$ pytest --version
This is pytest version 3.4.1, imported from /home/mortenb/.pyenv/versions/3.6.4/envs/unity/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pytest.py
setuptools registered plugins:
pytest-repeat-0.4.1 at /home/mortenb/.pyenv/versions/3.6.4/envs/unity/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pytest_repeat.py
If I use --count=N
It runs the tests one time then issue this warning for the unittests it discovered:
UserWarning: Repeating unittest class tests not supported
"Repeating unittest class tests not supported")
There are two ways currently to repeat a unittest N times
./mytest.py T.test1 T.test1 .. N-1Time NTime
(not very practical when you want 1000 :-) )
Or you can like your own testrunner:
Ntimes = 10
testlist = [tfunc for tfunc in sorted(dir(T)) if callable(getattr(T, tfunc)) and str(tfunc).startswith('test')]
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
for t in testlist:
if t=='<testname to run>':
for i in range(Ntimes):
runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2, failfast=True)
If I use --count=N It runs the tests one time then issue this warning for the unittests it discovered:
There are two ways currently to repeat a unittest N times ./mytest.py T.test1 T.test1 .. N-1Time NTime (not very practical when you want 1000 :-) )
Or you can like your own testrunner: