pytest-dev / pytest-repeat

pytest plugin for repeating test execution
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Test with parametrize items ; how to repeat but launch fixture only between batch of test? #48

Closed ggrelet closed 8 months ago

ggrelet commented 3 years ago

I have a simple test with parametrize and fixture:

@pytest.parametrize("case", ["a","b","c"])
def test_1(case, my_fixture):
    print("test_1 case: {}".format(case))

def my_fixture():
    yield # Executed at the end of the test

Which pytest-repeat scope and pytest scope should I use if I want the following output?

test_1 case: a
test_1 case: b
test_1 case: c
test_1 case: a
test_1 case: b
test_1 case: c
test_1 case: a
test_1 case: b
test_1 case: c

So far I managed to have the following:

1- With pytest-repeat's scope="session" and pytest's scope="session"

test_1 case: a
test_1 case: b
test_1 case: c
test_1 case: a
test_1 case: b
test_1 case: c
test_1 case: a
test_1 case: b
test_1 case: c

2- With pytest-repeat's scope="session" and pytest's scope="function"

test_1 case: a
test_1 case: b
test_1 case: c
test_1 case: a
test_1 case: b
test_1 case: c
test_1 case: a
test_1 case: b
test_1 case: c

Thanks for your help.

RonnyPfannschmidt commented 3 years ago

That's currently not possible

ggrelet commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your prompt answer. I'll leave you to decide whether to close or let this issue open.

cladmi commented 1 year ago

Digging this one out.

A way to trigger this, I think, would be to add a __pytest_repeat_step_number argument to my_fixture. This way, each time its recreated, the fixture would be re-created too.

This could be provided as a non __ name prefixed fixture to make it an official way. This could also answer the issues of "how can I get the iteration number". => Just get the fixture.

Regarding plugin implementation, there is maybe a way to, from outside, add an argument to a fixture in the same way as its done for the functions metafunc.fixturenames.append

Could be interesting to have this for cases where my_fixture has side-effects that need to be repeated.

gogobera commented 1 year ago

I have a similar request as @ggrelet . I have a time-expensive configuration procedure for my system under test, and it seemed appropriate to execute this configuration in a session-scoped fixture, say

def expensive_configuration():
    important_results = do_the_things()
    return important_results

This is exactly what I think @cladmi is thinking about when they say "cases where my_fixture has side-effects that need to be repeated."

The fixture works well, for a single pass through the tests: Any subset of tests can be run in any order, and as they all declare config_fixture as a requirement (i.e., def test_one_of_many(expensive_configuration)), the configuration procedure will execute once before the first test that needs it, and the results which are collected are available to any test that runs after the first, without needing to re-execute the configuration.

However, in trying to use pytest-repeat, the issue becomes that any tests that rely on information recorded during the configuration would be run against that same recorded information, unless I can re-execute the fixture code.

Trying @cladmi's suggestion above seemed promising; however, it results (unsurprising in hindsight) in an error: "ScopeMismatch: You tried to access the 'function' scoped fixture '__pytest_repeat_step_number' with a 'session' scoped request object" from code like

def expensive_configuration(__pytest_repeat_step_number):
    important_results = do_the_things()
    return important_results

and, of course, it always feels wrong (one might say, is wrong?) to leverage double-underscored objects.

Then again, I might be misinterpreting the suggestion or overlooking something else obvious. Please correct me if I've missed something!

I somewhat wonder if the idea is at odds with the way pytest-repeat generates repeated tests. It seems like the suite really has no idea that it's performing repeated tests, but only that there are whole bunch of tests now, with unique names, and they all need to be executed. I'm no expert here, though, and I'd love to discover or develop a solution to this problem. Will post back here if I can think of anything.

cladmi commented 1 year ago

May bad, you are correct, as __pytest_repeat_step_number fixture does not have any scope set in the declaration, it will have a function scope.

One solution, with a code change in the plugin, would be to declare it with a dynamic scope.

def _scope(fixture_name, config):
    return config.option.repeat_scope

def __pytest_repeat_step_number(request):

Then __pytest_repeat_step_number can be used as a dependency to the session scoped fixture. And it works for me as expected.

