pysat / pysatCDAAC

pysat support for CDAAC instruments
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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ENH: xarray support for COSMIC GPS #18

Closed rstoneback closed 2 years ago

rstoneback commented 3 years ago

Addresses #1 by including support for loading COSMIC GPS data into xarray. Full testing of this pull requires incorporating existing pulls, namely #14 and #17, as well as updates to GitHub actions and such :)

In [1]: import pysat                                                                                                                                                                                                        

In [2]: gps = pysat.Instrument('cosmic', 'gps', 'ionprf', update_files=True, altitude_bin=5.)                                                                                                                               

In [3]: gps.load(2008, 1)                                                                                                                                                                                                   
<ipython-input-3-bb6939bfe4e3>:1: UserWarning: Metadata set to defaults, as they were missing in the Instrument
  gps.load(2008, 1)

In [4]:                                                                                                                                                                                                            
Dimensions:           (RO: 172, time: 1199)
    MSL_alt           (time, RO) float64 51.46 55.6 61.09 65.21 ... nan nan nan
    GEO_lat           (time, RO) float64 34.3 34.33 34.36 34.38 ... nan nan nan
    GEO_lon           (time, RO) float64 -85.61 -85.62 -85.64 ... nan nan nan
    OCC_azi           (time, RO) float64 131.1 131.0 130.8 130.6 ... nan nan nan
    MSL_bin_alt       (time, RO) float64 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 ... nan nan nan nan
  * time              (time) datetime64[ns] 2008-01-01T00:08:16.000083968 ......
Dimensions without coordinates: RO
Data variables:
    ELEC_dens         (time, RO) float64 nan nan nan nan nan ... nan nan nan nan
    TEC_cal           (time, RO) float64 19.15 18.31 17.49 17.8 ... nan nan nan
    occ_id            (time) float64 1.0 1.0 1.0 nan nan ... nan 1.0 1.0 nan 1.0
    fiducial_id       (time) object '' '' '' nan nan '' ... nan nan '' '' nan ''
    reference_sat_id  (time) float64 0.0 0.0 0.0 nan nan ... nan 0.0 0.0 nan 0.0
    occulting_sat_id  (time) float64 8.0 20.0 31.0 nan nan ... 4.0 21.0 nan 8.0
    year              (time) float64 2.008e+03 2.008e+03 ... nan 2.008e+03
    month             (time) float64 1.0 1.0 1.0 nan nan ... nan 1.0 1.0 nan 1.0
    day               (time) float64 1.0 1.0 1.0 nan nan ... nan 1.0 1.0 nan 1.0
    hour              (time) float64 0.0 0.0 0.0 nan nan ... 23.0 23.0 nan 23.0
    minute            (time) float64 8.0 11.0 11.0 nan ... 54.0 55.0 nan 57.0
    second            (time) float64 16.0 4.0 29.0 nan nan ... 39.0 55.0 nan 7.0
    offset            (time) float64 0.0 0.0 0.0 nan nan ... nan 0.0 0.0 nan 0.0
