fixes --------- - `3911 <>`_: Terminal writer now takes into account unicode character width when writing out progress. - `3913 <>`_: Pytest now returns with correct exit code (EXIT_USAGEERROR, 4) when called with unknown arguments. - `3918 <>`_: Improve performance of assertion rewriting. Improved Documentation ---------------------- - `3566 <>`_: Added a blurb in usage.rst for the usage of -r flag which is used to show an extra test summary info. - `3907 <>`_: Corrected type of the exceptions collection passed to ``xfail``: ``raises`` argument accepts a ``tuple`` instead of ``list``. Trivial/Internal Changes ------------------------ - `3853 <>`_: Removed ``"run all (no recorded failures)"`` message printed with ``--failed-first`` and ``--last-failed`` when there are no failed tests. ``` ### 3.7.4 ``` ========================= Bug Fixes --------- - `3506 <>`_: Fix possible infinite recursion when writing ``.pyc`` files. - `3853 <>`_: Cache plugin now obeys the ``-q`` flag when ``--last-failed`` and ``--failed-first`` flags are used. - `3883 <>`_: Fix bad console output when using ``console_output_style=classic``. - `3888 <>`_: Fix macOS specific code using ``capturemanager`` plugin in doctests. Improved Documentation ---------------------- - `3902 <>`_: Fix links ``` ### 3.7.3 ``` ========================= Bug Fixes --------- - `3033 <>`_: Fixtures during teardown can again use ``capsys`` and ``capfd`` to inspect output captured during tests. - `3773 <>`_: Fix collection of tests from ```` files if they match the ``python_files`` configuration option. - `3796 <>`_: Fix issue where teardown of fixtures of consecutive sub-packages were executed once, at the end of the outer package. - `3816 <>`_: Fix bug where ``--show-capture=no`` option would still show logs printed during fixture teardown. - `3819 <>`_: Fix ``stdout/stderr`` not getting captured when real-time cli logging is active. - `3843 <>`_: Fix collection error when specifying test functions directly in the command line using ```` syntax together with ``--doctest-modules``. - `3848 <>`_: Fix bugs where unicode arguments could not be passed to ``testdir.runpytest`` on Python 2. - `3854 <>`_: Fix double collection of tests within packages when the filename starts with a capital letter. Improved Documentation ---------------------- - `3824 <>`_: Added example for multiple glob pattern matches in ``python_files``. - `3833 <>`_: Added missing docs for ``pytester.Testdir``. - `3870 <>`_: Correct documentation for setuptools integration. Trivial/Internal Changes ------------------------ - `3826 <>`_: Replace broken type annotations with type comments. - `3845 <>`_: Remove a reference to issue `568 <>`_ from the documentation, which has since been fixed. ``` ### 3.7.2 ``` ========================= Bug Fixes --------- - `3671 <>`_: Fix ``filterwarnings`` not being registered as a builtin mark. - `3768 <>`_, `3789 <>`_: Fix test collection from packages mixed with normal directories. - `3771 <>`_: Fix infinite recursion during collection if a ``pytest_ignore_collect`` hook returns ``False`` instead of ``None``. - `3774 <>`_: Fix bug where decorated fixtures would lose functionality (for example ``mock.patch``). - `3775 <>`_: Fix bug where importing modules or other objects with prefix ``pytest_`` prefix would raise a ``PluginValidationError``. - `3788 <>`_: Fix ``AttributeError`` during teardown of ``TestCase`` subclasses which raise an exception during ``__init__``. - `3804 <>`_: Fix traceback reporting for exceptions with ``__cause__`` cycles. Improved Documentation ---------------------- - `3746 <>`_: Add documentation for ``metafunc.config`` that had been mistakenly hidden. ``` ### 3.7.1 ``` ========================= Bug Fixes --------- - `3473 <>`_: Raise immediately if ``approx()`` is given an expected value of a type it doesn't understand (e.g. strings, nested dicts, etc.). - `3712 <>`_: Correctly represent the dimensions of an numpy array when calling ``repr()`` on ``approx()``. - `3742 <>`_: Fix incompatibility with third party plugins during collection, which produced the error ``object has no attribute '_collectfile'``. - `3745 <>`_: Display the absolute path if ``cache_dir`` is not relative to the ``rootdir`` instead of failing. - `3747 <>`_: Fix compatibility problem with plugins and the warning code issued by fixture functions when they are called directly. - `3748 <>`_: Fix infinite recursion in ``pytest.approx`` with arrays in ``numpy<1.13``. - `3757 <>`_: Pin pathlib2 to ``>=2.2.0`` as we require ``__fspath__`` support. - `3763 <>`_: Fix ``TypeError`` when the assertion message is ``bytes`` in python 3. ``` ### 3.7.0 ``` ========================= Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - `2639 <>`_: ``pytest_namespace`` has been `deprecated <>`_. - `3661 <>`_: Calling a fixture function directly, as opposed to request them in a test function, now issues a ``RemovedInPytest4Warning``. See `the documentation for rationale and examples <>`_. Features -------- - `2283 <>`_: New ``package`` fixture scope: fixtures are finalized when the last test of a *package* finishes. This feature is considered **experimental**, so use it sparingly. - `3576 <>`_: ``Node.add_marker`` now supports an ``append=True/False`` parameter to determine whether the mark comes last (default) or first. - `3579 <>`_: Fixture ``caplog`` now has a ``messages`` property, providing