Open Svennemans opened 8 months ago
@Svennemans Thanks for the feedback. The instruction and dockerfile were not updated after the compilation changes. They are updated now in the master branch.
BTW, if you find adding any additional information in the instruction is useful for others, please feel free to create a PR.
@wxj6000 Thanks, the good news is that with the new dockerfile and compile steps, it does indeed compile.
The new instructions do not create the necessary wheels to "pip install" in another location, though. Which was the case I think with the How can this be achieved?
I tried to test inside the docker When I try to do the following inside the docker:
import pyscf
from gpu4pyscf.dst import rks
I get the following error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pyscf/gpu4pyscf/gpu4pyscf/", line 1, in <module>
from . import lib, grad, hessian, solvent, scf, dft
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pyscf/gpu4pyscf/gpu4pyscf/lib/", line 19, in <module>
from gpu4pyscf.lib import cupy_helper
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pyscf/gpu4pyscf/gpu4pyscf/lib/", line 28, in <module>
from gpu4pyscf.lib.cusolver import eigh, cholesky #NOQA
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pyscf/gpu4pyscf/gpu4pyscf/lib/", line 25, in <module>
_handle = device.get_cusolver_handle()
File "cupy/cuda/device.pyx", line 65, in cupy.cuda.device.get_cusolver_handle
File "cupy/cuda/device.pyx", line 66, in cupy.cuda.device.get_cusolver_handle
File "cupy/cuda/device.pyx", line 44, in cupy.cuda.device._get_device
File "cupy_backends/cuda/api/runtime.pyx", line 202, in cupy_backends.cuda.api.runtime.getDevice
File "cupy_backends/cuda/api/runtime.pyx", line 146, in cupy_backends.cuda.api.runtime.check_status
cupy_backends.cuda.api.runtime.CUDARuntimeError: cudaErrorInsufficientDriver: CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version
But anyway I do not want to run gpu4pyscf inside the compile docker, so I need to get a working install outside docker.
When I try to copy the gpu4pyscf outside the docker, in a conda env with pyscf and scipy/numpy/h5py/... preinstalled and try to run it there I get the following error:
>>> import pyscf
>>> from gpu4pyscf.dst import rks
/home/svennemans/Development/Python/CondaEnvs/PySCF/lib/python3.12/site-packages/cupy/ UserWarning: CuPy failed to preload library (/home/svennemans/Development/Python/CondaEnvs/PySCF/lib/python3.12/site-packages/cutensor/lib/ OSError ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
/home/svennemans/Development/Python/CondaEnvs/PySCF/gpu4pyscf/gpu4pyscf/lib/ UserWarning: using cupy as the tensor contraction engine.
warnings.warn(f'using {contract_engine} as the tensor contraction engine.')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/home/svennemans/Development/Python/CondaEnvs/PySCF/gpu4pyscf/gpu4pyscf/", line 1, in <module>
from . import lib, grad, hessian, solvent, scf, dft
File "/home/svennemans/Development/Python/CondaEnvs/PySCF/gpu4pyscf/gpu4pyscf/lib/", line 19, in <module>
from gpu4pyscf.lib import cupy_helper
File "/home/svennemans/Development/Python/CondaEnvs/PySCF/gpu4pyscf/gpu4pyscf/lib/", line 28, in <module>
from gpu4pyscf.lib.cusolver import eigh, cholesky #NOQA
File "/home/svennemans/Development/Python/CondaEnvs/PySCF/gpu4pyscf/gpu4pyscf/lib/", line 21, in <module>
from cupy_backends.cuda.libs import cusolver
ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
@Svennemans For the first issue, you would need nvidia-docker run ...
instead of docker
For the second issue, the compiled libraries in docker generally does not work in a different environment. If you would like to run it outside the docker environment, you can build gpu4pyscf
in your current environment. You will need to collect the build tools in gpu4pyscf/dockerfiles/compile/Dockerfile
and run the scripts in the instruction. You won't need to build the wheel and install. The following script in the instruction will let python
find gpu4pyscf
There is no a simple instruction to build a GPU package for different environments. The dockerfile was created for a "standard" environment. Be prepared for some issues.
