pysal / notebooks

jupyter/ipython notebooks demonstrating PySAL functionality
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Ordering of package notebooks #90

Open sjsrey opened 4 years ago

sjsrey commented 4 years ago

Currently the notebooks within a package are ordered alphabetically. For some packages this breaks the logical flow (pointpats for example).

One solution to this might be to have a in the package notebooks directory that lists the specific order by which the notebooks should be visited by an interested user. Alternatively, maybe a yaml file in that directory could serve the same purpose. Either way, the notebooks project would consume these files to set the ordering of the notebooks.

darribas commented 4 years ago

Thanks, good point! Another idea so it's all automatable would be to agree to have notebooks "numbered" on the notebooks folder of each package (e.g. 01_read_data.ipynb, 02_advanced_analysis.ipynb).

sjsrey commented 4 years ago

The numbering approach is a good way to go (imho).

sjsrey commented 4 years ago

Thanks, good point! Another idea so it's all automatable would be to agree to have notebooks "numbered" on the notebooks folder of each package (e.g. 01_read_data.ipynb, 02_advanced_analysis.ipynb).

For the notebook project, is there a limit on the number of notebooks per project?