convenient access to the format-interpolated log messages without the extra data provided by the formatter/handler. - `3610 <>`_: New ``--trace`` option to enter the debugger at the start of a test. - `3623 <>`_: Introduce ``pytester.copy_example`` as helper to do acceptance tests against examples from the project. Bug Fixes --------- - `2220 <>`_: Fix a bug where fixtures overridden by direct parameters (for example parametrization) were being instantiated even if they were not being used by a test. - `3695 <>`_: Fix ``ApproxNumpy`` initialisation argument mixup, ``abs`` and ``rel`` tolerances were flipped causing strange comparsion results. Add tests to check ``abs`` and ``rel`` tolerances for ``np.array`` and test for expecting ``nan`` with ``np.array()`` - `980 <>`_: Fix truncated locals output in verbose mode. Improved Documentation ---------------------- - `3295 <>`_: Correct the usage documentation of ``--last-failed-no-failures`` by adding the missing ``--last-failed`` argument in the presented examples, because they are misleading and lead to think that the missing argument is not needed. Trivial/Internal Changes ------------------------ - `3519 <>`_: Now a ```` file is created in ``.pytest_cache`` to make it clear why the directory exists. ``` ### 3.6.4 ``` ========================= Bug Fixes --------- - Invoke pytest using ``-mpytest`` so ``sys.path`` does not get polluted by packages installed in ``site-packages``. (`742 <>`_) Improved Documentation ---------------------- - Use ``smtp_connection`` instead of ``smtp`` in fixtures documentation to avoid possible confusion. (`3592 <>`_) Trivial/Internal Changes ------------------------ - Remove obsolete ``__future__`` imports. (`2319 <>`_) - Add CITATION to provide information on how to formally cite pytest. (`3402 <>`_) - Replace broken type annotations with type comments. (`3635 <>`_) - Pin ``pluggy`` to ``<0.8``. (`3727 <>`_) ``` ### 3.6.3 ``` ========================= Bug Fixes --------- - Fix ``ImportWarning`` triggered by explicit relative imports in assertion-rewritten package modules. (`3061 <>`_) - Fix error in ``pytest.approx`` when dealing with 0-dimension numpy arrays. (`3593 <>`_) - No longer raise ``ValueError`` when using the ``get_marker`` API. (`3605 <>`_) - Fix problem where log messages with non-ascii characters would not appear in the output log file. (`3630 <>`_) - No longer raise ``AttributeError`` when legacy marks can't be stored in functions. (`3631 <>`_) Improved Documentation ---------------------- - The description above the example for ``pytest.mark.skipif`` now better matches the code. (`3611 <>`_) Trivial/Internal Changes ------------------------ - Internal refactoring: removed unused ``CallSpec2tox ._globalid_args`` attribute and ``metafunc`` parameter from ``CallSpec2.copy()``. (`3598 <>`_) - Silence usage of ``reduce`` warning in Python 2 (`3609 <>`_) - Fix usage of ``attr.ib`` deprecated ``convert`` parameter. (`3653 <>`_) ``` ### 3.6.2 ``` ========================= Bug Fixes --------- - Fix regression in ``Node.add_marker`` by extracting the mark object of a ``MarkDecorator``. (`3555 <>`_) - Warnings without ``location`` were reported as ``None``. This is corrected to now report ``<undetermined location>``. (`3563 <>`_) - Continue to call finalizers in the stack when a finalizer in a former scope raises an exception. (`3569 <>`_) - Fix encoding error with ``print`` statements in doctests (`3583 <>`_) Improved Documentation ---------------------- - Add documentation for the ``--strict`` flag. (`3549 <>`_) Trivial/Internal Changes ------------------------ - Update old quotation style to parens in fixture.rst documentation. (`3525 <>`_) - Improve display of hint about ``--fulltrace`` with ``KeyboardInterrupt``. (`3545 <>`_) - pytest's testsuite is no longer runnable through ``python test`` -- instead invoke ``pytest`` or ``tox`` directly. (`3552 <>`_) - Fix typo in documentation (`3567 <>`_) ``` ### 3.6.1 ``` ========================= Bug Fixes --------- - Fixed a bug where stdout and stderr were logged twice by junitxml when a test was marked xfail. (`3491 <>`_) - Fix ``usefixtures`` mark applyed to unittest tests by correctly instantiating ``FixtureInfo``. (`3498 <>`_) - Fix assertion rewriter compatibility with libraries that monkey patch ``file`` objects. (`3503 <>`_) Improved Documentation ---------------------- - Added a section on how to use fixtures as factories to the fixture documentation. (`3461 <>`_) Trivial/Internal Changes ------------------------ - Enable caching for pip/pre-commit in order to reduce build time on travis/appveyor. (`3502 <>`_) - Switch pytest to the src/ layout as we already suggested it for good practice - now we implement it as well. (`3513 <>`_) - Fix if in tests to support 3.7.0b5, where a docstring handling in AST got reverted. (`3530 <>`_) - Remove some python2.5 compatibility code. (`3529 <>`_) ``` ### 3.6.0 ``` ========================= Features -------- - Revamp the internals of the ``pytest.mark`` implementation with correct per node handling which fixes a number of long standing bugs caused by the old design. This introduces new ``Node.iter_markers(name)`` and ``Node.get_closest_mark(name)`` APIs. Users are **strongly encouraged** to read the `reasons for the revamp in the docs <>`_, or jump over to details about `updating existing code to use the new APIs <>`_. (`3317 <>`_) - Now