pysam-developers / pysam

Pysam is a Python package for reading, manipulating, and writing genomics data such as SAM/BAM/CRAM and VCF/BCF files. It's a lightweight wrapper of the HTSlib API, the same one that powers samtools, bcftools, and tabix.
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POS 0 cannot be written #1232

Open awgymer opened 9 months ago

awgymer commented 9 months ago

When trying to write a record that has POS 0 it throws a ValueError: Start coordinate must be non-negative because start is set to -1.

The issue is that POS 0 is a legitimate value according to the spec:

Telomeres are indicated by using positions 0

It should be noted that this record is one that is being created from an existing record that was read in fine. e.g. this breaks:

vcf.new_record(start=old_record.start, stop=old_record.stop)
Manuel-DominguezCBG commented 9 months ago

I have a similar issue. I have developed a code that identify reads that are completely soft-clipped (e.g. 150S) See code below

import pysam
import re
import sys
import os

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print("Usage: python input_bam_path")

# Input BAM file path provided as a command-line argument
input_bam_path = sys.argv[1]

# Generate the output BAM file path
output_directory = os.path.dirname(input_bam_path)
input_filename = os.path.basename(input_bam_path)
output_filename = input_filename.replace(".bam", "_improved.bam")
output_bam_path = os.path.join(output_directory, output_filename)

# Additional parameters
POS = 0
FLAG = 4  # Set FLAG to indicate an unmapped read
RNAME = -1  # Set RNAME to -1 to indicate unmapped
MAPQ = 0
CIGAR = "*" # Set CIGAR to '*' to indicate no cigar string
RNEXT = -1  # Set RNEXT to -1 to indicate no "next read"
PNEXT = -1  # Set PNEXT to -1 to indicate no "next position"
TLEN = 0    # Set TLEN to 0 to indicate no template length

#print(f"Flag: {FLAG}")
#print(f"MAPQ: {MAPQ}")
#print(f"RNAME: {RNAME}")
#print(f"RNEXT: {RNEXT}")
#print(f"PNEXT: {PNEXT}")
#print(f"TLEN: {TLEN}")

# Open input BAM file
input_bam = pysam.AlignmentFile(input_bam_path, "rb")

# Open output BAM file for writing
output_bam = pysam.AlignmentFile(output_bam_path, "wb", header=input_bam.header)

total_reads = 0
changed_reads = 0

for read in input_bam:
    total_reads += 1

    # Check if the CIGAR string matches the pattern: <number>S
    cigar_string = read.cigarstring
    if cigar_string and re.match(r'^\d+S$', cigar_string):
        # Print the read before modification
        print("DURING MODIFICATION:")
        print(f"Flag-Before: {read.flag}")
        read.flag = FLAG
        print(f"Flag: {read.flag}")

        print(f"POS-Before: {read.pos}")
        read.pos = POS
        print(f"POS: {read.pos}")

        print(f"MAPQ-Before: {read.mapping_quality}")
        read.mapping_quality = MAPQ
        print(f"MAPQ: {read.mapping_quality}")

        print(f"RNAME-Before: {read.rname}")
        read.rname = RNAME
        print(f"RNAME: {read.rname}")

        print(f"RNEXT-Before: {read.rnext}")
        read.rnext = RNEXT
        print(f"RNEXT: {read.rnext}")

        print(f"PNEXT-Before: {read.pnext}")
        read.pnext = PNEXT
        print(f"PNEXT: {read.pnext}")

        print(f"TLEN-Before: {read.tlen}")
        read.tlen = TLEN
        print(f"TLEN: {read.tlen}")

        print(f"CIGAR-Before: {read.cigarstring}")
        read.cigarstring = CIGAR
        print(f"CIGAR: {read.cigarstring}")

        # Print the read after modification
        print("AFTER MODIFICATION:")
        print(f"Flag: {read.flag}")
        print(f"MAPQ: {read.mapping_quality}")
        print(f"RNAME: {read.rname}")
        print(f"RNEXT: {read.rnext}")
        print(f"PNEXT: {read.pnext}")
        print(f"TLEN: {read.tlen}")
        print(f"POS: {read.pos}")

        changed_reads += 1

    # Write the modified or unmodified read to the output BAM file

# Close the input and output BAM files

# Print the total and changed reads counts
print("Total reads in the BAM file:", total_reads)
print("Changed reads:", changed_reads)

This doesn't return any error. However, the reason is that the 0 is not properly written.

In my code the print statements return a 0 in POS. HOWEVER, I had a validation after this with ValidateSamFile and this retunr this

ERROR::INVALID_ALIGNMENT_START:Record 1699229, Read name ML-PT1-10:12:000H00CHL:1:13107:9070:8182, Alignment start should be 0 because reference name = *.

and then when I look at this read, there is a one