pyrovski / wrtbwmon

Linux bandwidth monitor with per-device tracking
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Not seeing names in usage.htm #11

Closed maphew closed 8 years ago

maphew commented 8 years ago

I've generated a users.txt file and am using it when publishing, but there's no change to the html page. What should I be seeing? Is my users format is messed up?

## /opt/wrtbwmon/users.txt
/opt/sbin/wrtbwmon publish /tmp/usage.db /opt/share/www/custom/usage.htm /opt/wrtbwmon/users.txt

2015-11-26 21_07_22-traffic

(As a general note, maybe instructions should refer to machine names as well as or instead of users, since the lookup is by ip and some devices have multiple users.)

maphew commented 8 years ago

Ahhh found it! The MAC addresses in users.txt need to be lower case.

pyrovski commented 8 years ago

I changed the code to allow upper-case or lower-case MACs.