when ``pytest.fixture`` is applied more than once to the same function a ``ValueError`` is raised. This buggy behavior would cause surprising problems and if was working for a test suite it was mostly by accident. (`2334 <>`_) - Support for Python 3.7's builtin ``breakpoint()`` method, see `Using the builtin breakpoint function <>`_ for details. (`3180 <>`_) - ``monkeypatch`` now supports a ``context()`` function which acts as a context manager which undoes all patching done within the ``with`` block. (`3290 <>`_) - The ``--pdb`` option now causes KeyboardInterrupt to enter the debugger, instead of stopping the test session. On python 2.7, hitting CTRL+C again exits the debugger. On python 3.2 and higher, use CTRL+D. (`3299 <>`_) - pytest not longer changes the log level of the root logger when the ``log-level`` parameter has greater numeric value than that of the level of the root logger, which makes it play better with custom logging configuration in user code. (`3307 <>`_) Bug Fixes --------- - A rare race-condition which might result in corrupted ``.pyc`` files on Windows has been hopefully solved. (`3008 <>`_) - Also use iter_marker for discovering the marks applying for marker expressions from the cli to avoid the bad data from the legacy mark storage. (`3441 <>`_) - When showing diffs of failed assertions where the contents contain only whitespace, escape them using ``repr()`` first to make it easy to spot the differences. (`3443 <>`_) Improved Documentation ---------------------- - Change documentation copyright year to a range which auto-updates itself each time it is published. (`3303 <>`_) Trivial/Internal Changes ------------------------ - ``pytest`` now depends on the `python-atomicwrites <>`_ library. (`3008 <>`_) - Update all URLs to (`3431 <>`_) - Detect `pytest_` prefixed hooks using the internal plugin manager since ``pluggy`` is deprecating the ``implprefix`` argument to ``PluginManager``. (`3487 <>`_) - Import ``Mapping`` and ``Sequence`` from ``_pytest.compat`` instead of directly from ``collections`` in ````. Add ``Mapping`` to ``_pytest.compat``, import it from ``collections`` on python 2, but from ```` on Python 3 to avoid a ``DeprecationWarning`` on Python 3.7 or newer. (`3497 <>`_) ``` ### 3.5.1 ``` ========================= Bug Fixes --------- - Reset ``sys.last_type``, ``sys.last_value`` and ``sys.last_traceback`` before each test executes. Those attributes are added by pytest during the test run to aid debugging, but were never reset so they would create a leaking reference to the last failing test's frame which in turn could never be reclaimed by the garbage collector. (`2798 <>`_) - ``pytest.raises`` now raises ``TypeError`` when receiving an unknown keyword argument. (`3348 <>`_) - ``pytest.raises`` now works with exception classes that look like iterables. (`3372 <>`_) Improved Documentation ---------------------- - Fix typo in ``caplog`` fixture documentation, which incorrectly identified certain attributes as methods. (`3406 <>`_) Trivial/Internal Changes ------------------------ - Added a more indicative error message when parametrizing a function whose argument takes a default value. (`3221 <>`_) - Remove internal ``_pytest.terminal.flatten`` function in favor of ``more_itertools.collapse``. (`3330 <>`_) - Import some modules from ```` instead of ``collections`` as the former modules trigger ``DeprecationWarning`` in Python 3.7. (`3339 <>`_) - record_property is no longer experimental, removing the warnings was forgotten. (`3360 <>`_) - Mention in documentation and CLI help that fixtures with leading ``_`` are printed by ``pytest --fixtures`` only if the ``-v`` option is added. (`3398 <>`_) ```
Links - PyPI: - Changelog: - Homepage:

Update pytest-xdist from 1.22.2 to 1.23.2.

Changelog ### 1.23.2 ``` ================================ Bug Fixes --------- - `344 <>`_: Fix issue where Warnings could cause pytest to fail if they do not set the args attribute correctly. ``` ### 1.23.1 ``` ================================ Bug Fixes --------- - `341 <>`_: Fix warnings transfer between workers and master node with pytest >= 3.8. ``` ### 1.23.0 ``` ================================ Features -------- - `330 <>`_: Improve collection performance by reducing the number of events sent to ``master`` node. ``` ### 1.22.5 ``` ================================ Bug Fixes --------- - `321 <>`_: Revert change that dropped support for ``pytest<3.4`` and require ``six``. This change caused problems in some installations, and was a mistaken in the first place as we should not change version requirements in bug-fix releases unless they fix an actual bug. ``` ### 1.22.4 ``` ================================ Bug Fixes --------- - `305 <>`_: Remove last references to obsolete ``py.code``. Remove some unnecessary references to ``py.builtin``. - `316 <>`_: Workaround cpu detection on Travis CI. ``` ### 1.22.3 ``` ================================ Bug Fixes --------- - Fix issue of virtualized or containerized environments not reporting the number of CPUs correctly. (`9 <>`_) Trivial Changes --------------- - Make all classes subclass from ``object`` and fix ``super()`` call in ``LoadFileScheduling``; (`297 <>`_) ```
Links - PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo:

Update hypothesis from 3.56.3 to 3.79.0.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: - Repo:

Update numpy from 1.14.2 to 1.15.3.

