pystardust / ani-cli

A cli tool to browse and play anime
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Automatic encryption keys #649

Closed Derisis13 closed 2 years ago

Derisis13 commented 2 years ago

Gogo likes to ruin our fun more and more often. There's a pseudo-api for it already, we just need to use it. This api is updated automatically. Pros: The current way we deal with key changes is PRs and updates. This is a lot of work and a lot of delay compared to fetching the keys every time the script starts. Cons: We'd be relying on an external provider, when it'll end up breaking, it'll be more work to fix/figure out what to do. Also the codebase would grow.

nemo256 commented 2 years ago

This might be of some help.

port19x commented 2 years ago

This might be of some help.

I'm aware of the api and have confirmed over a month ago they could easily handle our traffic:

port19x commented 2 years ago

Gogo likes to ruin our fun more and more often. There's a pseudo-api for it already, we just need to use it. This api is updated automatically. Pros: The current way we deal with key changes is PRs and updates. This is a lot of work and a lot of delay compared to fetching the keys every time the script starts. Cons: We'd be relying on an external provider, when it'll end up breaking, it'll be more work to fix/figure out what to do. Also the codebase would grow.

The pseudo api seems promising. I think transitioning to scrape animixplay is preferable tho

Shinyzenith commented 2 years ago
import json
import os
import re
import requests

def main():
    res = requests.get("").text
    keys = re.findall(r"(?:container|videocontent)-(\d+)", res)
    if not keys:
    key, iv, second_key = keys
    data = {"key":key, "second_key":second_key, "iv": iv}

    with open("./keys.json", "w") as fd:
        json.dump(data, fd, indent=4, sort_keys=True)

if __name__=='__main__':

I extracted the key section from animdl repo, it's quite small and easy to maintain. This can run in CI and then ani-cli can just curl at runtime.

Just an idea ^

Splodienyancat commented 2 years ago

I remember seeing something about pulling the keys every other hour but why cant there just a command to pull the keys exist too. This may be a security issue though.

mdrokz commented 2 years ago
const CryptoJS = require('./crypto');
const $ = require('cheerio').load(require('fs').readFileSync('./streaming.php').toString());

const secret_value = $(`script[data-name="episode"]`).attr('data-value');

const key_iv = $("div[class*='container-']").attr('class').split('-').pop();
const second_key_id = $("div[class*='videocontent-']").attr('class').split('-').pop();
const key_id = $("body[class^='container-']").attr('class').split('-').pop();

const iv = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(key_iv);
const key = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(key_id);
const second_key = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(second_key_id);

const value = CryptoJS['AES'].decrypt(secret_value, key, { iv: iv });

const value_str = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.stringify(x);

const alias = value_str.substr(0, value_str.indexOf("&"));

const id = CryptoJS['AES'].encrypt(alias, key, { iv: iv }).toString();

console.log(alias, id, iv, key, second_key);

I also wrote this simple code in js to get the keys.

mdrokz commented 2 years ago

I implemented the same logic in my flutter app

the extracted keys work and im able to decrypt the stream link

relejek commented 2 years ago

This might be of some help.

Just throwing an idea in the mix. Will it be practical to build our own method for 'automatic encryption keys' yet have riimuru/gogoanime 's pseudo API as back up when any issue arises. We can remove the dependency on pseudo API after a few months of reliable run of native method.