    shortlen          (time) float64 430.0 453.0 451.0 nan ... 510.0 nan 479.0
    setting           (time) float64 0.0 0.0 0.0 nan nan ... nan 1.0 1.0 nan 1.0
    icalib            (time) float64 1.0 1.0 1.0 nan nan ... nan 1.0 0.0 nan 1.0
    botnum            (time) float64 1.0 1.0 1.0 nan nan ... nan 1.0 1.0 nan 1.0
    bottime           (time) float64 8.832e+08 8.832e+08 ... nan 8.833e+08
    botlct            (time) float64 18.41 7.499 9.174 nan ... 10.19 nan 8.033
    botalt            (time) float64 51.46 42.13 52.45 nan ... 1.9 nan 1.099
    botlat            (time) float64 34.3 21.31 24.43 nan ... 21.79 nan 18.94
    botlon            (time) float64 -85.61 110.0 135.1 nan ... 153.5 nan 120.8
    botaz             (time) float64 131.1 -124.9 -117.6 ... -175.9 nan 27.99
    topnum            (time) float64 430.0 453.0 451.0 nan ... 510.0 nan 479.0
    toptime           (time) float64 8.832e+08 8.832e+08 ... nan 8.833e+08
    toplct            (time) float64 18.28 8.827 8.938 nan ... 8.176 nan 8.296
    topalt            (time) float64 857.4 832.2 831.8 nan ... 836.3 nan 835.0
    toplat            (time) float64 39.96 16.93 14.71 nan ... 37.25 nan 30.38
    toplon            (time) float64 -89.7 127.7 129.2 nan ... 126.0 nan 127.3
    topaz             (time) float64 104.5 -165.3 -116.1 nan ... 143.1 nan 56.32
    edmaxtime         (time) float64 8.832e+08 8.832e+08 ... nan 8.833e+08
    edmaxlct          (time) float64 18.38 7.705 9.147 nan ... 9.901 nan 8.064
    edmaxalt          (time) float64 257.1 218.2 226.6 nan ... 225.2 nan 209.7
    edmaxlat          (time) float64 35.47 20.57 23.06 nan ... 24.53 nan 20.79
    edmaxlon          (time) float64 -86.32 112.8 134.3 nan ... 149.5 nan 121.7
    edmaxaz           (time) float64 124.4 -128.7 -117.5 ... -177.1 nan 33.52
    smear             (time) float64 725.8 1.912e+03 1.244e+03 ... nan 1.427e+03
    edmax             (time) float64 1.014e+05 2.987e+05 ... nan 3.143e+05
    critfreq          (time) float64 2.859 4.907 6.558 nan ... 6.906 nan 5.034
    tec0              (time) float64 2.477 5.767 8.661 nan ... 9.473 nan 5.971
    tec1              (time) float64 0.2999 0.7336 3.249 nan ... 1.075 nan 3.596
    edorbtime         (time) float64 8.832e+08 8.832e+08 ... nan 8.833e+08
    edorbalt          (time) float64 858.5 833.3 832.8 nan ... 837.3 nan 836.1
    edorb             (time) float64 7.127e+03 1.911e+04 ... nan 1.307e+04
    hscale            (time) float64 -999.0 -999.0 -999.0 ... 128.4 nan -999.0
    topfit            (time) float64 0.004766 0.009597 0.005782 ... nan 0.04341
    nmax              (time) float64 430.0 453.0 451.0 nan ... 510.0 nan 479.0
    fileStamp         (time) object 'C004.2008.001.00.07.G08' ... 'C002.2008....
    inverter          (time) object 'gmrion' 'gmrion' 'gmrion' ... nan 'gmrion'
    parmsfile         (time) object 'parms8' 'parms8' 'parms8' ... nan 'parms8'
    center            (time) object 'UCAR/CDAAC' 'UCAR/CDAAC' ... 'UCAR/CDAAC'
    mission           (time) object 'COSMIC' 'COSMIC' 'COSMIC' ... nan 'COSMIC'
    creation_time     (time) object '10-JUL-14 18:56' ... '10-JUL-14 18:56'
rstoneback commented 3 years ago

