pysal / notebooks

jupyter/ipython notebooks demonstrating PySAL functionality
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[GENERAL] Write book builder #49

Open darribas opened 5 years ago

darribas commented 5 years ago

Development for this is currently taking place at the nbs2.0 branch of @darribas fork. The roadmap is sketched under the nbs2.0 tag. Opening this as an umbrella issue for more general discussions about what we want to do. To mark as completed when the project goes live.

slumnitz commented 5 years ago

A first though on pulling readme files from single projects. splot has a picture in it's readme which is currently not displayed in the book. Is it generally possible to also pull figures or is there a way to embed the figure into the readme so the book also sees it?

jGaboardi commented 5 years ago

@darribas For adding spaghetti into the jupyterbook infrastructure, would I simply add it into the packages.yml?


darribas commented 5 years ago

@jGaboardi Yes, that's right. Ideally, I want to get rid of that file and dynamically pull it from the PySAL meta package but, for now that it is. If you want to issue a PR, that'd be awesome. If no bandwidth, leave an issue at least and I'll get to it asap

@slumnitz Good catch! I'm not sure we can encode images on markdown cells. We could definitely pull in the images as now first pulls the entire repo (link), but we'd need to find a clever way to do it automatedly, swaping the directory paths so they get recognised. Is there any standard practice on the package template for storing images (like a fig folder in the root folder)? If there was, it'd be fairly straightforward to pull them in as well.

jGaboardi commented 5 years ago

@darribas I have a commit ready to push up to add spaghetti, but I am getting a permission denied error from git.

(py3_spgh_dev) wc-dhcp179d200:notebooks jgaboardi$ git push darribas darribas_master
Enter passphrase for key '/Users/jgaboardi/.ssh/id_rsa': xxxxxx
Counting objects: 4, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 1.01 KiB | 1.01 MiB/s, done.
Total 4 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (3/3), completed with 3 local objects.
 ! [remote rejected] darribas_master -> darribas_master (permission denied)
error: failed to push some refs to ''
darribas commented 5 years ago

That's right, I think you should fork my fork (darribas/notebooks) and issue a PR there, which I'll pull in. Alternatively, we can wait on this until #53 gets merged, and you can issue the PR directly to pysal/notebooks

jGaboardi commented 5 years ago

@darribas I was able to push up the commit to add spaghetti within #53