pyscripter / python4delphi

Free components that wrap up Python into Delphi and Lazarus (FPC)
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Using the DelphiVCL4Python library in Python Integerpreter causes ide to crash. #415

Closed fansxs closed 11 months ago

fansxs commented 1 year ago

In Python Interpreter, like this:

import delphivcl as vcl btn = vcl.Button(None) btn.Caption = 'hello world'

Then the ide doesn't respond.

Test environment: windows7 x64 and windows10 x64 PyScripter version: x64 Python version: 3.9 x64

pyscripter commented 1 year ago

This could be a PyScripter issue. Please update PyScripter to the latest version and report back if the error persists.

fansxs commented 1 year ago

I updated to and have the same problem.

pyscripter commented 1 year ago

@lmbelo Is this a delphivcl or a PyScripter issue?

pyscripter commented 1 year ago

@fansxs For the Windows 7 see also

Please try the update in that issue.

fansxs commented 1 year ago

ok, submit it to that issue.