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TPyDelphiStyleManager does not contain SetStyle function #414

Closed fansxs closed 11 months ago

fansxs commented 1 year ago

TPyDelphiStyleManager does not contain SetStyle function,and an error occurred when I tried to wrap the SetStyle function.

pyscripter commented 1 year ago

What error did you get?

Could you please submit a test project?

fansxs commented 1 year ago

// Add a SetStyle function function TPyDelphiStyleManager.SetStyle_Wrapper( AArgs: PPyObject): PPyObject; var LName: PAnsiChar; begin with GetPythonEngine do begin if PyArg_ParseTuple(AArgs, 's:SetStyle', @LName) <> 0 then begin TStyleManager.SetStyle(string(LName)); Result := GetPythonEngine().ReturnNone(); end else Result := nil; end; end;

class procedure TPyDelphiStyleManager.RegisterMethods(PythonType: TPythonType); begin PythonType.AddMethod('LoadFromFile', @TPyDelphiStyleManager.LoadFromFileName_Wrapper, 'TStyleManager.LoadFromFile()'#10 + 'Loads a VCL style from a file'); PythonType.AddMethod('IsValidStyle', @TPyDelphiStyleManager.IsValidStyle_Wrapper, 'TStyleManager.IsValidStyle()'#10 + 'Check if a Vcl Style file is valid'); // Add PythonType.AddMethod('SetStyle', @TPyDelphiStyleManager.SetStyle_Wrapper, 'TStyleManager.SetStyle()'#10 + 'Set a VCL style from a file'); end;

Then build it into the pyd file, and test in python code, like this(DelphiVCL4Python samples, ... ... ... Then an error occurs: TT截图未命名 Thank you for your reply. : )

pyscripter commented 1 year ago

@lmbelo Could you please have a look at this?

pyscripter commented 11 months ago

You do not need to wrap the SetStyle method. It is available via RTTI.

>>> from delphivcl import *
>>> dir(StyleManager)