pystardust / ani-cli

A cli tool to browse and play anime
GNU General Public License v3.0
7.37k stars 529 forks source link

Not Working on OpenBSD #1263

Closed 0next closed 4 months ago

0next commented 5 months ago

Version: 4.7.4 OS: OpenBSD 7.4 Shell: zsh Anime: Serial Experiments Lain

Describe the bug When Running on OpenBSD, $ ani-cli lain Prints: "Checking dependencies..." Then returns 1 and quits.

I tried it with Arch Linux and it worked.

When I run " sh -x $(which ani-cli) lain" on it, it returns:

CoolnsX commented 5 months ago

let me spin up my freebsd VM.

71zenith commented 5 months ago

we had this issue before. the bsd cut does not act identical to gnu variant

CoolnsX commented 5 months ago

ah, yes it's there in logs sent above

printf %s wm2zBXuqhdKM7L7ALtSerial Experiments Lain (13 episodes)
cut -f1 #this didn't work properly on BSD
id=wm2zBXuqhdKM7L7ALtSerial Experiments Lain (13 episodes) #should be wm2zBXuqhdKM7L7AL
episodes_list wm2zBXuqhdKM7L7ALtSerial Experiments Lain (13 episodes) #should be wm2zBXuqhdKM7L7AL
[ -z ]
printf %s
nth Select episode: -m
[ -z ]
exit 1
port19x commented 5 months ago

ah, yes it's there in logs sent above

printf %s wm2zBXuqhdKM7L7ALtSerial Experiments Lain (13 episodes)
cut -f1 #this didn't work properly on BSD
id=wm2zBXuqhdKM7L7ALtSerial Experiments Lain (13 episodes) #should be wm2zBXuqhdKM7L7AL
episodes_list wm2zBXuqhdKM7L7ALtSerial Experiments Lain (13 episodes) #should be wm2zBXuqhdKM7L7AL
[ -z ]
printf %s
nth Select episode: -m
[ -z ]
exit 1

Can you check if it works with a space? Like cut -f 1 I'm surprised we don't have spaces in there

port19x commented 5 months ago

From man 1p cut image

xezo360hye commented 4 months ago

Hey there, another OpenBSD user out there, after a few hours of debugging I see that the first cause is not the cut itself but rather sed on line 190 which uses \t to insert tab, on which the next cut relies. While it works everywhere else, it somehow does not on OpenBSD, since \t inserts literal letter t there. If I replace it manually with actual tab symbol the next error appears from a similar cause on lines 197, 190, 141, 130, 120 and 116, where \n is used to insert newline. Here the fix would be to use \ and actual newline instead of \n, like this:

# Before
sed 's|,|\n|g; s|"||g'
# After
sed 's|,|\
|g; s|"||g'

Also seems like grep isn't doing well with escaped characters either, so I replaced \s with [[:space:]] on line 26. Everything tested on the latest commit e90dd8b on branch master. Below is the diff which sums this all up, I'd make a pull request but not sure if these changes will work on other platforms (and I kinda don't want to test this rn, might do in a few days on different Linux distros) or if there is a more elegant way around this issue since these newlines look really ugly to me at least

--- ani-cli     Wed Feb 14 16:10:37 2024
+++ ani-cli-fixed       Wed Feb 14 16:09:51 2024
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
     [ $# -ne 1 ] && shift && multi_flag="$1"
     line=$(printf "%s" "$stdin" | cut -f1,3 | tr '\t' ' ' | launcher "$multi_flag" "$prompt" | cut -d " " -f 1)
-    [ -n "$line" ] && printf "%s" "$stdin" | grep -E '^'"${line}"'($|\s)' | cut -f2,3 || exit 1
+    [ -n "$line" ] && printf "%s" "$stdin" | grep -E '^'"${line}"'($|[[:space:]])' | cut -f2,3 || exit 1