@wxj6000 I'm curious then, how did you compile the binary packages that one can install without compiling?
@Svennemans The binary packages are built in manylinux environment. You can find the dockerfile and build script here. And you will also need to build cuda libxc. cuda libxc has to be compiled into a separated package, because we have to control the total package size.
Incase it is helpful I made a singularity image to build a version of this plugin for older computer capability and cuda11. You can build the binary wheel with the singularity shell and then pip install it wherever you want:
Thanks for the suggestions @wxj6000 and @sef43 , I'll try those for sure. Meanwhile, I've installed cuda toolkit and now the import statements are working fine for my compiled code. However I hit the next snag. I was continuing the "readme" example in an interactive Python shell:
import pyscf
from gpu4pyscf.dft import rks
atom ='''
O 0.0000000000 -0.0000000000 0.1174000000
H -0.7570000000 -0.0000000000 -0.4696000000
H 0.7570000000 0.0000000000 -0.4696000000
mol = pyscf.M(atom=atom, basis='def2-tzvpp')
mf = rks.RKS(mol, xc='LDA').density_fit()
e_dft = mf.kernel() # compute total energy
the last statement throws the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/home/svennemans/Development/Python/CondaEnvs/PySCF/gpu4pyscf/gpu4pyscf/scf/", line 583, in scf
File "/home/svennemans/Development/Python/CondaEnvs/PySCF/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pyscf/scf/", line 1580, in build
File "/home/svennemans/Development/Python/CondaEnvs/PySCF/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pyscf/scf/", line 2112, in check_sanity
return SCF.check_sanity(self)
File "/home/svennemans/Development/Python/CondaEnvs/PySCF/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pyscf/scf/", line 1570, in check_sanity
cond = lib.cond(s1e)
File "/home/svennemans/Development/Python/CondaEnvs/PySCF/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pyscf/lib/", line 923, in cond
return numpy.asarray([numpy.linalg.cond(xi) for xi in x])
TypeError: no implementation found for 'numpy.linalg.cond' on types that implement __array_function__: [<class 'cupy.ndarray'>]
Initial search seemed to indicate this may be a mismatch between cupy/numpy versions. For reference, this is my list of installed packages:
# Name Version Build Channel
_libgcc_mutex 0.1 main
_openmp_mutex 5.1 1_gnu
bzip2 1.0.8 h5eee18b_5
ca-certificates 2024.3.11 h06a4308_0
cupy-cuda12x 13.0.0 pypi_0 pypi
cutensor-cu12 2.0.1 pypi_0 pypi
expat 2.5.0 h6a678d5_0
fastrlock 0.8.2 pypi_0 pypi
geometric 1.0.2 pypi_0 pypi
h5py 3.10.0 pypi_0 pypi
ld_impl_linux-64 2.38 h1181459_1
libffi 3.4.4 h6a678d5_0
libgcc-ng 11.2.0 h1234567_1
libgomp 11.2.0 h1234567_1
libstdcxx-ng 11.2.0 h1234567_1
libuuid 1.41.5 h5eee18b_0
ncurses 6.4 h6a678d5_0
networkx 3.2.1 pypi_0 pypi
numpy 1.26.4 pypi_0 pypi
openssl 3.0.13 h7f8727e_0
pip 23.3.1 py312h06a4308_0
pyscf 2.5.0 pypi_0 pypi
python 3.12.2 h996f2a0_0
readline 8.2 h5eee18b_0
scipy 1.12.0 pypi_0 pypi
setuptools 68.2.2 py312h06a4308_0
six 1.16.0 pypi_0 pypi
sqlite 3.41.2 h5eee18b_0
tk 8.6.12 h1ccaba5_0
tzdata 2024a h04d1e81_0
wheel 0.41.2 py312h06a4308_0
xz 5.4.6 h5eee18b_0
zlib 1.2.13 h5eee18b_0
version of cuda toolkit (latest) = 12.4 Do you see any incompatibilities?
