Fixtrue pytest_bdd_after_scenario(scenario: Scenario):
All steps and scenarios has status failed=False, however test failed
and pytest_bdd_step_error fixture worked correct
[gw0] [ 25%] FAILED ui_steps/[chromium] <- venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pytest_bdd/ ##teamcity[testFailed timestamp='2022-11-21T12:32:51.881' details='cls = <class |'_pytest.runner.CallInfo|'>|nfunc = <function call_runtest_hook.. at 0x107211c10>|nwhen = |'call|'|nreraise = (<class |'_pytest.outcomes.Exit|'>, <class |'KeyboardInterrupt|'>)|n|n @classmethod|n def from_call(|n cls,|n func: "Callable|[|[|], TResult|]",|n when: "Literal|[|'collect|', |'setup|', |'call|', |'teardown|'|]",|n reraise: Optional|[|n Union|[Type|[BaseException|], Tuple|[Type|[BaseException|], ...|]|]|n |] = None,|n ) -> "CallInfo|[TResult|]":|n """Call func, wrapping the result in a CallInfo.|n |n :param func:|n The function to call. Called without arguments.|n :param when:|n The phase in which the function is called.|n :param reraise:|n Exception or exceptions that shall propagate if raised by the|n function, instead of being wrapped in the CallInfo.|n """|n excinfo = None|n start = timing.time()|n precise_start = timing.perf_counter()|n try:|n> result: Optional|[TResult|] = fu
Fixtrue pytest_bdd_after_scenario(scenario: Scenario): All steps and scenarios has status failed=False, however test failed
and pytest_bdd_step_error fixture worked correct
[gw0] [ 25%] FAILED ui_steps/[chromium] <- venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pytest_bdd/ ##teamcity[testFailed timestamp='2022-11-21T12:32:51.881' details='cls = <class |'_pytest.runner.CallInfo|'>|nfunc = <function call_runtest_hook.. at 0x107211c10>|nwhen = |'call|'|nreraise = (<class |'_pytest.outcomes.Exit|'>, <class |'KeyboardInterrupt|'>)|n|n @classmethod|n def from_call(|n cls,|n func: "Callable|[|[|], TResult|]",|n when: "Literal|[|'collect|', |'setup|', |'call|', |'teardown|'|]",|n reraise: Optional|[|n Union|[Type|[BaseException|], Tuple|[Type|[BaseException|], ...|]|]|n |] = None,|n ) -> "CallInfo|[TResult|]":|n """Call func, wrapping the result in a CallInfo.|n |n :param func:|n The function to call. Called without arguments.|n :param when:|n The phase in which the function is called.|n :param reraise:|n Exception or exceptions that shall propagate if raised by the|n function, instead of being wrapped in the CallInfo.|n """|n excinfo = None|n start = timing.time()|n precise_start = timing.perf_counter()|n try:|n> result: Optional|[TResult|] = fu