Somehow some commits from my other pull ended up in here. sigh

rstoneback commented 3 years ago

Marking this as ready for review as it is nominally complete. More accurately, the basic loading, cleaning, etc. is in there. Getting the tests to pass will be most effective after getting the previous pulls in.

rstoneback commented 3 years ago

Ensure time mangling, if still present, is noted in the docstring.

rstoneback commented 3 years ago

@jklenzing How do I add Instrument tests for a COSMIC feature keyword?

jklenzing commented 3 years ago

It depends on what you want to test. You can add tests under the main class. See starting at line 72. There i needed to test what happened if a custom keyword was passed through.

If you need to run the end-to-end tests, there should be a way of doing this in or after the generate_instrument_list function. This may need upstream changes at pysat.

rstoneback commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the info! I think the solution you offered is enough here. I added an issue over at pysat for a potential more complete solution.

rstoneback commented 3 years ago

friendly review check @jklenzing 🐈

jklenzing commented 3 years ago

Sorry about that. running into local issues with this branch. Downloading 2018 files which are being labeled as 2019 in cosmic.files.files. Not sure whether it's only here or develop as well.

rstoneback commented 3 years ago

Sorry about that. running into local issues with this branch. Downloading 2018 files which are being labeled as 2019 in cosmic.files.files. Not sure whether it's only here or develop as well.

No worries. Thanks for the bug report.

jklenzing commented 3 years ago

@rstoneback, looking at the other milestones for 0.1.0, we've got a way to go. Should I put together a 0.0.2 release candidate with the current changes for CEDAR? Or should we continue and release when ready?

aburrell commented 3 years ago

I think a 0.0.2 release would be preferable. It'd be good to have something people can use with pysat 3.0+.

rstoneback commented 3 years ago

My plan is to get something out for CEDAR and I have scheduled time for pysatCDAAC next week though that does make a tight schedule. With the other pull I have up which extends altitude binning to more datasets the current package is functional across COSMIC-1 and worth putting out there.

rstoneback commented 3 years ago

@jklenzing Can you post an example for me? I've checked all the supported file types with downloads covering days 1-4, 2018. The file list is working out on my end.

In [39]: gps = pysat.Instrument('cosmic', 'gps', 'gfsprf', update_files=True)                                                                                                                    

In [40]:, 1, 1), dt.datetime(2018, 1, 4))                                                                                                                          

In [41]: gps.files.files                                                                                                                                                                         
2018-01-01 00:31:00.060300032    2018/001/gfsPrf_C006.2018.001.00.31.G03_2016.1...
2018-01-01 00:37:00.061700096    2018/001/gfsPrf_C006.2018.001.00.37.G17_2016.1...
2018-01-01 00:37:00.062200064    2018/001/gfsPrf_C006.2018.001.00.37.G22_2016.1...
2018-01-01 00:40:00.061100032    2018/001/gfsPrf_C006.2018.001.00.40.G11_2016.1...
2018-01-01 00:41:00.060100096    2018/001/gfsPrf_C006.2018.001.00.41.G01_2016.1...
jklenzing commented 3 years ago

The issue came up when trying to download files over a year- boundary. Something like, 12, 30), dt.datetime(2019, 1, 4))

My files currently look like

In [13]: cosmic.files.files
2019-01-01 14:20:00.060199936    2019/001/ionPrf_C006.2019.001.14.20.G02_2016.1...
2019-01-01 14:20:00.061199872    2019/001/ionPrf_C006.2019.001.14.20.G12_2016.1...
2019-01-01 14:26:00.061899776    2019/001/ionPrf_C006.2019.001.14.26.G19_2016.1...
2019-01-01 14:42:00.062299904    2019/001/ionPrf_C006.2019.001.14.42.G23_2016.1...
2019-01-01 14:48:00.060300032    2019/001/ionPrf_C006.2019.001.14.48.G03_2016.1...
2019-12-31 20:13:00.061500160    2018/365/ionPrf_C006.2018.365.20.13.G15_2016.1...
2019-12-31 20:24:00.062400000    2018/365/ionPrf_C006.2018.365.20.24.G24_2016.1...
2019-12-31 20:40:00.061199872    2018/365/ionPrf_C006.2018.365.20.40.G12_2016.1...
2019-12-31 20:44:00.060199936    2018/365/ionPrf_C006.2018.365.20.44.G02_2016.1...
2019-12-31 20:52:00.060600064    2018/365/ionPrf_C006.2018.365.20.52.G06_2016.1...
rstoneback commented 3 years ago

Thanks! That is a problem.

I'm not getting the same behavior on my system. Diagnosis time.