Changelog ### 1.15.2 ``` ========================== This is a bugfix release for bugs and regressions reported following the 1.15.1 release. * The matrix PendingDeprecationWarning is now suppressed in pytest 3.8. * The new cached allocations machinery has been fixed to be thread safe. * The boolean indexing of subclasses now works correctly. * A small memory leak in PyArray_AdaptFlexibleDType has been fixed. The Python versions supported by this release are 2.7, 3.4-3.7. The wheels are linked with OpenBLAS v0.3.0, which should fix some of the linalg problems reported for NumPy 1.14. Compatibility Note ================== The NumPy 1.15.x OS X wheels released on PyPI no longer contain 32-bit binaries. That will also be the case in future releases. See `11625 <>`__ for the related discussion. Those needing 32-bit support should look elsewhere or build from source. Contributors ============ A total of 4 people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time. * Charles Harris * Julian Taylor * Marten van Kerkwijk * Matti Picus Pull requests merged ==================== A total of 4 pull requests were merged for this release. * `11902 <>`__: BUG: Fix matrix PendingDeprecationWarning suppression for pytest... * `11981 <>`__: BUG: fix cached allocations without the GIL for 1.15.x * `11982 <>`__: BUG: fix refcount leak in PyArray_AdaptFlexibleDType * `11992 <>`__: BUG: Ensure boolean indexing of subclasses sets base correctly. ========================== ``` ### 1.15.1 ``` ========================== This is a bugfix release for bugs and regressions reported following the 1.15.0 release. * The annoying but harmless RuntimeWarning that "numpy.dtype size changed" has been suppressed. The long standing suppression was lost in the transition to pytest. * The update to Cython 0.28.3 exposed a problematic use of a gcc attribute used to prefer code size over speed in module initialization, possibly resulting in incorrect compiled code. This has been fixed in latest Cython but has been disabled here for safety. * Support for big-endian and ARMv8 architectures has been improved. The Python versions supported by this release are 2.7, 3.4-3.7. The wheels are linked with OpenBLAS v0.3.0, which should fix some of the linalg problems reported for NumPy 1.14. Compatibility Note ================== The NumPy 1.15.x OS X wheels released on PyPI no longer contain 32-bit binaries. That will also be the case in future releases. See `11625 <>`__ for the related discussion. Those needing 32-bit support should look elsewhere or build from source. Contributors ============ A total of 7 people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time. * Charles Harris * Chris Billington * Elliott Sales de Andrade + * Eric Wieser * Jeremy Manning + * Matti Picus * Ralf Gommers Pull requests merged ==================== A total of 24 pull requests were merged for this release. * `11647 <>`__: MAINT: Filter Cython warnings in ```` * `11648 <>`__: BUG: Fix doc source links to unwrap decorators * `11657 <>`__: BUG: Ensure singleton dimensions are not dropped when converting... * `11661 <>`__: BUG: Warn on Nan in minimum,maximum for scalars * `11665 <>`__: BUG: cython sometimes emits invalid gcc attribute * `11682 <>`__: BUG: Fix regression in void_getitem * `11698 <>`__: BUG: Make matrix_power again work for object arrays. * `11700 <>`__: BUG: Add missing PyErr_NoMemory after failing malloc * `11719 <>`__: BUG: Fix undefined functions on big-endian systems. * `11720 <>`__: MAINT: Make einsum optimize default to False. * `11746 <>`__: BUG: Fix regression in loadtxt for bz2 text files in Python 2. * `11757 <>`__: BUG: Revert use of `console_scripts`. * `11758 <>`__: BUG: Fix Fortran kind detection for aarch64 & s390x. * `11759 <>`__: BUG: Fix printing of longdouble on ppc64le. * `11760 <>`__: BUG: Fixes for unicode field names in Python 2 * `11761 <>`__: BUG: Increase required cython version on python 3.7 * `11763 <>`__: BUG: check return value of _buffer_format_string * `11775 <>`__: MAINT: Make assert_array_compare more generic. * `11776 <>`__: TST: Fix urlopen stubbing. * `11777 <>`__: BUG: Fix regression in intersect1d. * `11779 <>`__: BUG: Fix test sensitive to platform byte order. * `11781 <>`__: BUG: Avoid signed overflow in histogram * `11785 <>`__: BUG: Fix pickle and memoryview for datetime64, timedelta64 scalars * `11786 <>`__: BUG: Deprecation triggers segfault ========================== ``` ### 1.15.0 ``` ========================== NumPy 1.15.0 is a release with an unusual number of cleanups, many deprecations of old functions, and improvements to many existing functions. Please read the detailed descriptions below to see if you are affected. For testing, we have switched to pytest as a replacement for the no longer maintained nose framework. The old nose based interface remains for downstream projects who may still be using it. The Python versions supported by this release are 2.7, 3.4-3.7. The wheels are linked with OpenBLAS v0.3.0, which should fix some of the linalg problems reported for NumPy 1.14. Highlights ========== * NumPy has switched to pytest for testing. * A new `numpy.printoptions` context manager. * Many improvements to the histogram functions. * Support for unicode field names in python 2.7. * Improved support for PyPy. * Fixes and improvements to `numpy.einsum`. New functions ============= * `numpy.gcd` and `numpy.lcm`, to compute the greatest common divisor and least common multiple. * ``, the `numpy.stack` array-joining function generalized to masked arrays. * `numpy.quantile` function, an interface to ``percentile`` without factors of 100 * `numpy.nanquantile` function, an interface to ``nanpercentile`` without factors of 100 * `numpy.printoptions`, a context manager that sets print options temporarily for the scope of the ``with`` block:: >>> with np.printoptions(precision=2): ... print(np.array([2.0]) / 3) [0.67] * `numpy.histogram_bin_edges`, a function to get the edges of the bins used by a histogram without needing to calculate the histogram. * C functions `npy_get_floatstatus_barrier` and `npy_clear_floatstatus_barrier` have been added to deal with compiler optimization changing the order of operations. See below for details. Deprecations ============ * Aliases of builtin `pickle` functions are deprecated, in favor of their unaliased ``pickle.