 die() {
@@ -113,11 +113,14 @@

 # extract the video links from reponse of embed urls, extract mp4 links form m3u8 lists
 get_links() {
-    episode_link="$(curl -e "$allanime_refr" -s "https://${allanime_base}$*" -A "$agent" | sed 's|},{|\n|g' | sed -nE 's|.*link":"([^"]*)".*"resolutionStr":"([^"]*)".*|\2 >\1|p;s|.*hls","url":"([^"]*)".*"hardsub_lang":"en-US".*|\1|p')"
+    episode_link="$(curl -e "$allanime_refr" -s "https://${allanime_base}$*" -A "$agent" | sed 's|},{|\
+|g' | sed -nE 's|.*link":"([^"]*)".*"resolutionStr":"([^"]*)".*|\2 >\1|p;s|.*hls","url":"([^"]*)".*"hardsub_lang":"en-US".*|\1|p')"
     case "$episode_link" in
             extract_link=$(printf "%s" "$episode_link" | cut -d'>' -f2 | sed 's|||g;s|\.urlset.*||g')
-            for j in $(printf "%s" "$episode_link" | sed -nE 's|.*/,([^/]*),/mp4.*|\1|p' | sed 's|,|\n|g'); do
+            for j in $(printf "%s" "$episode_link" | sed -nE 's|.*/,([^/]*),/mp4.*|\1|p' | sed 's|,|\
+|g'); do
                 printf "%s >%s\n" "$j" "$extract_link" | sed "s|,[^/]*|${j}|g"
             done | sort -nr
@@ -127,7 +130,8 @@
                 extract_link=$(printf "%s" "$episode_link" | head -1 | cut -d'>' -f2)
                 relative_link=$(printf "%s" "$extract_link" | sed 's|[^/]*$||')
-                curl -e "$allanime_refr" -s "$extract_link" -A "$agent" | sed 's|^#.*x||g; s|,.*|p|g; /^#/d; $!N; s|\n| >|' | sed "s|>|>${relative_link}|g" | sort -nr
+                curl -e "$allanime_refr" -s "$extract_link" -A "$agent" | sed 's|^#.*x||g; s|,.*|p|g; /^#/d; $!N; s|\
+| >|' | sed "s|>|>${relative_link}|g" | sort -nr
         *) [ -n "$episode_link" ] && printf "%s\n" "$episode_link" ;;
@@ -138,7 +142,8 @@
 # innitialises provider_name and provider_id. First argument is the provider name, 2nd is the regex that matches that provider's link
 provider_init() {
-    provider_id=$(printf "%s" "$resp" | sed -n "$2" | head -1 | cut -d':' -f2 | sed 's/../&\n/g' | sed 's/^01$/9/g;s/^08$/0/g;s/^05$/=/g;s/^0a$/2/g;s/^0b$/3/g;s/^0c$/4/g;s/^07$/?/g;s/^00$/8/g;s/^5c$/d/g;s/^0f$/7/g;s/^5e$/f/g;s/^17$/\//g;s/^54$/l/g;s/^09$/1/g;s/^48$/p/g;s/^4f$/w/g;s/^0e$/6/g;s/^5b$/c/g;s/^5d$/e/g;s/^0d$/5/g;s/^53$/k/g;s/^1e$/\&/g;s/^5a$/b/g;s/^59$/a/g;s/^4a$/r/g;s/^4c$/t/g;s/^4e$/v/g;s/^57$/o/g;s/^51$/i/g;' | tr -d '\n' | sed "s/\/clock/\/clock\.json/")
+    provider_id=$(printf "%s" "$resp" | sed -n "$2" | head -1 | cut -d':' -f2 | sed 's/../&\
+/g' | sed 's/^01$/9/g;s/^08$/0/g;s/^05$/=/g;s/^0a$/2/g;s/^0b$/3/g;s/^0c$/4/g;s/^07$/?/g;s/^00$/8/g;s/^5c$/d/g;s/^0f$/7/g;s/^5e$/f/g;s/^17$/\//g;s/^54$/l/g;s/^09$/1/g;s/^48$/p/g;s/^4f$/w/g;s/^0e$/6/g;s/^5b$/c/g;s/^5d$/e/g;s/^0d$/5/g;s/^53$/k/g;s/^1e$/\&/g;s/^5a$/b/g;s/^59$/a/g;s/^4a$/r/g;s/^4c$/t/g;s/^4e$/v/g;s/^57$/o/g;s/^51$/i/g;' | tr -d '\n' | sed "s/\/clock/\/clock\.json/")

