pysal / spreg

Spatial econometric regression in Python
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Not being able to release to PyPI using release_and_publish.yml #49

Closed pedrovma closed 3 years ago

pedrovma commented 3 years ago

When I pushed a v.1.1.2 commit, it did update Zenodo, but not PyPI. Any help appreciated! Thanks.

jGaboardi commented 3 years ago

It seems that release_and_publish.yml has never actually been triggered. My first thought is that you are giving a commit message that follows the necessary text pattern ("v*"), but are not actually tagging the commit. As for the Zenodo update, that is tied to the GitHub release, so it is automatically bumped even with a manual release.

jGaboardi commented 3 years ago

For example, spaghetti's latest release was triggered by creating the 1.5.0 tag and pushing directly to pysal/spaghetti's master.

weikang9009 commented 3 years ago

It might have sth to do with setting up pypi passwords/credentials on GitHub? See Section: Saving credentials on GitHub

pedrovma commented 3 years ago

It might have sth to do with setting up pypi passwords/credentials on GitHub? See Section: Saving credentials on GitHub

I did add a token key to spreg:

I guess it may be the tag issue @jGaboardi mentioned. I've never worked with tags before. Maybe the best way to proceed would be to try to release a version 1.1.3?

jGaboardi commented 3 years ago

I think your best bet would be to start from either v1.1.2.post1 or v1.1.3.rc1 and iterate up (i.e. post2, post3, ...) until it gets working then an actual v1.1.3. This is what @knaaptime and I did. It took 14 attempts to get correctly in geosnap 13 attempts to get correctly in spaghetti.

jGaboardi commented 3 years ago

v1.1.2.post1 released correctly on GH and on pypi! The workflow processed successfully!

pedrovma commented 3 years ago

Awesome, thank you so much.