Closed SamuelDeleglise closed 7 years ago
issue #81 summary (closed and printed here since it is related):
Registers handle their gui themselves: The Registers have a function create_widget() that automatically creates the widget according to the kind of register we have. Moreover, the set and get attributes of the Registers handle themselves the gui updating such that timers are not needed anymore to maintain the gui in-sync with the redpitaya.
created a class BaseAttribute that is more general than Register: All the mechanisms that are expected to happen when the value of a register is changed (updating gui, saving the new value to a config file) is also sometimes needed for an attribute that is not directly a register (for instance scope.input1 was in fact a property that was modifying the register scope._ch1.input). For that reason, the set/get method hack described in 1 is implemented in an ancestor class of Register that is called BaseAttribute. Then the descriptor doing the trick scope.input1 --> scope._ch1.input is now a ScopeInputAttribute(SelectAttribute) that simply has custom methods get_value()/set_value(). However, the gui updating is done transparently as if it was a register and the create_widget method comes for free from the ancestor. These Attributes will be also useful to implement SoftwareModules that are not really mapping a module on the fpga, but which should be displayed as a widget in the gui, and should use parameter gui/saving mechanisms as if they were real modules (e.g.: curve fitting, or pyrpl_control)
The list of Attributes that should be displayed in the gui are defined in a single place: ModuleClass.gui_attributes: a list containing the names of the attributes to display ModuleClass.setup_attributes: a list containing the names of the attributes to save in the config file
In principle, if the gui display is as simple as exposing the gui_attributes in the gui, the default ModuleWidget class can handle it. However, sometimes more involved stuffs have to be done (for instance, adding a plot window for the scope...). For this reason, the particular class of widget that should be created when calling module.create_widget is configurable in ModuleClass.widget_class --> This solves a problem that I encountered a lot with the previous version: how do I easily subclass a module_widget to add my custom buttons without messing up with pyrpl's source code?
ModuleWidget instances are now accessed via module.widget (rather than at the same level before) which reduces the pollution of the redpitaya namespace.
Now (after oral discussion with Léo), I think we are OK to merge Pyrpl and Redpitaya into one class, such that Attributes can be saved in the config file that is currently only accessible to pyrpl level. To let the user decide whether he wants to load only the redpitaya level or the full pyrpl high-level functionality, the constructor of the class should take an argument that will let him decide which modules to load. The high-level pyrpl functionalities will simply be implemented in a particular SoftwareModule. Of course, if the user initializes the object with the name of a config-file, the list of modules to load by default will be read from the config-file.
In case the high-level pyrpl_control module is loaded, it would be nice to export the attributes of this module directly to the parent object (should we call it Redpitaya or Pyrpl?).
---> Let me know if you understood something to the attribute logic after reading the doc. BTW, is there a link to open the sphynx documentation in the web-browser ?
---> I agree that for non-gui users that do not have the widget's title indicating on what state they are, the autosave inside active state is very misleading. So probably, "states" will only be recallable, and autosave is only happening on the "working state". Let me know if you want me to add a flag "autosave" to allow the user to disable this functionality (on a per module basis?).
---> I agree with you: there is a good reason for PID settings to be completely delegated to the lockbox module. As you say, the calibration step and the expression of gains in terms of PI-corner frequency makes the lockbox the good place to store these parameters. Actually this use-case is exactly what "slave modules" were developed for.
---> On the other hand, in the case of scope and iir, the parameters that we define in the lockbox section is essentially a full copy of a scope state or iir state inside the lockbox module. I am not convinced the config file would loose in clarity if instead, we would only have a reference to a scope state and an iir state in whatever lockbox step needs one.
---> Would you find the approach described above clear enough (output parameters described in the lockbox sections and PID slaved during lockbox operation, iir and scopes loading states in each lockbox step, with only the state name in the lockbox section)? We then have to decide in which category we put the asgs and iqs (I guess an argument for slaving the iqs is that configuring a pdh in the iq might be non-trivial for beginners while the lockbox code provides a facility for that)?
---> I also had the crazy idea (to reduce the number of different logical layers) to use different "lockbox states" for the different steps. In fact, that is probably not such a great idea since only a small fraction of the lockbox attributes are redefined in each step and this would definitely not improve the readability to have 10 times the full lockbox configuration in the config file.
---> main problem: extra dependency, second is the memory management problem that we have experienced (in the end, the problem was that on a normal "website" operation, django refreshes its query cache memory after each html request, however since we never render html pages, this cache was exploding at some point). I tend to agree that since problem 2 is clearly identified and it should be easy to find a workaround and django is probably not the only non-standard dependency of pyrpl, we should go for it (also given the experience we have gained with it over the years). Alternatives would be lower level database apis ( for exemple), but just thinking about writing raw SQL requests makes me feel tired.
---> Next question would be: do we want to stick with pandas? I must say I really hate it: it is the worst installation headaches we have had (with pytables). Moreover, the interface has been changed from one day to the next for such basic things as indexing (remember the iloc-related bugs?). I think it is probably not mature enough to be trusted, and the gain in terms of functionality is not tremendous (basically indexing with floats...)
You mean something more explicit than the docstring of BaseAttribute?
"""An attribute is a field that can be set or get by several means:
- programmatically: module.attribute = value
- graphically: attribute.create_widget(module) returns a widget to manipulate the value
- via loading the value in a config file for permanence
The concrete derived class need to have certain attributes properly defined:
- widget_class: the class of the widget to use for the gui (see
- a function set_value(instance, value) that effectively sets the value (on redpitaya or elsewhere)
- a function get_value(instance, owner) that reads the value from wherever it is stored internally
I am definitely planning on having a step-by-step guide on how to create a new software_module and maybe another one on deriving a software module in the notebook. For instance, the example "derived class" could be the na with ringdown capabilities. For the new class, I am not sure, maybe something that would do some light-art with the leds of the redpitaya?
For reading of the code, I would go from simple to complex, that is start to read, then, then
I have documented more and in a commit from this morning if you are reviewing the code right now...
If this is of any help, I managed to get the class diagrams for the main files of the code (I have unintentionally installed the professional version of pycharm on my laptop which can generate the diagrams within the 3 minutes of allowed usage). modules.pdf attributes.pdf
I am not sure the diagram is of any help for the attribute classes , because the blocks seem to be positioned in a weird way.
Sorry I hadn't seen your full post. I interleaved my replies inside your post
I included the autodoc html build into the repository: pyrpl/doc/sphinx/build/html/index.html
To view the docs online, see issue #85
So i read the attribute autodoc: doc/sphinx/build/html/pyrpl.html#pyrpl.attributes.FloatAttribute
Its quite satisfactorily described. I will add to the documentation as I read along..
To summarize our discussion from yesterday:
I've made a few code comments in the pull request #83 . Let's continue the discussion there..
I agree with all your point, and already implemented 1 and 2.
Regarding point 4 (Lockbox gui): Just to make sure we are on the same line:
At the moment, input signals can but must not be modeled by a corresponding function of the model. Only if an input signal is used as a lock input, a model function must be available. Therefore, the best way would be: Once the model is selected, prepare boxes for all input functions defined by the model, possibly leaving the input signal as not implemented in the specific lockbox configuration (e.g. if relection instead of transmission is used). However, we should allow to add custom-named additional input signals, which may be used to route signals through other modules (e.g. route the reflection signal through a PID module for lowpass filtering, only for diagnostic purposes, or add a second pdh signal for measurements). You're correct that the input signal is assumed flat over frequency at the moment. This has been a problem in an earlier version of pyrpl for a very narrow filtering cavity, where the signal had a detuning-dependent cutoff frequency within the locking frequency band. However, such specific things should be implemented in other models, e.g. fabry_perot_narrrow or sth alike.
Roughly correct: For the output, we should enable selection of a unit (we can define the allowed units in the model, which will currently include "m, Hz, degree, rad" depending on the model). Then, the DC-gain should be specified as a float in units_per_volt, possibly updated by a calibration. low-pass filters are easily specified by one or two cutoff frequencies. However, it is not clear to me how a transfer function should be automatically interpreted. But we can already implement this, and leave the interpretation of the curve for later.
If we do as you suggest, there is no need to specify the transfer function or cutoff frequencies of the output. However, in 90% of the cases one wants a pure integrator transfer function, and unskilled users may leave unity-gain-frequency at 1 kHz without problems for standard locks, without ever understanding what this means. So i suggest the following: Do not specify the analog transfer function of the output by default (contrary to the suggestion in 2). Only allow to define the PI gains, with P gain in units of 1 and i-gain in units of Hz, with a selector (or checkbox) to select whether the unity-gain of the integrator or the PI-crossover is specified. Add the plot window for the measured transfer functions. Add the filters. And add a button for aided loopshape design, where the previous fields are grayed out and instead, one can specify the analog transfer function by giving the analog cutoff frequencies and selecting a unity-gain frequency (a proportional gain does not make sense here because of stability reasons, although a LF-gain limit for the integrator might).
Unfortunately it is a little more complicated: first, each stage needs a "setpoint", i.e. a target detuning. Next, some stages need additional arguments, such as "offset" to ensure a drift of the integrator from the right direction. Then, we already have additional resonance search functions, which either sweep and stop at the resonance, or which are to engage a low-gain lock when the resonance is found. We also have to deal with the scope settings during the sequence. So I guess I would define the sequence as a list of functions to call with a dictionary of possible arguments, or even simpler: a list of dictionaries with a number of keywords with default values, such as {'call_function':'_lock', 'time': 0, 'factor':1, 'outputs': [], }. The default function to call is currently named "_lock". By the way, the sequences that are defined must not necessarily be associated to specific lockboxes, i.e. we might save sequences in a similar way as saved states of modules. And the gui should provide a field to copy the command that is needed to call a specific locking sequence from python code.
We should have a LED "islocked" and a button "auto_relock".
Signal slot implementation of gui:
Following our discussion from the other day, I think you are right that any gui updating should be done by signal-slot mechanisms. The main reason for that is that whenever pyrpl will be used inside a thread, we will run into problems because gui updating in Qt should always be done in the main thread (anything that is called by the event loop is in the main thread).
Right now, since for mostly everything, gui updating is confined into the base attribute logic, we only need to replace the descriptor.update_gui(module) function of BaseAttribute to some signal emission. Those signals should be connected at widget creation to the attribute_widget update function. This will also give the possibility to have several widgets representing the same module (don't ask me what it would be useful for...). Several questions remaining:
It would probably make sense to also move these behind signal/slot mechanism.
As you saw the other day, there are some exceptions in the above-mentioned scheme. As far as I can tell, only the lockbox module should be concerned: Indeed, this module can also create or rename dynamically submodules (such as input, output, model, stage). That's why a few gui operations are not handled behind the scene by the BaseAttribute class --> I guess, the lockbox should simply emit custom signals such as input_created, output_created, stage_created, model_changed,..
Of course, having the modules also inherit from Qt makes Pyrpl much more Qt based than it used to be. What do you think about that ?
this refactoring is done. Merge with master is imminent
Current status
I am now at the point where everything is working fine again: the whole attribute layer has been carefully redesigned to include gui and parameter saving in an efficient and elegant way. All unittests are OK, and for the end-user, the API has only undergone minor changes:
New cool features:
That's all I can think of right now...
Issues fixed:
76 IIR gui -->I would say half of it, see below
65 module params should be uniformized --> That was the initial point
40 Renaming of variables (the part of it on numbering) --> All module index are now 1-based
36 Gui bug collections: I expect most of these bugs to be gone, and given the much cleaner gui code now, bug hunting in the gui should become a pleasure.
What is still left to do before pulling into master:
Make some new unittests to test the new functionalities.
With this huge cleanup in attribute saving, it becomes extremely easy to add save/restore states for each modules. for instance, if a new state for an iq is saved with name 'pdh', I suggest to create a section "iq__pdh" (2 underscores to avoid accidental collision with user module names) in the config file, that can be loaded to any of the 3 iq modules later on. Of course, for software modules, this will work perfectly fine as well since they use the same Attribute logic. Even cooler, we could choose to let the attribute save their modifications in the "active" state of each modules instead of the default state (eventually, there could be a flag "autosave=True/False" in each state).
Lockbox is still not re-included in the code (and that is probably the most important point of this post where I would need feedback): my plan is to encapsulate the lockbox functionality inside a software_module "lockbox" that would be accessed similar to the na or the spectrum_analyzer. I guess it would be nice to build a little bit upon the load/save state mechanism that I described above. For instance, it would make sense that when going into sweep mode, rather than having the lockbox slaving the scope (and thus blocking any gui input), to have the lockbox load the "sweep" state of the scope, allowing the user to make modifications on that state on the fly. The only time when the scope needs to be really slaved is when acquiring calibration curves (anyway, the "sweep" state could be used) Also since I believe each OutputSignal has an associated pid, why not to have a state "fast_piezo", "slow_piezo" (the output signal names) for the pids. These states would be loaded whenever the lockbox is set to a locking state (actually, in this case, we probably also want the iqs to be slaved because gains are really handled by the high-level lockbox module).
A possibility would be that the scope, iq, and iir states are only created once by the lockbox (and then eventually manipulated by the adult user) while the pids states are always overwritten to match the PI corner frequencies and other internal attributes of the lockbox (or maybe even better, not using states at all for the pids).
Long term evolution: