pytest-dev / pytest-rerunfailures

a pytest plugin that re-runs failed tests up to -n times to eliminate flakey failures
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Incompatible with pytest-timeout plugin #99

Open joaonc opened 4 years ago

joaonc commented 4 years ago

pytest-rerunfailures is not compatible with the pytest-timeout plugin.

Probably b/c the same pytest hooks are used. The first time, the timeout is observed, but when the test case re-runs, there's no timeout.

pytest-timeoutis more widely used and likely would be easier for the fix to be in this plugin if possible..

Here's a test that fails:

import pytest
pytest_plugins = 'pytester'

def test_pytest_timeout_compatibility_fails(testdir):
    Verifies the `pytest-rerunfailures` plugin is compatible with `pytest-timeout`
    plugin when the test case is not done in the allotted time.
        import time
        import pytest
        def test_times_out():
            assert True
    result = testdir.runpytest()
    outcome = result.parseoutcomes()
    assert outcome.get('rerun') == 1
    assert outcome.get('failed') == 1

When the test case re-runs, it ignores the timeout and passes.

Note: doesn't matter which decorator comes first (flaky or timeout), the behavior is the same.

jbms commented 3 years ago

The problem is indeed that the same hooks are used. I'm not sure pytest provides a clean way to solve this, other than by combining the two plugins so that the combined functionality can be implemented. However, there is a workaround:

If you run pytest with -o timeout_func_only=true, then the timeout is set in a different hook and is compatible with pytest-rerunfailures. This does change the behavior --- only the main test code will be subject to a timeout, not the setup, but for my purposes it works well enough.

sallner commented 3 years ago

@joaonc It could be possible to tinker with the order in @pytest.hookimpl. The question here would be whether a timeout should include the rerun of a test or not.

link2xt commented 2 years ago

Turns out timeout_func_only=true does not work with timeout_method = thread, but when changed timeout method to default (on Linux), the suggestion to use timeout_func_only=true worked:

jmspereira commented 11 months ago

Hey @sallner, do you have any news regarding this issue? pytest-rerunfailures is by far the most maintained pytest extension that does something like this, and it would be very useful if any timeout support would be added...

triders commented 7 months ago

Hi, folks. I've found a workaround, which worked fine for my case and may be helpful for others. I've added the --rerun-except Timeout argument to test runs so that the pytest-rerunfailures won't be triggered when tests have failed because of a global timeout.

addopts = --reruns=2 --rerun-except Timeout --timeout=120

jmspereira commented 7 months ago

Thanks @triders, but at least from my side what I would like to see is the timeout to be considered, not ignored. I.e., if I have a test that fails with timeout but is configured to rerun, I would like that each rerun would consider that timeout