 # generates links based on given provider
@@ -187,14 +192,16 @@
 search_anime() {
     search_gql="query(        \$search: SearchInput        \$limit: Int        \$page: Int        \$translationType: VaildTranslationTypeEnumType        \$countryOrigin: VaildCountryOriginEnumType    ) {    shows(        search: \$search        limit: \$limit        page: \$page        translationType: \$translationType        countryOrigin: \$countryOrigin    ) {        edges {            _id name availableEpisodes __typename       }    }}"

-    curl -e "$allanime_refr" -s -G "${allanime_api}/api" --data-urlencode "variables={\"search\":{\"allowAdult\":false,\"allowUnknown\":false,\"query\":\"$1\"},\"limit\":40,\"page\":1,\"translationType\":\"$mode\",\"countryOrigin\":\"ALL\"}" --data-urlencode "query=$search_gql" -A "$agent" | sed 's|Show|\n|g' | sed -nE "s|.*_id\":\"([^\"]*)\",\"name\":\"([^\"]*)\".*${mode}\":([1-9][^,]*).*|\1\t\2 (\3 episodes)|p"
+    curl -e "$allanime_refr" -s -G "${allanime_api}/api" --data-urlencode "variables={\"search\":{\"allowAdult\":false,\"allowUnknown\":false,\"query\":\"$1\"},\"limit\":40,\"page\":1,\"translationType\":\"$mode\",\"countryOrigin\":\"ALL\"}" --data-urlencode "query=$search_gql" -A "$agent" | sed 's|Show|\
+|g' | sed -nE "s|.*_id\":\"([^\"]*)\",\"name\":\"([^\"]*)\".*${mode}\":([1-9][^,]*).*|\1       \2 (\3 episodes)|p"

 # get the episodes list of the selected anime
 episodes_list() {
     episodes_list_gql="query (\$showId: String!) {    show(        _id: \$showId    ) {        _id availableEpisodesDetail    }}"

-    curl -e "$allanime_refr" -s -G "${allanime_api}/api" --data-urlencode "variables={\"showId\":\"$*\"}" --data-urlencode "query=$episodes_list_gql" -A "$agent" | sed -nE "s|.*$mode\":\[([0-9.\",]*)\].*|\1|p" | sed 's|,|\n|g; s|"||g' | sort -n -k 1
+    curl -e "$allanime_refr" -s -G "${allanime_api}/api" --data-urlencode "variables={\"showId\":\"$*\"}" --data-urlencode "query=$episodes_list_gql" -A "$agent" | sed -nE "s|.*$mode\":\[([0-9.\",]*)\].*|\1|p" | sed 's|,|\
+|g; s|"||g' | sort -n -k 1

xezo360hye commented 4 months ago

@0next please let me know if this solution worked for you as well

port19x commented 4 months ago

Thank you for investigating. Please consider making a pull request, we can do linux testing for you. The diff doesn't seem so large that this would be much of an undertaking.

0next commented 4 months ago

@xezo360hye sorry for the late reply, I've tested the new patch, and it seems to get farther, however doesn't work still.. It now shows fzf, and prompts for what anime I want to watch, but gives me numbers for choice.. And quits right after..

xezo360hye commented 4 months ago

@0next that's strange, it works perfectly fine for me. Could you please upload new debug info with sh -x ani-cli? Can you also verify if it's (α) working when you download instead of playing, and (β) when you preselect the title and episode with -e NUMBER TITLE? Also please enclose your terminal output in back quotes so that it does not appear as a list (since every line starts with +). By the way, it seems there is some other problem with sed which I noticed just now: it reports error about some "unterminated substitution pattern" while fetching links, but it doesn't break anything so I'll leave it as it is for now, should be investigated later on probably

@port19x since the OP says it doesn't work yet I'll continue working on this and will send pull request when ~I feel like it~ this will work for everyone and not just me

0next commented 4 months ago

Here's the output of sh -x ani-cli lain:

xezo360hye commented 4 months ago

Yeah I see why it's happening now, for some reasons GitHub decided to replace a literal tab character with multiple spaces in my diff. Thank you so much, piece of broken software. @0next check out my PR #1296 and try it out, should be fine now since cut -f1 relies on that tab

0next commented 4 months ago

Nice job! That worked perfectly! Just to be sure I tested it on my T400 running Arch; it worked fine as well! :+1: Now we just need to push the edits...

port19x commented 4 months ago

Thanks for confirming @0next