<func>`` names: * `numpy.loads` * `numpy.core.numeric.load` * `numpy.core.numeric.loads` * ``, `` * ``, `` - these functions already failed on python 3 when called with a string. * Multidimensional indexing with anything but a tuple is deprecated. This means that the index list in ``ind = [slice(None), 0]; arr[ind]`` should be changed to a tuple, e.g., ``ind = [slice(None), 0]; arr[tuple(ind)]`` or ``arr[(slice(None), 0)]``. That change is necessary to avoid ambiguity in expressions such as ``arr[[[0, 1], [0, 1]]]``, currently interpreted as ``arr[array([0, 1]), array([0, 1])]``, that will be interpreted as ``arr[array([[0, 1], [0, 1]])]`` in the future. * Imports from the following sub-modules are deprecated, they will be removed at some future date. * `numpy.testing.utils` * `numpy.testing.decorators` * `numpy.testing.nosetester` * `numpy.testing.noseclasses` * `numpy.core.umath_tests` * Giving a generator to `numpy.sum` is now deprecated. This was undocumented behavior, but worked. Previously, it would calculate the sum of the generator expression. In the future, it might return a different result. Use ``np.sum(np.from_iter(generator))`` or the built-in Python ``sum`` instead. * Users of the C-API should call ``PyArrayResolveWriteBackIfCopy`` or ``PyArray_DiscardWritbackIfCopy`` on any array with the ``WRITEBACKIFCOPY`` flag set, before deallocating the array. A deprecation warning will be emitted if those calls are not used when needed. * Users of ``nditer`` should use the nditer object as a context manager anytime one of the iterator operands is writeable, so that numpy can manage writeback semantics, or should call ``it.close()``. A `RuntimeWarning` may be emitted otherwise in these cases. * The ``normed`` argument of ``np.histogram``, deprecated long ago in 1.6.0, now emits a ``DeprecationWarning``. Future Changes ============== * NumPy 1.16 will drop support for Python 3.4. * NumPy 1.17 will drop support for Python 2.7. Compatibility notes =================== Compiled testing modules renamed and made private ------------------------------------------------- The following compiled modules have been renamed and made private: * ``umath_tests`` -> ``_umath_tests`` * ``test_rational`` -> ``_rational_tests`` * ``multiarray_tests`` -> ``_multiarray_tests`` * ``struct_ufunc_test`` -> ``_struct_ufunc_tests`` * ``operand_flag_tests`` -> ``_operand_flag_tests`` The ``umath_tests`` module is still available for backwards compatibility, but will be removed in the future. The ``NpzFile`` returned by ``np.savez`` is now a ```` ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This means it behaves like a readonly dictionary, and has a new ``.values()`` method and ``len()`` implementation. For python 3, this means that ``.iteritems()``, ``.iterkeys()`` have been deprecated, and ``.keys()`` and ``.items()`` now return views and not lists. This is consistent with how the builtin ``dict`` type changed between python 2 and python 3. Under certain conditions, ``nditer`` must be used in a context manager ---------------------------------------------------------------------- When using an `numpy.nditer` with the ``"writeonly"`` or ``"readwrite"`` flags, there are some circumstances where nditer doesn't actually give you a view of the writable array. Instead, it gives you a copy, and if you make changes to the copy, nditer later writes those changes back into your actual array. Currently, this writeback occurs when the array objects are garbage collected, which makes this API error-prone on CPython and entirely broken on PyPy. Therefore, ``nditer`` should now be used as a context manager whenever it is used with writeable arrays, e.g., ``with np.nditer(...) as it: ...``. You may also explicitly call ``it.close()`` for cases where a context manager is unusable, for instance in generator expressions. Numpy has switched to using pytest instead of nose for testing -------------------------------------------------------------- The last nose release was 1.3.7 in June, 2015, and development of that tool has ended, consequently NumPy has now switched to using pytest. The old decorators and nose tools that were previously used by some downstream projects remain available, but will not be maintained. The standard testing utilities, ``assert_almost_equal`` and such, are not be affected by this change except for the nose specific functions ``import_nose`` and ``raises``. Those functions are not used in numpy, but are kept for downstream compatibility. Numpy no longer monkey-patches ``ctypes`` with ``__array_interface__`` ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Previously numpy added ``__array_interface__`` attributes to all the integer types from ``ctypes``. ```` and ```` always return lists ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the documented behavior, but previously the result could be any of slice, None, or list. All downstream users seem to check for the ``None`` result from ``flatnotmasked_contiguous`` and replace it with ``[]``. Those callers will continue to work as before. ``np.squeeze`` restores old behavior of objects that cannot handle an ``axis`` argument --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prior to version ``1.7.0``, `numpy.squeeze` did not have an ``axis`` argument and all empty axes were removed by default. The incorporation of an ``axis`` argument made it possible to selectively squeeze single or multiple empty axes, but the old API expectation was not respected because axes could still be selectively removed (silent success) from an object expecting all empty axes to be removed. That silent, selective removal of empty axes for objects expecting the old behavior has been fixed and the old behavior restored. unstructured void array's ``.item`` method now returns