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Test works locally but fails when ran on Travis-CI #1017

Open Olamidun opened 2 years ago

Olamidun commented 2 years ago

Please for some reason one of my test is failing on Travis CI but passes locally.

This is the code for the test:

class TestCreateItem:
    def test_successful_item_creation(self, client, seller_token):
        Test for successful item creation

        GIVEN: A seller enters name, price, image and description of items
        WHEN: The seller submits the form
        THEN: They should get a success response of status code 201, A message that says 'Item has been created successfully'
        with open('tests/test_item/0_U8TbUaajSO7rXk1j.jpg', 'rb') as image:
            data = {
                "name": "An Item",
                "price": 15000.55,
                "description": "This is a random item",
                "image": image

            response ="/items/create_item", data=data, **seller_token)
            response_data = response.json()
            assert response.status_code == 201
            assert response_data["message"] == "Item has been created successfully"

When I run the test locally, it passes, but when it is ran on Travis CI it fails without any descriptive information as to what went wrong. Below is a snippet of the error:

tests/test_item/ ....                         [ 21%]
tests/test_seller/ ........                 [ 63%]
tests/test_item/ F......                              [100%]
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_________________ TestCreateItem.test_successful_item_creation _________________
self = CreateItemSerializer(data=<QueryDict: {'name': ['An Item'], 'price': ['15000.55'], 'description': ['This is a random i...digits=10)
    image = ImageField(max_length=100)
    description = CharField(style={'base_template': 'textarea.html'})
validated_data = {'description': 'This is a random item', 'image': <InMemoryUploadedFile: 0_U8TbUaajSO7rXk1j.jpg (image/jpeg)>, 'name': 'An Item', 'price': Decimal('15000.55'), ...}
    def create(self, validated_data):
        We have a bit of extra checking around this in order to provide
        descriptive messages when something goes wrong, but this method is
        essentially just:

            return ExampleModel.objects.create(**validated_data)

        If there are many to many fields present on the instance then they
        cannot be set until the model is instantiated, in which case the
        implementation is like so:

            example_relationship = validated_data.pop('example_relationship')
            instance = ExampleModel.objects.create(**validated_data)
            instance.example_relationship = example_relationship
            return instance

        The default implementation also does not handle nested relationships.
        If you want to support writable nested relationships you'll need
        to write an explicit `.create()` method.
        raise_errors_on_nested_writes('create', self, validated_data)

        ModelClass = self.Meta.model

        # Remove many-to-many relationships from validated_data.
        # They are not valid arguments to the default `.create()` method,
        # as they require that the instance has already been saved.
        info = model_meta.get_field_info(ModelClass)
        many_to_many = {}
        for field_name, relation_info in info.relations.items():
            if relation_info.to_many and (field_name in validated_data):
                many_to_many[field_name] = validated_data.pop(field_name)

>           instance = ModelClass._default_manager.create(**validated_data)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
self = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object at 0x7f6e234c47f0>, args = ()
kwargs = {'description': 'This is a random item', 'image': <InMemoryUploadedFile: 0_U8TbUaajSO7rXk1j.jpg (image/jpeg)>, 'name': 'An Item', 'price': Decimal('15000.55'), ...}
    def manager_method(self, *args, **kwargs):
>       return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
self = <QuerySet []>
kwargs = {'description': 'This is a random item', 'image': <InMemoryUploadedFile: 0_U8TbUaajSO7rXk1j.jpg (image/jpeg)>, 'name': 'An Item', 'price': Decimal('15000.55'), ...}
obj = <Items: An Item>
    def create(self, **kwargs):
        Create a new object with the given kwargs, saving it to the database
        and returning the created object.
        obj = self.model(**kwargs)
        self._for_write = True
>, using=self.db)

I would appreciate any pointers as to what the problem is