I guess you also compiled the latest pyscf. The master branch in github introduced some incompatibility with gpu4pyscf. You can either pip install pyscf==2.5.0 --upgrade --force-reinstall
or use any older version before this PR (
BTW, we just released gpu4pyscf v0.7.5. The new release supports older GPUs such as GTX 1080. You can pip3 install gpu4pyscf-cuda11x
or pip3 install gpu4pyscf-cuda12x
OK, pip install pyscf==2.5.0 --upgrade --force-reinstall
fixed the TypeError. Thanks.
After that I got a CudaError, but I was expecting that as I indeed have a Compute 6.1 card (GTX1080Ti)
Great news that gpu4pyscf v0.7.5 now supports compute 6+! I will update and recompile to see if that then fixes the CudaError.
FYI: my long term goal is to see if it's possible to create a working pyscf/gpu4pyscf combo on Windows, which is why I'm mainly interested in understanding the compilation steps rather than just get a working version on my Linux machine.
So I recompiled the cuda v12 code again with gpu4pyscf v0.7.5.
Running the example once again the previous CudaError was gone, but now I get this - which explicitly mentions an incompatibility of compute architecture below 70 for 'Cuda synchronisation primitives'...
Did you have a chance to check the binary images you created against a card with compute below 7? I'll test them just the same to see if that reproduces below error.
>>> e_dft = mf.kernel() # compute total energy
--- JIT compile log for cupy_jitify_exercise ---
cub/util_cpp_dialect.cuh(143): warning #161-D: unrecognized #pragma
Remark: The warnings can be suppressed with "-diag-suppress <warning-number>"
std/barrier(16): catastrophic error: #error directive: "CUDA synchronization primitives are only supported for sm_70 and up."
# error "CUDA synchronization primitives are only supported for sm_70 and up."
1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "cupy_jitify_exercise".
Compilation terminated.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/home/svennemans/Development/Python/CondaEnvs/PySCF/gpu4pyscf/gpu4pyscf/scf/", line 588, in scf
_kernel(mf, mf.conv_tol, mf.conv_tol_grad,
File "/home/svennemans/Development/Python/CondaEnvs/PySCF/gpu4pyscf/gpu4pyscf/scf/", line 404, in _kernel
File "/home/svennemans/Development/Python/CondaEnvs/PySCF/gpu4pyscf/gpu4pyscf/df/", line 63, in init_workflow
rks.initialize_grids(mf, mf.mol, dm0)
File "/home/svennemans/Development/Python/CondaEnvs/PySCF/gpu4pyscf/gpu4pyscf/dft/", line 83, in initialize_grids
ks.grids = prune_small_rho_grids_(ks, ks.mol, dm, ks.grids)
File "/home/svennemans/Development/Python/CondaEnvs/PySCF/gpu4pyscf/gpu4pyscf/dft/", line 52, in prune_small_rho_grids_
logger.debug(grids, 'Drop grids %d', grids.weights.size - cupy.count_nonzero(idx))
File "/home/svennemans/Development/Python/CondaEnvs/PySCF/lib/python3.12/site-packages/cupy/_sorting/", line 24, in count_nonzero
return _count_nonzero(a, axis=axis)
File "cupy/_core/_reduction.pyx", line 618, in cupy._core._reduction._SimpleReductionKernel.__call__
File "cupy/_core/_reduction.pyx", line 370, in cupy._core._reduction._AbstractReductionKernel._call
File "cupy/_core/_cub_reduction.pyx", line 689, in cupy._core._cub_reduction._try_to_call_cub_reduction
File "cupy/_core/_cub_reduction.pyx", line 526, in cupy._core._cub_reduction._launch_cub
File "cupy/_core/_cub_reduction.pyx", line 461, in cupy._core._cub_reduction._cub_two_pass_launch
File "cupy/_util.pyx", line 64, in cupy._util.memoize.decorator.ret
File "cupy/_core/_cub_reduction.pyx", line 240, in cupy._core._cub_reduction._SimpleCubReductionKernel_get_cached_function
File "cupy/_core/_cub_reduction.pyx", line 223, in cupy._core._cub_reduction._create_cub_reduction_function