Regarding the current implementation on how it is done, the fixture is enabled as if it was declared autouse=True, but indirectly because of side-effects

It is still the main way of duplicating tests, it is like a global pytest.mark.parametrize( that creates each iteration.

gogobera commented 1 year ago

I have a work-around in mind. It suits my needs a bit better than, perhaps, the needs of the OP, because I care about triggering when a test requires a new configuration, while they seem to be looking for cleanup once any particular parameterization is complete. Without more specific description of the problem, I don't think I could give a better answer, but I think this technique is fairly flexible (or a janky hack? (-: ) and could be tweaked to probably satisfy the needs of the OP's situation, even if it's not the cleanest.

With this code

import pytest 

@pytest.mark.parametrize("case", ["a","b","c"])
def test_1(case, my_fixture):
    print("test_1 case: {}".format(case))

def my_fixture():
    yield # Executed at the end of the test

I was able to essentially recreate the behavior described by the OP.

With this code, I was able to mock the desired behavior.

# scope_issues/
import pytest 

@pytest.mark.parametrize("case", ["a","b","c"])
def test_1(case, my_fixture):
    print("test_1 case: {}".format(case))

seen_counts = set()

def my_fixture(request, final_cleanup):
    global seen_counts
    test_count = count_from_name(request)
    if not seen_counts or test_count in seen_counts:
        # mocking "session" scope by bailing at this point
        # Either the first round or a repeat, so we do nothing.
        # This is the first of a new parameterization, and
        # we should clean up from the last one.

def final_cleanup():

def important_work():

def count_from_name(request) -> str:
    test_name =
    test_param_suffix = test_name.split("[")[-1].strip("]")
    test_count = "-".join(test_param_suffix.split("-")[-2:])
    # Test count is something like "3-5"
    return test_count


gogobera commented 1 year ago

Output from hacky code:

$ python3 -m pytest -s scope_issues/ --repeat-scope="session"
==== test session starts ====
platform linux -- Python 3.7.10, pytest-6.2.3, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /usr/bin/python3
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: <my root dir>, configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: repeat-0.9.1
collected 9 items                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

scope_issues/[a-1-3] test_1 case: a
scope_issues/[b-1-3] test_1 case: b
scope_issues/[c-1-3] test_1 case: c
test_1 case: a
scope_issues/[b-2-3] test_1 case: b
scope_issues/[c-2-3] test_1 case: c
test_1 case: a
scope_issues/[b-3-3] test_1 case: b
scope_issues/[c-3-3] test_1 case: c

===== 9 passed in 0.04s ====
gogobera commented 1 year ago

I do like @cladmi's idea of scoping __pytest_repeat_step_number better than what I've done. I'm not sure there's any reason to not adopt that change in the code.

I don't think I, personally, will be able to use any plugin code change for my project, and I'm relatively happy with how I can flexibly handle things this way.

(Test fixture could be tightened:)

def my_fixture(request, final_cleanup):
    global seen_counts
    test_count = count_from_name(request)
    if seen_counts and test_count not in seen_counts:
        # We've seen test code, but this is new test code,
        # and we need to clean up before it executes.
okken commented 11 months ago

I believe this would be solved by a missing scopes of pytest fixtures, namely "parametrize" scope.

okken commented 8 months ago

this really requires a change to pytest, so closing the issue

RonnyPfannschmidt commented 8 months ago

@okken the function definition scope already exists, the refactoring to have it Part of the collection tree is missing

okken commented 8 months ago

@RonnyPfannschmidt That's cool. Is that planned to be added to the collection tree anytime soon-ish? like 2024 sometime? or a "maybe someday"?

RonnyPfannschmidt commented 8 months ago

Currently it's a maybe sometime, I hope we can create a working version at the Sprint

Unfortunately function is quite the spaghetti monster, once the ctor refactoring is complete it as should be simpler

RonnyPfannschmidt commented 8 months ago

I was hoping to get some Experiments this week but I'm completely down with a bad cold/flu and chills

okken commented 8 months ago

Well. I'm glad it's on the radar. Also, sorry you're feeling crummy. I caught a mild something, but already on the rebound. I did get a chance over the holidays to try to add xfail tracebacks and xpass output to -rXx. pytest 11735 I want to try to merge it with pytest 11574 so sturmf gets some contribution credit, but I'm definitely not a github pr juggling expert