pyscaffold / pyscaffoldext-markdown

⬇️ PyScaffold extension which replaces reStructuredText by Markdown
MIT License
12 stars 4 forks source link

putup --markdown stopped working for me #59

Closed wpd closed 1 month ago

wpd commented 1 month ago

Description of your problem

This was working sometime ago in the past 6 months, but some combination of brainrot, bitrot, or package upgrades has made it stop working for me. I am going to say "It doesn't work for me", and I anticipate that you would respond with, "but it does work for me". Mainly, I am looking for clues for where to look to fix my environment to get back to the point where it works for me.

Please provide a minimal, self-contained, and reproducible example.

$ putup --markdown project_md
usage: putup [-h] [-n NAME] [-p PACKAGE_NAME] [-d TEXT] [-l LICENSE] [-u URL] [-f] [-U] [-V] [-v] [-vv] [-P] [--list-actions] [--cirrus]
             [--config CONFIG_FILE [CONFIG_FILE ...] | --no-config] [--save-config [SAVE_CONFIG]] [--github-actions] [--gitlab] [-i]
             [--namespace NS1[.NS2]] [--no-pyproject] [--no-skeleton] [--no-tox] [--pre-commit] [--venv [VENV]]
             [--venv-install PACKAGE [PACKAGE ...]]
putup: error: unrecognized arguments: --markdown

Please provide any additional information below.