File "cupy/_core/core.pyx", line 2254, in cupy._core.core.compile_with_cache
File "/home/svennemans/Development/Python/CondaEnvs/PySCF/lib/python3.12/site-packages/cupy/cuda/", line 484, in _compile_module_with_cache
return _compile_with_cache_cuda(
File "/home/svennemans/Development/Python/CondaEnvs/PySCF/lib/python3.12/site-packages/cupy/cuda/", line 562, in _compile_with_cache_cuda
ptx, mapping = compile_using_nvrtc(
File "/home/svennemans/Development/Python/CondaEnvs/PySCF/lib/python3.12/site-packages/cupy/cuda/", line 319, in compile_using_nvrtc
return _compile(source, options, cu_path,
File "/home/svennemans/Development/Python/CondaEnvs/PySCF/lib/python3.12/site-packages/cupy/cuda/", line 284, in _compile
options, headers, include_names = _jitify_prep(
File "/home/svennemans/Development/Python/CondaEnvs/PySCF/lib/python3.12/site-packages/cupy/cuda/", line 233, in _jitify_prep
File "cupy/cuda/jitify.pyx", line 212, in cupy.cuda.jitify._init_module
File "cupy/cuda/jitify.pyx", line 233, in cupy.cuda.jitify._init_module
File "cupy/cuda/jitify.pyx", line 209, in cupy.cuda.jitify._init_cupy_headers
File "cupy/cuda/jitify.pyx", line 192, in cupy.cuda.jitify._init_cupy_headers_from_scratch
File "cupy/cuda/jitify.pyx", line 264, in cupy.cuda.jitify.jitify
RuntimeError: Runtime compilation failed
@wxj6000 FYI I get the exact same catastrophic error when running the binary downloads - both v12 and v11.
std/barrier(16): catastrophic error: #error directive: "CUDA synchronization primitives are only supported for sm_70 and up."
# error "CUDA synchronization primitives are only supported for sm_70 and up."
@wxj6000 this might give an idea on what is wrong as of cupy v13:
I have downgraded cupy-cuda to v12.3.0 and then it runs fine. Tested with my compiled code of gpu4pyscf (v12), and with both binary downloads (gpu4pyscf-cuda12x / gpu4pyscf-cuda11x)
Suggestion: change the package dependencies for the binary downloads from requiring cupy-cuda v13.0.0 => cupy-cuda v12.3.0 until cupy v13.1.0 is released.
@Svennemans Thank you for bringing up the issue and testing the code. Some modules of the code are using the new APIs introduced in CuPy v13.0. Switching to CuPy v12.3 will break down some functionality. I am removing the version requirement of CuPy. People switch to different versions based on their use case.
The release of CuPy V13.1 is scheduled this month. The issue will be resolved by then.
@wxj6000 when trying to build wheels using docker images, failure on
737.6 ./ line 149: prune_118: command not found
30 | ADD
31 | >>> RUN bash ./ ${BASE_CUDA_VERSION} && rm
32 |
33 | ENV CUDA_HOME="/usr/local/cuda" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${CUDA_HOME}/lib64::${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c bash ./ ${BASE_CUDA_VERSION} && rm" did not complete successfully: exit code: 127
@Svennemans just remove prune_118
The image is available in (wxj6000/manylinux2014:cuda118)
I cannot get gpu4pyscf to compile inside the environment generated through 'dockerfiles/compile/Dockerfile'
Based on assumptions / trail and error I followed this scenario:
=> Are these steps correct? Or am I missing something already?
I suggest to add some instructions to get started with compiling to the Readme file
compile failed due to missing Fortran compiler - no fortran compiler found in docker env
Actions taken:
apt-get update && apt-get install gfortran
=> is this the correct Fortran compiler?
I Suggest to add proper Fortran compiler to docker 'compile' environment or add instructions for selecting/installing the correct compiler
Errors below, I currently haven't been able to find out what I am missing.