In [49]:, 12, 30), dt.datetime(2019, 1, 4))                                                                                                                        

In [55]: gps.files.files[-650:-600]                                                                                                                                                              
2018-12-31 19:50:00.060999936    2018/365/ionPrf_C006.2018.365.19.50.G10_2016.1...
2018-12-31 20:07:00.062099968    2018/365/ionPrf_C006.2018.365.20.07.G21_2016.1...
2018-12-31 20:13:00.061500160    2018/365/ionPrf_C006.2018.365.20.13.G15_2016.1...
2018-12-31 20:24:00.062399744    2018/365/ionPrf_C006.2018.365.20.24.G24_2016.1...
2018-12-31 20:40:00.061200128    2018/365/ionPrf_C006.2018.365.20.40.G12_2016.1...
2018-12-31 20:44:00.060199936    2018/365/ionPrf_C006.2018.365.20.44.G02_2016.1...
2018-12-31 20:52:00.060600064    2018/365/ionPrf_C006.2018.365.20.52.G06_2016.1...
2019-01-01 14:20:00.060199936    2019/001/ionPrf_C006.2019.001.14.20.G02_2016.1...
2019-01-01 14:20:00.061200128    2019/001/ionPrf_C006.2019.001.14.20.G12_2016.1...
2019-01-01 14:26:00.061900032    2019/001/ionPrf_C006.2019.001.14.26.G19_2016.1...
2019-01-01 14:42:00.062299904    2019/001/ionPrf_C006.2019.001.14.42.G23_2016.1...
2019-01-01 14:48:00.060299776    2019/001/ionPrf_C006.2019.001.14.48.G03_2016.1...

2019-01-04 23:05:00.062200064    2019/004/ionPrf_C006.2019.004.23.05.G22_2016.1...
2019-01-04 23:23:00.063200000    2019/004/ionPrf_C006.2019.004.23.23.G32_2016.1...
2019-01-04 23:33:00.060999936    2019/004/ionPrf_C006.2019.004.23.33.G10_2016.1...
2019-01-04 23:35:00.063099904    2019/004/ionPrf_C006.2019.004.23.35.G31_2016.1...
2019-01-04 23:41:00.062000128    2019/004/ionPrf_C006.2019.004.23.41.G20_2016.1...
Length: 18149, dtype: object

I cleared my previous files and tried again from blank slate.

In [57]:, 12, 30), dt.datetime(2019, 1, 4))                                                                                                                        

In [58]: gps.files.files                                                                                                                                                                         
2018-12-30 00:04:00.062799872    2018/364/ionPrf_C006.2018.364.00.04.G28_2016.1...
2018-12-30 00:14:00.061700096    2018/364/ionPrf_C006.2018.364.00.14.G17_2016.1...
2018-12-30 00:20:00.062200064    2018/364/ionPrf_C006.2018.364.00.20.G22_2016.1...
2018-12-30 00:22:00.060100096    2018/364/ionPrf_C006.2018.364.00.22.G01_2016.1...
2019-01-04 23:05:00.062200064    2019/004/ionPrf_C006.2019.004.23.05.G22_2016.1...
2019-01-04 23:23:00.063200000    2019/004/ionPrf_C006.2019.004.23.23.G32_2016.1...
2019-01-04 23:33:00.061000192    2019/004/ionPrf_C006.2019.004.23.33.G10_2016.1...
2019-01-04 23:35:00.063100160    2019/004/ionPrf_C006.2019.004.23.35.G31_2016.1...
2019-01-04 23:41:00.062000128    2019/004/ionPrf_C006.2019.004.23.41.G20_2016.1...
Length: 891, dtype: object
jklenzing commented 3 years ago

Just tried a few tests where I delete all files and start from scratch. Happened in both cases:

pysat -- develop branch pysatCDAAC -- this branch and develop branch pandas -- 1.2.3 xarray -- 0.18.0

rstoneback commented 3 years ago

I was behind on my packages in comparison. I cloned my environment, upgraded xarray and pandas to the same version you have, and in another round upgraded to the absolute latest. I still get the correct file dates and times in either case....

What about numpy version?

jklenzing commented 3 years ago

numpy 1.19.0

rstoneback commented 3 years ago

Installed a close numpy, as well as the latest, no dice. Files keep working for me.

