It looks like some permissions are set incorrectly for the application (or does it need any other perms to run ? )
Here is the full output of the install process
$ brew install pyroscope-io/brew/pyroscope
==> Auto-updating Homebrew...
Adjust how often this is run with HOMEBREW_AUTO_UPDATE_SECS or disable with
HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE. Hide these hints with HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_HINTS (see `man brew`).
==> Fetching pyroscope-io/brew/pyroscope
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /Users/govind/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/438cf4c5c7698d313885594c4fd0f14117968fde7855ac2d4cf350468b14c8fc--pyroscope_1.6.0_darwin_arm64.tar.gz
==> Installing pyroscope from pyroscope-io/brew
Warning: Your Xcode (15.0) is outdated.
Please update to Xcode 15.4 (or delete it).
Xcode can be updated from the App Store.
==> Caveats
To start pyroscope-io/brew/pyroscope now and restart at login:
brew services start pyroscope-io/brew/pyroscope
Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run:
/opt/homebrew/opt/pyroscope/bin/pyroscope -config.file /opt/homebrew/etc/pyroscope/config.yaml
==> Summary
🍺 /opt/homebrew/Cellar/pyroscope/1.6.0: 9 files, 70.3MB, built in 2 seconds
==> Running `brew cleanup pyroscope`...
Disable this behaviour by setting HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP.
Hide these hints with HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_HINTS (see `man brew`).
~ ⌚ 23:09:02
$ brew services start pyroscope-io/brew/pyroscope
Error: Permission denied @ rb_sysopen - /Users/govind/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.pyroscope.plist
Hi, I am trying to install and run the pyroscope services as per the instructions
and running into the following error
Error: Permission denied @ rb_sysopen - /Users/govind/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.pyroscope.plist
It looks like some permissions are set incorrectly for the application (or does it need any other perms to run ? )
Here is the full output of the install process