Open bngo92 opened 6 years ago
I've encountered what may be another manifestation of this bug, only with parametrization. I'm doing some dynamic fixture creation based on command-line options. An autouse=True
session fixture takes this fixture as an argument:
def pytest_configure(config):
class DynamicFixturePlugin2(object):
@pytest.fixture(scope='session', params=['foo, 'bar'] if config.getoption('--foo') else [''])
def baz(self, request):
return request.param
config.pluginmanager.register(DynamicFixturePlugin2(), 'baz-fixture')
I realized that I accidentally created a test that uses that same name as a parameter.
@pytest.mark.parametrize('baz, ['foo', 'bar'])
def test(baz, ...):
This test just so happened to be the first test in the file it was in. If I then invoke pytest with this file as the first item in a list of test files and that test is the first test in that file, then I get the following error:
ScopeMismatch: You tried to access the 'function' scoped fixture 'baz' with a 'session' scoped request object, involved factories def autouse_fixture_that_depends_on_dynamic_fixture(request, baz, ...)
If it's not related, tell me and I'll file a separate bug.
def test_bar(foo): pass
def test_baz(): pass
____ ERROR at setup of testbar ____
____ ERROR at setup of testbaz ____