a bytes object --------------------------------------------------------------------- ``.item`` now returns a ``bytes`` object instead of a buffer or byte array. This may affect code which assumed the return value was mutable, which is no longer the case. ``copy.copy`` and ``copy.deepcopy`` no longer turn ``masked`` into an array --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since ```` is a readonly scalar, copying should be a no-op. These functions now behave consistently with ``np.copy()``. Multifield Indexing of Structured Arrays will still return a copy ----------------------------------------------------------------- The change that multi-field indexing of structured arrays returns a view instead of a copy is pushed back to 1.16. A new method ``numpy.lib.recfunctions.repack_fields`` has been introduced to help mitigate the effects of this change, which can be used to write code compatible with both numpy 1.15 and 1.16. For more information on how to update code to account for this future change see the "accessing multiple fields" section of the `user guide <>`__. C API changes ============= New functions ``npy_get_floatstatus_barrier`` and ``npy_clear_floatstatus_barrier`` ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Functions ``npy_get_floatstatus_barrier`` and ``npy_clear_floatstatus_barrier`` have been added and should be used in place of the ``npy_get_floatstatus``and ``npy_clear_status`` functions. Optimizing compilers like GCC 8.1 and Clang were rearranging the order of operations when the previous functions were used in the ufunc SIMD functions, resulting in the floatstatus flags being checked before the operation whose status we wanted to check was run. See `10339 <>`__. Changes to ``PyArray_GetDTypeTransferFunction`` ----------------------------------------------- ``PyArray_GetDTypeTransferFunction`` now defaults to using user-defined ``copyswapn`` / ``copyswap`` for user-defined dtypes. If this causes a significant performance hit, consider implementing ``copyswapn`` to reflect the implementation of ``PyArray_GetStridedCopyFn``. See `10898 <>`__. New Features ============ ``np.gcd`` and ``np.lcm`` ufuncs added for integer and objects types -------------------------------------------------------------------- These compute the greatest common divisor, and lowest common multiple, respectively. These work on all the numpy integer types, as well as the builtin arbitrary-precision ``Decimal`` and ``long`` types. Support for cross-platform builds for iOS ----------------------------------------- The build system has been modified to add support for the ``_PYTHON_HOST_PLATFORM`` environment variable, used by ``distutils`` when compiling on one platform for another platform. This makes it possible to compile NumPy for iOS targets. This only enables you to compile NumPy for one specific platform at a time. Creating a full iOS-compatible NumPy package requires building for the 5 architectures supported by iOS (i386, x86_64, armv7, armv7s and arm64), and combining these 5 compiled builds products into a single "fat" binary. ``return_indices`` keyword added for ``np.intersect1d`` ------------------------------------------------------- New keyword ``return_indices`` returns the indices of the two input arrays that correspond to the common elements. ``np.quantile`` and ``np.nanquantile`` -------------------------------------- Like ``np.percentile`` and ``np.nanpercentile``, but takes quantiles in [0, 1] rather than percentiles in [0, 100]. ``np.percentile`` is now a thin wrapper around ``np.quantile`` with the extra step of dividing by 100. Build system ------------ Added experimental support for the 64-bit RISC-V architecture. Improvements ============ ``np.einsum`` updates --------------------- Syncs einsum path optimization tech between `numpy` and `opt_einsum`. In particular, the `greedy` path has received many enhancements by jcmgray. A full list of issues fixed are: * Arbitrary memory can be passed into the `greedy` path. Fixes gh-11210. * The greedy path has been updated to contain more dynamic programming ideas preventing a large number of duplicate (and expensive) calls that figure out the actual pair contraction that takes place. Now takes a few seconds on several hundred input tensors. Useful for matrix product state theories. * Reworks the broadcasting dot error catching found in gh-11218 gh-10352 to be a bit earlier in the process. * Enhances the `can_dot` functionality that previous missed an edge case (part of gh-11308). ``np.ufunc.reduce`` and related functions now accept an initial value --------------------------------------------------------------------- ``np.ufunc.reduce``, ``np.sum``, ````, ``np.min`` and ``np.max`` all now accept an ``initial`` keyword argument that specifies the value to start the reduction with. ``np.flip`` can operate over multiple axes ------------------------------------------ ``np.flip`` now accepts None, or tuples of int, in its ``axis`` argument. If axis is None, it will flip over all the axes. ``histogram`` and ``histogramdd`` functions have moved to ``np.lib.histograms`` ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These were originally found in ``np.lib.function_base``. They are still available under their un-scoped ``np.histogram(dd)`` names, and to maintain compatibility, aliased at ``np.lib.function_base.histogram(dd)``. Code that does ``from np.lib.function_base import *`` will need to be updated with the new location, and should consider not using ``import *`` in future. ``histogram`` will accept NaN values when explicit bins are given ----------------------------------------------------------------- Previously it would fail when trying to compute a finite range for the data. Since the range is ignored anyway when the bins are given explicitly, this error was needless. Note that calling ``histogram`` on NaN values continues to raise the ``RuntimeWarning`` s typical of working with nan values, which can be silenced as usual with ``errstate``. ``histogram`` works on datetime types, when explicit