In [1]: import pysat
import da^[[A
In [2]: import datetime as dt

In [3]: gps = pysat.Instrument('cosmic', 'gps', 'ionprf', update_files=True)

In [4]: gps.files.files
Out[4]: Series([], dtype: object)

In [5]:, 12, 30), dt.datetime(2019, 1, 4))

In [6]: gps.files.files
2018-12-30 00:04:00.062799872    2018/364/ionPrf_C006.2018.364.00.04.G28_2016.1...
2018-12-30 00:14:00.061700096    2018/364/ionPrf_C006.2018.364.00.14.G17_2016.1...
2018-12-30 00:20:00.062200064    2018/364/ionPrf_C006.2018.364.00.20.G22_2016.1...
2018-12-30 00:22:00.060100096    2018/364/ionPrf_C006.2018.364.00.22.G01_2016.1...
2018-12-30 00:33:00.061400064    2018/364/ionPrf_C006.2018.364.00.33.G14_2016.1...
2019-01-04 23:05:00.062200064    2019/004/ionPrf_C006.2019.004.23.05.G22_2016.1...
2019-01-04 23:23:00.063200000    2019/004/ionPrf_C006.2019.004.23.23.G32_2016.1...
2019-01-04 23:33:00.061000192    2019/004/ionPrf_C006.2019.004.23.33.G10_2016.1...
2019-01-04 23:35:00.063100160    2019/004/ionPrf_C006.2019.004.23.35.G31_2016.1...
2019-01-04 23:41:00.062000128    2019/004/ionPrf_C006.2019.004.23.41.G20_2016.1...
Length: 891, dtype: object

In [7]: import numpy as np

In [8]: np.__version__
Out[8]: '1.19.2'
rstoneback commented 3 years ago

I did try to specifically get version 1.19 for numpy but specifying numpy=1.19.0 doesn't work and numpy=1.19 gets me numpy v 1.19.2. This is via conda.

rstoneback commented 3 years ago

I'm on python 3.7.6. What about netCDF4 version?

jklenzing commented 3 years ago

python 3.8.2, netCDF4 1.5.6

rstoneback commented 3 years ago

OK! I got through a fresh install and files are still looking good on my end. I don't have any other immediate ideas for things to try on my end. Open to suggestions of course and I'll give it some thought while poking at other issues.

Python 3.8.2 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Apr 24 2020, 07:56:27) 
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.24.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: import pysat

In [2]: gps = pysat.Instrument('cosmic', 'gps', 'ionprf', update_files=True)

In [3]: gps.files.files
Out[3]: Series([], dtype: object)

In [4]: import datetime as dt

In [5]:, 12, 30), dt.datetime(2019, 1, 4))

In [6]: gps.files.files
2018-12-30 00:04:00.062799872    2018/364/ionPrf_C006.2018.364.00.04.G28_2016.1...
2018-12-30 00:14:00.061700096    2018/364/ionPrf_C006.2018.364.00.14.G17_2016.1...
2018-12-30 00:20:00.062200064    2018/364/ionPrf_C006.2018.364.00.20.G22_2016.1...
2018-12-30 00:22:00.060100096    2018/364/ionPrf_C006.2018.364.00.22.G01_2016.1...
2018-12-30 00:33:00.061400064    2018/364/ionPrf_C006.2018.364.00.33.G14_2016.1...
2019-01-04 23:05:00.062200064    2019/004/ionPrf_C006.2019.004.23.05.G22_2016.1...
2019-01-04 23:23:00.063200000    2019/004/ionPrf_C006.2019.004.23.23.G32_2016.1...
2019-01-04 23:33:00.061000192    2019/004/ionPrf_C006.2019.004.23.33.G10_2016.1...
2019-01-04 23:35:00.063100160    2019/004/ionPrf_C006.2019.004.23.35.G31_2016.1...
2019-01-04 23:41:00.062000128    2019/004/ionPrf_C006.2019.004.23.41.G20_2016.1...
Length: 891, dtype: object
rstoneback commented 3 years ago

I created issue #24 to track the download and file issue. That bug is out of scope for this particular pull since no changes have been made to those lines here.

jklenzing commented 3 years ago

OK, the date corruption is still messing with this, but I've tried to fix it as best as I can. Deleted all data, downloaded only Jan 1 2014 data for ionprf.

