pyscripter / python4delphi

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Pyhton4Delphi and streamlit #459

Closed arbsis closed 4 months ago

arbsis commented 4 months ago Hello, I'm using Demo PyChartHTML.dproj to generate charts and display in Edge. It was a success!

However, I would like to know if it is possible to run scripts using the streamlit library (

To execute it, you need a different command streamlit run instead of python

This command starts a server and provides the address http://localhost:8501/ to navigate the dashboard.

I tried to run it through the demo, but I get the error: 2024-02-26 00:19:14.196 WARNING streamlit: [33m[1mWarning:[0m to view a Streamlit app on a browser, use Streamlit in a file and run it with the following command: streamlit run [FILE_NAME] [ARGUMENTS]


pyscripter commented 4 months ago

Please use the support forum to ask such questions.

arbsis commented 4 months ago

Hello, I tried to use the forum, I registered correctly, I confirmed my email!

However, when trying to add a post, I receive an error message saying that my IP is on a likely spam list.

I tried to do it from 2 different locations, with different internet providers and I still get the alert and can't post.

I'm in Brazil.

pyscripter commented 4 months ago

Sorry, but I have no experience of streamlit and cannot help.