bin edges are given ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dates, times, and timedeltas can now be histogrammed. The bin edges must be passed explicitly, and are not yet computed automatically. ``histogram`` "auto" estimator handles limited variance better -------------------------------------------------------------- No longer does an IQR of 0 result in ``n_bins=1``, rather the number of bins chosen is related to the data size in this situation. The edges retuned by `histogram`` and ``histogramdd`` now match the data float type ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When passed ``np.float16``, ``np.float32``, or ``np.longdouble`` data, the returned edges are now of the same dtype. Previously, ``histogram`` would only return the same type if explicit bins were given, and ``histogram`` would produce ``float64`` bins no matter what the inputs. ``histogramdd`` allows explicit ranges to be given in a subset of axes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The ``range`` argument of `numpy.histogramdd` can now contain ``None`` values to indicate that the range for the corresponding axis should be computed from the data. Previously, this could not be specified on a per-axis basis. The normed arguments of ``histogramdd`` and ``histogram2d`` have been renamed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- These arguments are now called ``density``, which is consistent with ``histogram``. The old argument continues to work, but the new name should be preferred. ``np.r_`` works with 0d arrays, and ```` works with ```` ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0d arrays passed to the `r_` and `mr_` concatenation helpers are now treated as though they are arrays of length 1. Previously, passing these was an error. As a result, `` now works correctly on the ``masked`` constant. ``np.ptp`` accepts a ``keepdims`` argument, and extended axis tuples -------------------------------------------------------------------- ``np.ptp`` (peak-to-peak) can now work over multiple axes, just like ``np.max`` and ``np.min``. ``MaskedArray.astype`` now is identical to ``ndarray.astype`` ------------------------------------------------------------- This means it takes all the same arguments, making more code written for ndarray work for masked array too. Enable AVX2/AVX512 at compile time ---------------------------------- Change to to allow use of AVX2 or AVX512 at compile time. Previously compilation for avx2 (or 512) with -march=native would still use the SSE code for the simd functions even when the rest of the code got AVX2. ``nan_to_num`` always returns scalars when receiving scalar or 0d inputs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Previously an array was returned for integer scalar inputs, which is inconsistent with the behavior for float inputs, and that of ufuncs in general. For all types of scalar or 0d input, the result is now a scalar. ``np.flatnonzero`` works on numpy-convertible types --------------------------------------------------- ``np.flatnonzero`` now uses ``np.ravel(a)`` instead of ``a.ravel()``, so it works for lists, tuples, etc. ``np.interp`` returns numpy scalars rather than builtin scalars --------------------------------------------------------------- Previously ``np.interp(0.5, [0, 1], [10, 20])`` would return a ``float``, but now it returns a ``np.float64`` object, which more closely matches the behavior of other functions. Additionally, the special case of ``np.interp(object_array_0d, ...)`` is no longer supported, as ``np.interp(object_array_nd)`` was never supported anyway. As a result of this change, the ``period`` argument can now be used on 0d arrays. Allow dtype field names to be unicode in Python 2 ------------------------------------------------- Previously ``np.dtype([(u'name', float)])`` would raise a ``TypeError`` in Python 2, as only bytestrings were allowed in field names. Now any unicode string field names will be encoded with the ``ascii`` codec, raising a ``UnicodeEncodeError`` upon failure. This change makes it easier to write Python 2/3 compatible code using ``from __future__ import unicode_literals``, which previously would cause string literal field names to raise a TypeError in Python 2. Comparison ufuncs accept ``dtype=object``, overriding the default ``bool`` -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This allows object arrays of symbolic types, which override ``==`` and other operators to return expressions, to be compared elementwise with ``np.equal(a, b, dtype=object)``. ``sort`` functions accept ``kind='stable'`` ------------------------------------------- Up until now, to perform a stable sort on the data, the user must do: >>> np.sort([5, 2, 6, 2, 1], kind='mergesort') [1, 2, 2, 5, 6] because merge sort is the only stable sorting algorithm available in NumPy. However, having kind='mergesort' does not make it explicit that the user wants to perform a stable sort thus harming the readability. This change allows the user to specify kind='stable' thus clarifying the intent. Do not make temporary copies for in-place accumulation ------------------------------------------------------ When ufuncs perform accumulation they no longer make temporary copies because of the overlap between input an output, that is, the next element accumulated is added before the accumulated result is stored in its place, hence the overlap is safe. Avoiding the copy results in faster execution. ``linalg.matrix_power`` can now handle stacks of matrices --------------------------------------------------------- Like other functions in ``linalg``, ``matrix_power`` can now deal with arrays of dimension larger than 2, which are treated as stacks of matrices. As part of the change, to further improve consistency, the name of the first argument has been changed to ``a`` (from ``M``), and the exceptions for non-square matrices have been changed to ``LinAlgError`` (from ``ValueError``). Increased performance in ``random.permutation`` for multidimensional arrays --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ``permutation`` uses