Versions and main components

$ putup --version
PyScaffold 4.5

$ pip3 list
/usr/bin/pip3:6: DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API. See
  from pkg_resources import load_entry_point
Package                       Version              Location                               
----------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------
alabaster                     0.7.13               
apturl                        0.5.2                
argcomplete                   1.8.1                
atomicwrites                  1.1.5                
attrs                         23.2.0               
Babel                         2.13.0               
beautifulsoup4                4.8.2                
bitarray                      2.8.5                
bitstring                     4.1.4                
blinker                       1.4                  
bmap-tools                    3.5                  
Brlapi                        0.7.0                
cached-property               1.5.1                
catkin-pkg                    0.4.23               
catkin-pkg-modules            0.4.23               
cattrs                        23.2.3               
cbor                          1.0.0                
cbor2                         5.5.1                
cct                           1.0.0                /home/wpd/src/python_playground/cct/src
certifi                       2019.11.28           
chardet                       3.0.4                
charset-normalizer            3.3.0                
checkbox-support              0.22                 
chrome-gnome-shell            0.0.0                
Click                         7.0                  
colcon-argcomplete            0.3.3                
colcon-bash                   0.4.2                
colcon-cd                     0.1.1                
colcon-cmake                  0.2.26               
colcon-common-extensions      0.2.1                
colcon-core                   0.6.1                
colcon-defaults               0.2.5                
colcon-devtools               0.2.2                
colcon-library-path           0.2.1                
colcon-metadata               0.2.5                
colcon-notification           0.2.13               
colcon-output                 0.2.12               
colcon-package-information    0.3.3                
colcon-package-selection      0.2.10               
colcon-parallel-executor      0.2.4                
colcon-pkg-config             0.1.0                
colcon-powershell             0.3.6                
colcon-python-setup-py        0.2.7                
colcon-recursive-crawl        0.2.1                
colcon-ros                    0.3.21               
colcon-test-result            0.3.8                
colcon-zsh                    0.4.0                
colorama                      0.4.3                
command-not-found             0.3                  
configobj                     5.0.6                
ConfigUpdater                 3.1.1                
cov-core                      1.15.0               
coverage                      4.5.2                
cryptography                  2.8                  
cupshelpers                   1.0                  
cycler                        0.10.0               
dblatex                       0.3.11py3            
dbus-python                   1.2.16               
defer                         1.0.6                
distlib                       0.3.0                
distro-info                   0.23+ubuntu1.1       
docker                        4.1.0                
docker-compose                1.25.0               
dockerpty                     0.4.1                
docopt                        0.6.2                
docutils                      0.20.1               
ecdsa                         0.18.0               
empy                          3.3.2                
entrypoints                   0.3                  
esbonio                       0.16.3               
esptool                       4.6.2                
exceptiongroup                1.2.0                
feedparser                    5.2.1                
flake8                        3.7.9                
gpg                           1.13.1               
html5lib                      1.0.1                
httplib2                      0.14.0               
idna                          2.8                  
imagesize                     1.4.1                
importlib-metadata            6.8.0                
indicator-cpufreq             0.2.2                
iotop                         0.6                  
Jinja2                        3.1.2                
jsonschema                    3.2.0                
keyring                       18.0.1               
kiwisolver                    1.0.1                
language-selector             0.1                  
lark-parser                   0.7.2                
launchpadlib                  1.10.13              
lazr.restfulclient            0.14.2               
lazr.uri                      1.0.3                
linkify-it-py                 2.0.2                
louis                         3.12.0               
lsprotocol                    2023.0.0             
lxml                          4.5.0                
macaroonbakery                1.3.1                
Mako                          1.1.0                
markdown-it-py                3.0.0                
MarkupSafe                    2.1.3                
matplotlib                    3.1.2                
mccabe                        0.6.1                
mdit-py-plugins               0.4.0                
mdurl                         0.1.2                
more-itertools                4.2.0                
myst-parser                   2.0.0                
netifaces                     0.10.4               
nose2                         0.9.1                
notify2                       0.3                  
numpy                         1.21.0               
oauthlib                      3.1.0                
olefile                       0.46                 
onboard                       1.4.1                
packaging                     23.2                 
padme                         1.1.1                
pexpect                       4.6.0                
Pillow                        7.0.0                
pip                           20.0.2               
platformdirs                  3.11.0               
pluggy                        0.13.0               
protobuf                      3.6.1                
psutil                        5.5.1                
py                            1.8.1                
pyasn1                        0.4.2                
pyasn1-modules                0.2.1                
pycairo                       1.16.2               
pycodestyle                   2.5.0                
pycups                        1.9.73               
pyflakes                      2.1.1                
pygls                         1.2.1                
Pygments                      2.16.1               
PyGObject                     3.36.0               
PyJWT                         1.7.1                
pymacaroons                   0.13.0               
PyNaCl                        1.3.0                
pyOpenSSL                     19.0.0               
pyRFC3339                     1.1                  
pyrsistent                    0.15.5               
PyScaffold                    4.5                  
pyscaffoldext-markdown        0.5                  
pyscard                       2.0.7                
pyserial                      3.5                  
pyspellchecker                0.7.3                
pytest                        4.6.9                
pytest-cov                    2.8.1                
python-apt                    2.0.1+ubuntu0.20.4.1 
python-dateutil               2.8.1                
python-debian                 0.1.36+ubuntu1.1     
python-gnupg                  0.5.2                
pytz                          2019.3               
pyxdg                         0.26                 
PyYAML                        5.3.1                
reedsolo                      1.7.0                
regex                         2019.8.19            
reportlab                     3.5.34               
requests                      2.31.0               
requests-unixsocket           0.2.0                
roman                         2.0.0                
rosdep                        0.20.0               
rosdep-modules                0.20.0               
rosdistro                     0.8.3                
rosdistro-modules             0.8.3                
rospkg                        1.2.10               
rospkg-modules                1.2.10               
screen-resolution-extra       0.0.0                
SecretStorage                 2.3.1                
setuptools                    68.2.2               
setuptools-scm                8.0.4                
simplejson                    3.16.0               
six                           1.15.0               
snowballstemmer               2.2.0                
soupsieve                     1.9.5                
sphinx                        7.1.2                
sphinxcontrib-applehelp       1.0.4                
sphinxcontrib-devhelp         1.0.2                
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp        2.0.1                
sphinxcontrib-jsmath          1.0.1                
sphinxcontrib-qthelp          1.0.3                
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.5                
system-service                0.3                  
systemd-python                234                  
texttable                     1.6.2                
tomli                         2.0.1                
tomlkit                       0.12.1               
typing-extensions             4.8.0                
ubuntu-drivers-common         0.0.0                
ubuntu-pro-client             8001                 
uc-micro-py                   1.0.2                
ufw                           0.36                 
unattended-upgrades           0.1                  
unity-scope-calculator        0.1                  
unity-scope-colourlovers      0.1                  
unity-scope-devhelp           0.1                  
unity-scope-gdrive            0.7                  
unity-scope-manpages          0.1                  
unity-scope-openclipart       0.1                  
unity-scope-tomboy            0.1                  
unity-scope-virtualbox        0.1                  
unity-scope-yelp              0.1                  
unity-scope-zotero            0.1                  
urllib3                       1.25.8               
usb-creator                   0.3.7                
vcstool                       0.2.15               
wadllib                       1.3.3                
wcwidth                       0.1.8                
webencodings                  0.5.1                
websocket-client              0.53.0               
wheel                         0.34.2               
xkit                          0.0.0                
XlsxWriter                    1.1.2                
zipp                          1.0.0 

All clues gratefully accepted :-)

wpd commented 1 month ago

Answering my own question...

Apparently, I (re)installed pyscaffold using pipx

$ pipx install pyscaffold

which installs pyscaffold in its own virtual environmented sandbox. If I want to install any pyscaffold extensions or python packages (such as the pyscaffoldext-markdown extension, I need to "inject" those packages into the pyscaffold sandbox with:

$ pipx inject pyscaffold pyscaffoldext-markdown

which all (now, finally) makes sense to me.

FlorianWilhelm commented 1 month ago

Thanks @wpd for taking the time to also answer your own question.

wpd commented 1 month ago

Well... it nerd-sniped me today... and it was more fun to figure that out than to do what I was supposed to be doing :-)