Here's the data loaded:

Dimensions:           (time: 1041, RO: 672)
  * time              (time) datetime64[ns] 2014-01-01T00:07:28.000324096 ......
    MSL_alt           (time, RO) float64 76.56 78.86 81.15 83.45 ... nan nan nan
    GEO_lat           (time, RO) float64 23.49 23.52 23.54 23.56 ... nan nan nan
    GEO_lon           (time, RO) float64 136.9 136.8 136.8 136.8 ... nan nan nan
    OCC_azi           (time, RO) float64 -112.0 -112.1 -112.2 ... nan nan nan
Dimensions without coordinates: RO
Data variables: (12/53)
    occ_id            (time) float64 1.0 nan 1.0 nan nan ... 1.0 nan 1.0 nan 1.0
    fiducial_id       (time) object '' nan '' nan nan '' ... '' '' nan '' nan ''
    reference_sat_id  (time) float64 0.0 nan 0.0 nan nan ... 0.0 nan 0.0 nan 0.0
    occulting_sat_id  (time) float64 32.0 nan 26.0 nan nan ... nan 25.0 nan 17.0
    year              (time) float64 2.014e+03 nan 2.014e+03 ... nan 2.014e+03
    month             (time) float64 1.0 nan 1.0 nan nan ... 1.0 nan 1.0 nan 1.0
    ...                ...
    parmsfile         (time) object 'parms8' nan 'parms8' ... nan 'parms8'
    center            (time) object 'UCAR/CDAAC' nan ... nan 'UCAR/CDAAC'
    mission           (time) object 'COSMIC' nan 'COSMIC' ... nan 'COSMIC'
    creation_time     (time) object '13-SEP-14 04:01' nan ... '13-SEP-14 04:02'
    TEC_cal           (time, RO) float64 200.7 202.5 204.4 206.4 ... nan nan nan
    ELEC_dens         (time, RO) float64 nan nan nan nan nan ... nan nan nan nan

I'm also getting a user warning from pysat about metadata, which is presumably because we are converting attributes to variables when we sum across files. Not sure why so much data is being dropped.

rstoneback commented 3 years ago
In [9]: gps.load(2018, 365)
<ipython-input-9-17f90e0af544>:1: UserWarning: Metadata set to defaults, as they were missing in the Instrument
  gps.load(2018, 365)

In [10]:
Dimensions:           (RO: 490, time: 95)
  * time              (time) datetime64[ns] 2018-12-31T00:04:25.000145920 ......
    MSL_alt           (time, RO) float64 52.67 55.37 58.08 60.77 ... nan nan nan
    GEO_lat           (time, RO) float64 -36.9 -36.92 -36.93 ... nan nan nan
    GEO_lon           (time, RO) float64 -137.6 -137.7 -137.7 ... nan nan nan
    OCC_azi           (time, RO) float64 141.1 141.1 141.1 141.1 ... nan nan nan
Dimensions without coordinates: RO
Data variables: (12/53)
    occ_id            (time) float64 0.0 0.0 nan nan nan ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 nan 0.0
    fiducial_id       (time) object '    ' '    ' nan nan ... '    ' nan '    '
    reference_sat_id  (time) float64 -999.0 -999.0 nan nan ... -999.0 nan -999.0
    occulting_sat_id  (time) float64 14.0 31.0 nan nan nan ... 24.0 12.0 nan 6.0
    year              (time) float64 2.018e+03 2.018e+03 nan ... nan 2.018e+03
    month             (time) float64 12.0 12.0 nan nan ... 12.0 12.0 nan 12.0
    ...                ...
    parmsfile         (time) object 'parms8' 'parms8' nan ... nan 'parms8'
    center            (time) object 'UCAR/CDAAC' 'UCAR/CDAAC' ... 'UCAR/CDAAC'
    mission           (time) object 'COSMIC' 'COSMIC' nan ... nan 'COSMIC'
    creation_time     (time) object '06-APR-19 01:46' ... '06-APR-19 01:46'
    TEC_cal           (time, RO) float64 123.9 124.2 124.3 124.6 ... nan nan nan
    ELEC_dens         (time, RO) float64 1.687e+05 1.783e+05 ... nan nan

I'm also getting nans in occ_id and some others. When I check MSL_alt though all the starting altitudes are valid.

