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'class' scope fixture invoke and teardown order issue in nested test class #5148

Open megachweng opened 5 years ago

megachweng commented 5 years ago


fixture name invoked and teardown every subclass method as I expect.

class TestClassTop:
    def name(self):
        print('   <<<< Invoke Name')
        print('   <<<< tear down')

    # def test_method_sub(self, name):  <--  comment it out
    #     pass

    class TestSubClassA:
        def test_sub_cls_method(self, name):

    class TestSubClassB:
        def test_sub_cls_method(self, name):

>>>    <<<< Invoke Name
PASSED   <<<< tear down    <<<< Invoke Name
PASSED   <<<< tear down

but fixture name invoked in TestClassTop.test_method_sub but teardown in TestClassTop.TestSubClassA.test_sub_cls_method

class TestClassTop:
    def name(self):
        print('   <<<< Invoke Name')
        print('   <<<< tear down')

    def test_method_sub(self, name):  # <--  uncomment it

    class TestSubClassA:
        def test_sub_cls_method(self, name):

    class TestSubClassB:
        def test_sub_cls_method(self, name):
>>>    <<<< Invoke Name
PASSED PASSED   <<<< tear down    <<<< Invoke Name
PASSED   <<<< tear down

And If I move TestClassTop.test_method_sub to the bottom, the result seems right.

class TestClassTop:
    def name(self):
        print('   <<<< Invoke Name')
        print('   <<<< tear down')

    class TestSubClassA:
        def test_sub_cls_method(self, name):

    class TestSubClassB:
        def test_sub_cls_method(self, name):

    def test_method_sub(self, name):
>>>    <<<< Invoke Name
PASSED   <<<< tear down    <<<< Invoke Name
PASSED   <<<< tear down    <<<< Invoke Name
PASSED   <<<< tear down


Python 3.6.8 Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.6

Package        Version 
-------------- --------
pytest         4.4.0   
atomicwrites   1.3.0   
attrs          19.1.0  
autopep8       1.4.4   
certifi        2019.3.9
chardet        3.0.4   
idna           2.8     
Jinja2         2.10.1  
MarkupSafe     1.1.1   
more-itertools 7.0.0   
peewee         3.9.4   
pip            18.1    
pluggy         0.9.0   
prettytable    0.7.2   
py             1.8.0   
pycodestyle    2.5.0   
PyJWT          1.7.1   
PyMySQL        0.9.3   
redis          3.2.1   
requests       2.21.0  
retrying       1.3.3   
setuptools     40.6.2  
six            1.12.0  
treker         0.0.2   
urllib3        1.24.1
asottile commented 5 years ago

I can confirm this behaviour, and I do agree it seems a little bit strange.

The "class" level fixture is being reused both for the test in the top level class as well as the first test in the nested class (but not the second one?)

This is also the first time I've seen nested test classes (!) I didn't even know that was a thing!

bluetech commented 1 year ago

I believe the problem lies in the code for request.node (FixtureRequest.node property). What it does for class scope is just look up the node tree until it finds a Class node, and returns it. However, because classes can be nested, this is not correct; it needs to find its own class.

Another collection node which can be nested is Package; that however does try to handle the nested aspect based on fixturedef.baseid. It currently does this incorrectly (ref #10993), but that's another matter. After fixing #10993 for packages, we should switch classes to use the same kind of code as package.

Test case:

import pytest

class TestTop:
    def fix_top(self, request):
        # Currently gives TestNested
        assert isinstance(request.node.obj, TestTop)

    class TestNested:
        def test_it(self, fix_top):
            assert False
bluetech commented 1 year ago

While the previous comment is correct, it is actually not the cause of the issue. The real cause is described in the technical note in #11205.