the fast path in ``random.shuffle`` for all input array dimensions. Previously the fast path was only used for 1-d arrays. Generalized ufuncs now accept ``axes``, ``axis`` and ``keepdims`` arguments --------------------------------------------------------------------------- One can control over which axes a generalized ufunc operates by passing in an ``axes`` argument, a list of tuples with indices of particular axes. For instance, for a signature of ``(i,j),(j,k)->(i,k)`` appropriate for matrix multiplication, the base elements are two-dimensional matrices and these are taken to be stored in the two last axes of each argument. The corresponding axes keyword would be ``[(-2, -1), (-2, -1), (-2, -1)]``. If one wanted to use leading dimensions instead, one would pass in ``[(0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1)]``. For simplicity, for generalized ufuncs that operate on 1-dimensional arrays (vectors), a single integer is accepted instead of a single-element tuple, and for generalized ufuncs for which all outputs are scalars, the (empty) output tuples can be omitted. Hence, for a signature of ``(i),(i)->()`` appropriate for an inner product, one could pass in ``axes=[0, 0]`` to indicate that the vectors are stored in the first dimensions of the two inputs arguments. As a short-cut for generalized ufuncs that are similar to reductions, i.e., that act on a single, shared core dimension such as the inner product example above, one can pass an ``axis`` argument. This is equivalent to passing in ``axes`` with identical entries for all arguments with that core dimension (e.g., for the example above, ``axes=[(axis,), (axis,)]``). Furthermore, like for reductions, for generalized ufuncs that have inputs that all have the same number of core dimensions and outputs with no core dimension, one can pass in ``keepdims`` to leave a dimension with size 1 in the outputs, thus allowing proper broadcasting against the original inputs. The location of the extra dimension can be controlled with ``axes``. For instance, for the inner-product example, ``keepdims=True, axes=[-2, -2, -2]`` would act on the inner-product example, ``keepdims=True, axis=-2`` would act on the one-but-last dimension of the input arguments, and leave a size 1 dimension in that place in the output. float128 values now print correctly on ppc systems -------------------------------------------------- Previously printing float128 values was buggy on ppc, since the special double-double floating-point-format on these systems was not accounted for. float128s now print with correct rounding and uniqueness. Warning to ppc users: You should upgrade glibc if it is version <=2.23, especially if using float128. On ppc, glibc's malloc in these version often misaligns allocated memory which can crash numpy when using float128 values. New ``np.take_along_axis`` and ``np.put_along_axis`` functions -------------------------------------------------------------- When used on multidimensional arrays, ``argsort``, ``argmin``, ``argmax``, and ``argpartition`` return arrays that are difficult to use as indices. ``take_along_axis`` provides an easy way to use these indices to lookup values within an array, so that:: np.take_along_axis(a, np.argsort(a, axis=axis), axis=axis) is the same as:: np.sort(a, axis=axis) ``np.put_along_axis`` acts as the dual operation for writing to these indices within an array. ========================= ``` ### 1.14.6 ``` ========================== This is a bugfix release for bugs reported following the 1.14.5 release. The most significant fixes are: * Fix for behavior change in ``ma.masked_values(shrink=True)`` * Fix the new cached allocations machinery to be thread safe. The Python versions supported in this release are 2.7 and 3.4 - 3.7. The Python 3.6 wheels on PyPI should be compatible with all Python 3.6 versions. Contributors ============ A total of 4 people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time. * Charles Harris * Eric Wieser * Julian Taylor * Matti Picus Pull requests merged ==================== A total of 4 pull requests were merged for this release. * `11985 <>`__: BUG: fix cached allocations without the GIL * `11986 <>`__: BUG: Undo behavior change in ma.masked_values(shrink=True) * `11987 <>`__: BUG: fix refcount leak in PyArray_AdaptFlexibleDType * `11995 <>`__: TST: Add Python 3.7 testing to NumPy 1.14. ========================= ``` ### 1.14.5 ``` ========================== This is a bugfix release for bugs reported following the 1.14.4 release. The most significant fixes are: * fixes for compilation errors on alpine and NetBSD The Python versions supported in this release are 2.7 and 3.4 - 3.6. The Python 3.6 wheels available from PIP are built with Python 3.6.2 and should be compatible with all previous versions of Python 3.6. The source releases were cythonized with Cython 0.28.2 and should work for the upcoming Python 3.7. Contributors ============ A total of 1 person contributed to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time. * Charles Harris Pull requests merged ==================== A total of 2 pull requests were merged for this release. * `11274 <>`__: BUG: Correct use of NPY_UNUSED. * `11294 <>`__: BUG: Remove extra trailing parentheses. ========================= ``` ### 1.14.4 ``` ========================== This is a bugfix release for bugs reported following the 1.14.3 release. The most significant fixes are: * fixes for compiler instruction reordering that resulted in NaN's not being properly propagated in `np.max` and `np.min`, * fixes for bus faults on SPARC and older ARM due to incorrect alignment checks. There are also improvements to printing of long doubles on PPC platforms. All is not yet perfect on that platform, the whitespace padding is still incorrect and is to be fixed in numpy 1.15, consequently NumPy still fails some printing-related (and other) unit tests on ppc systems. However, the printed values are now correct. Note that NumPy w
pyup-bot commented 5 years ago

Closing this in favor of #147