In [15]: gps[:, 0, 'MSL_alt']
<xarray.DataArray 'MSL_alt' (time: 95)>
array([52.66825104, 48.42986679, 58.19499207, 58.49398804, 58.96940231,
       46.29630661, 52.10069656, 63.45686722, 43.24747467, 56.62965012,
       44.27114487, 56.93402863, 54.12645721, 63.38557816, 55.27773666,
       50.20518494, 55.63033676, 37.34650421, 64.33950806, 55.44276428,
       53.65758514, 41.82579422, 51.86764145, 36.30073547, 39.68922424,
       55.43086624, 56.45871735, 43.15644836, 45.46442413, 50.55051804,
       64.1120224 , 48.71077347, 54.18301392, 57.50118256, 57.89498138,
       53.99144363, 47.18326569, 71.00965881, 54.10379791, 37.93962479,
       48.18090439, 61.35616684, 60.07112885, 57.65946579, 67.86323547,
       53.03757477, 42.25401306, 55.38709641, 47.97056198, 43.74263382,
       58.46900558, 43.55466843, 35.29411697, 58.04468536, 38.9177475 ,
       58.56344223, 46.8060379 , 52.69259644, 62.12597656, 53.95124054,
       59.46157455, 46.85376358, 45.90418625, 66.72284698, 39.32769394,
       54.50231552, 44.27587128, 49.54469299, 64.52571106, 72.15966034,
       41.98462677, 40.15797806, 51.29039764, 56.70417023, 62.16763306,
       40.00085068, 58.69358063, 47.50477219, 52.33638   , 56.17718506,
       44.95435715, 56.55222321, 43.51290131, 56.54217911, 43.90591049,
       59.87452698, 47.56930161, 57.19068146, 39.97000504, 38.92786026,
       41.8406868 , 53.08489227, 66.14324188, 54.96273422, 48.13269424])
  * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 2018-12-31T00:04:25.000145920 ... 2018-12-...
    MSL_alt  (time) float64 52.67 48.43 58.19 58.49 ... 53.08 66.14 54.96 48.13
    GEO_lat  (time) float64 -36.9 -57.23 -61.48 -39.93 ... -36.68 -26.27 -2.639
    GEO_lon  (time) float64 -137.6 -95.67 -6.29 -15.29 ... 44.23 54.11 72.18
    OCC_azi  (time) float64 141.1 86.54 39.58 13.32 ... 86.59 13.06 14.3 31.85

I'm going to have to come back to this. I've got some checkout work to do before 8/31. I'd expect some nans in the coordinate variables near the end. I had to extend all profiles to the longest profile length for the day.

jklenzing commented 2 years ago

Initial checks using the pysat branch at pysat/pysat#913:

File issues are solved. Loaded 'ionprf' for 2008 (Jan 1, Jan 31, Dec 30, Dec 31) and inspected total points versus files. Dates chosen to span leap year issues. When loaded with clean_level='none', points match in all cases.

def num_files(inst, year, month, day):
    ind1 = inst.files.files.index.year == year
    ind2 = inst.files.files.index.month == month
    ind3 = == day
    print(sum(ind1 & ind2 & ind3))
jklenzing commented 2 years ago

Verified this loads as expected for 'scnlvl1' for the same dates.

jklenzing commented 2 years ago

Going to start working on a branch downstream of this. Recommend we merge this is in to develop and treat other major changes as new branches.

rstoneback commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the reminder that this was already ready already 🐒